Can we talk for a minute about "Cauliflower Rice"



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

    ^^ I'm still waiting for "Broccoli Rice." Love broccoli; hate cauliflower. :laugh: :laugh:
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I've done a fried cauliflower rice with my stir fry when I tried paleo for a month. It was pretty good. My wife loved it.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    IN to watch this play out.. for the record i love cauliflower anything.. still havent tried you hotdog yet acg

    it's mostly like this if you try it.


    LOL.. i need to try his cauliflower hot dog recipe..
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

    Ok, I will call it "small pieces of cauliflower used in the same way as rice" to appease you I guess.

    Or normal people can just call it cauliflower rice.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    Why not just eat cauliflower if you like it, eat rice if you like it, and please don't ruin pizza crust

    i eat it roasted, raw, pizza crust form, rice form, potato, cauliflowr mash..

    some of us CANT have reg crust.. it works well try it before you knock it.. its yummy.. lol
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Why not just eat cauliflower if you like it, eat rice if you like it, and please don't ruin pizza crust you're telling everyone to eat what they like, but to not use what they like in place of regular pizza crust...
  • kickassketo
    kickassketo Posts: 42 Member
    I'm making sushi with cauliflower rice this week! I sub cauliflower for all rice and potato dishes.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    mmm sounds good
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

    Ok, I will call it "small pieces of cauliflower used in the same way as rice" to appease you I guess.

    Or normal people can just call it cauliflower rice.

    Normal people eat actual rice. :flowerforyou:
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

    Ok, I will call it "small pieces of cauliflower used in the same way as rice" to appease you I guess.

    Or normal people can just call it cauliflower rice.

    Normal people eat actual rice. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, they do, and some like cauliflower and all it's versatile goodness as well. And some of us like both, even at the same time! gasp!
  • kickassketo
    kickassketo Posts: 42 Member
    "I don't like it when people don't eat the same things I do. I enjoy belittling them because it makes me feel better about myself. You're wrong to call little pieces of rice-sized and rice-shaped cauliflower 'cauliflower rice' and I'm going to make sure you know it! IT IS NOT RICE! IT IS NOT POTATO! You're not NORMAL!!11!!!"

    Holy crap. Can people just have a conversation about something they like to eat without others coming in and telling them that it's stupid?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Why not just eat cauliflower if you like it, eat rice if you like it, and please don't ruin pizza crust you're telling everyone to eat what they like, but to not use what they like in place of regular pizza crust...

    I just dislike the idea of calling it pizza- it's changed so much at that point I'm not sure it's pizza- pizza is pizza - that's my only downside... I don't' care what they use.
    I'm making sushi with cauliflower rice this week! I sub cauliflower for all rice and potato dishes.

    That actually sounds amazing. I would NEVER be bothered to do it- but damn does it sound good!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    "I don't like it when people don't eat the same things I do. I enjoy belittling them because it makes me feel better about myself. You're wrong to call little pieces of rice-sized and rice-shaped cauliflower 'cauliflower rice' and I'm going to make sure you know it! IT IS NOT RICE! IT IS NOT POTATO! You're not NORMAL!!11!!!"

    Holy crap. Can people just have a conversation about something they like to eat without others coming in and telling them that it's stupid?

    seriously. next up: Brussels sprout slaw, live and in the studio.
  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member
    I tried a version of the garlic mashed cauliflower recipe once - it promised that your family would never know it wasn't potatoes, so I did it to test that theory. My husband about DIED when he took a bite. I don't like the flavor of cauliflower at all, so I thought it was gross but it was worth it to get a mouthful into my husband's mouth for laughs if nothing else! :-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I tried a version of the garlic mashed cauliflower recipe once - it promised that your family would never know it wasn't potatoes, so I did it to test that theory. My husband about DIED when he took a bite. I don't like the flavor of cauliflower at all, so I thought it was gross but it was worth it to get a mouthful into my husband's mouth for laughs if nothing else! :-)

    that's actually a fabulous idea- i should try it- mostly because my bf is picky as hell and even if he didn't eat it- watching is reaction would be pretty amazing.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

    Ok, I will call it "small pieces of cauliflower used in the same way as rice" to appease you I guess.

    Or normal people can just call it cauliflower rice.

    Normal people eat actual rice. :flowerforyou:

    No, they eat what tastes good and works for their health. Cauliflower rice (notice that everyone has called it cauliflower rice, no one is trying to trick you into eating rice) is that for many people. People eating cauliflower rice doesn't take rice off your plate or something.

    It's like a bunch of children stamping their feet about broccoli in this thread.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cauliflower is cauliflower. It tastes good and is pretty dang healthy.

    It is NOT rice, pizza, mashed potatoes, or anything like that. So stop with the cauliflower "rice". Just call it small pieces of cauliflower!

    Ok, I will call it "small pieces of cauliflower used in the same way as rice" to appease you I guess.

    Or normal people can just call it cauliflower rice.

    Normal people eat actual rice. :flowerforyou:

    No, they eat what tastes good and works for their health. Cauliflower rice (notice that everyone has called it cauliflower rice, no one is trying to trick you into eating rice) is that for many people. People eating cauliflower rice doesn't take rice off your plate or something.

    It's like a bunch of children stamping their feet about broccoli in this thread.

    Why does NO ONE make broccoli rice? Broccoli is awesome! *stomps feet*
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I love Cauliflower Rice!! Taste sooo good!!!
  • juliacatherine1
    juliacatherine1 Posts: 71 Member
    I love all forms of cauliflower but I gave the cauliflower rice a try with my stir fry last night. DELICIOUS! And you can really work in the flavors to pair with what else you are making,. So i added ginger, onion and garlic. It was so tasty.

    And would you say it's tastier than actual rice?

    Well i wouldnt use it as a replacement, not trying to replace rice. I feel like it pairs better than rice with certain things, like stir fry.