I know this is stupid but..

I can't help but feel upset.

On Sunday I was hit on by a guy at the cafeteria (I'm in college).
He seemed really nice so I invited him over to my dorm to play games with me and my friends.
The moment he came to the dorm he started acting like a total jerk. None of us could stand him and one of our friends that came over later told us that he hits on a ton of girls all the time and is always a jerk.

Now I know that I shouldn't let some jerk get into my head but I don't get hit on....ever.....like ever.
So when it happens I get really happy and it boost my self confidence so much. (unfortunately my self worth is far to connected to how the opposite sex feels about me) and just to find out that it was a lie.

To find I'm just another drop in the bucket hurts.

Makes me kind of hate guys and I'm avoiding guys for a while now.

Does any other girl feel this way?

And yes I know I am probably being an over emotional girl.


  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    That's why I'm gay. :laugh: No, women can be just as bad.

    I'd say, still take the compliment. Stay positiive. You'll find him eventually.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Take it as a compliment and move on. Now you know he is a jerk so don't talk to him any more.
  • barbalari
    barbalari Posts: 43 Member
    That's why I'm gay. :laugh: No, women can be just as bad.

    Ain't that the truth!! :laugh:
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    He is only one guy. Shake if off and move on. I had to date some ream jerks to finally get the right one.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Ok, so he's an *kitten*. So what? That doesn't make you unatractive or undesirable.
    You're going to meet lots of *kitten* in your life
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I really fail to see how some guy being a douche canoe is in anyway a reflection on other men or you.
  • amylittle1213
    amylittle1213 Posts: 7 Member
    The world is full of jerks who only want to make themselves feel good. I "dated" too many to count only because my self worth was also tied to how the opposite sex felt about me. It took a special kind of *kitten*, that is now in prison, to show me that I had to love myself before a REAL man could love me. It took time, and yes, I am still young, but I found the man I believed was created for me. And you will, also. Take the compliment, use it to remind yourself that you are beautiful and desirable, and that one day, your soul mate will find you. Just love yourself and the rest will come.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Advice from an old lady. If you don't value yourself neither will others. Hold your head up, look people in the eyes and smile. Life flies by, look at everything as an adventure.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Coming from a guy's standpoint, this fella you mentioned is just one loser out of many that you will encounter in your lifetime. Just know that there are some of us guys who were raised the right way and taught chivalry. Unfortunately, there are ALOT of bad weeds out there that hide the good ones. Keep your head up, you'll find a good guy... whether it's soon or a few years down the road. :)
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Surprise!! Not all guys are jerks, just like all women are not (whatever).

    Try not to let ANY moron get to you!!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    The world is full of jerks who only want to make themselves feel good. I "dated" too many to count only because my self worth was also tied to how the opposite sex felt about me. It took a special kind of *kitten*, that is now in prison, to show me that I had to love myself before a REAL man could love me. It took time, and yes, I am still young, but I found the man I believed was created for me. And you will, also. Take the compliment, use it to remind yourself that you are beautiful and desirable, and that one day, your soul mate will find you. Just love yourself and the rest will come.

  • Amanda_Tate28
    Amanda_Tate28 Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you. I am trying to learn to love myself but it is very difficult. But i dont want to be put in a bad place because of how I view myself.

    He just tried to text me so I am just going to ignore him and move on.

    Thank you again. I just really needed to vent. :/
  • denisegunnels
    denisegunnels Posts: 43 Member
    I've got a few more years under my belt than you do so listen up: He was a jerk before he met you. He was a jerk the night he came over and guess what??? He's still a jerk as I write this.You were just his most recent addition. Really, be grateful you found out so quickly and didn't waste any more of your time. What I'm trying to say is that there are a lot of creeps out there and you are going to run into them. The best advice I can give you is to immediately remove yourself from the vicinity of any jerks as soon as you figure out what/who they are.

    On how to prevent this from happening in the future:

    1. Own your own space. You invited an unknown quantity (said jerk) into your space and received an unexpected outcome. Never ask someone you've just met into a personal space, mentally, physically, or emotionally. Go out for coffee, meet at the library or a bar, but never bring someone to your home turf (work or home) until you know what/who you are dealing with. Trust me, actually knowing takes a lot longer than you would think.

    2. Protect your heart as you would your stuff. You wouldn't leave you phone or some clothing around for anyone to do what they wanted.

    3. Ditto your self esteem and self respect.

    4. Guy hitting on you??? Fine, that's nice but you have goals to achieve and stuff you want to do with your life. IF he's really interested he will persist. If he's just out to up his numbers he'll move on.

    Sound like I've been there and done that???? You betcha!! I was stomped on, mistreated, and disrespected until I finally figured out that I didn't really need a guy and that I could take care of myself. Around age 26 I got it. I learned to be happy with myself. Eventually, at 35, I married the most wonderful guy on the planet. He's not fabulously wealthy, he doesn't look like Brad Pitt (although he is pretty cute) but respects me and treats me like a queen and that, THAT RIGHT THERE is what you really need from a man.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I really fail to see how some guy being a douche canoe is in anyway a reflection on other men or you.


    be awesome. with no question- be awesome regardless of the circumstances around you.

    My awesomeness is NOT contingent upon anyone else or anything else in my life. I'm awesome because I'm awesome.

    just remember that- and say it to yourself.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Dude thought you are hot. Apart from popular stereotype pimps does not hit on everything what moves... just the hot stuff. Why not accept a compliment? You will feel like crap if you will focus on crap. It's totally your fault that you feel bad, not his, you choose it by focusing on wrong things. It's so easy to turn around!
  • lizc0616
    lizc0616 Posts: 68 Member
    Obviously he gave you a compliment for a reason, guys do NOT go out of their way to give compliments.. EVER. Keep your head up, confidence is a very attractive trait!!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Advice from an old lady. If you don't value yourself neither will others. Hold your head up, look people in the eyes and smile. Life flies by, look at everything as an adventure.

    You are not old :laugh: :tongue: :flowerforyou:
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Thank you. I am trying to learn to love myself but it is very difficult. But i dont want to be put in a bad place because of how I view myself.

    He just tried to text me so I am just going to ignore him and move on.

    Thank you again. I just really needed to vent. :/

    Glad you did not reply to his text. Nothing good can come of that. Great first step.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    There are jerks out there. But there are a lot of great guys too.

    Just move on. Not worth losing too much sleep over.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    It's not stupid. It is exciting to be hit on (feel special) and then awful to feel like just anyone. Just remember that some guys are great, some aren't. Just like everyone else on this earth. And because HE sucked doesn't mean YOU do. :) Keep going!! Chin UP. And interesting fact: I was hit on far more when I was overweight than I ever was when I got to a healthy body weight. (Lots of factors in there... marriage, attitude, etc) point being... you're worthy of the attention at any size. Embrace it! :)