Anyone just dieting (not working out)



  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    That's me for now. Gonna start lifting eventually, but for now I'm just dieting. One the one hand if I lift while cutting I won't lose as much muscle, on the other hand it'll mean spending a LONG time watching my lifts stay the same or go down, so I'm going to cut until I've lost a fair bit of my fat and then start lifting .

    Worst reasoning ever, but I'm only on page one. :noway:
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Well I am working out.. but I've dieted before and still lost and didn't exercise for awhile. I personally just feel better when I exercise. But there's nothing wrong with holding off.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    screw diets!! just dont eat white bread, pasta, potatoes, i avoid sugar, sodas etc. have cold showers, eat 5-6 times a day and drink a lot of green and ginger tea before meals. my advice, eat just from a category of foods, low carbs and high protein, switch from cheese to low fat cottage cheese, white bread to whole grain bread, snack before meals, dont take calories from sodas, be active in every way you can, take stairs, walk, etc. turn this to a lifestyle and u will see changes soon..


    Cottage cheese makes me throw up...and while I have had to take cold showers before...all they accomplished was making me more appreciative of a hot water heater.

    If someone told me I needed to take cold showers to get fit I think I'd rather be fat.


    I like cold soaks as part of my recovery sometimes...

    ...but that's to aid recovery *from* working out, not as a replacement *for* working out.

    And that lifestyle plan up there sounds like more of a restrictive diet than my current approach to eating.where I measure calories and hit macro targets. At least with my approach, I can eat whatever food I want...(but what do I know, right?)
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I was wondering if anyone else was like me and just loosing weight dieting alone. It seems like i'm the only one not working out along with the diet plan
    I'm another one that is mostly just watching what I eat and doing moderate-to-lazy exercise. I don't have small children to chase around or a job where I'm on my feet all day, so I do little things. I park at the edge of a parking lot and walk the extra steps to the store door; I take stairs instead of elevators or escalators; I go for the occasional walk or bike ride or go for a hike; nothing heavy-duty. Not that I advocate no exercise-- I need to do it, and it is good for me and will help me lose the last 10 lbs I need to lose. But I haven't taken the time and effort to make it a priority. This does mean, for me, that my weight loss will be slower. Okay. It's working for me for right now.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    You are walking 3-4 miles a day. That is way more than a lot of other people. That is exercising. Even fidgeting helps burning calories.
    Joining a gym and making a monetary commitment is not always enough to motivate one. But you made a decision to restrict your intake and follow through with it for a while. I have to ask if it was an easy -breeze thing to do. Probably not. Most likely you thought about it for a while, weight in pros and cons and than decided to go ahead and do it.
    Well, I think one needs to be in the right mind set, at the right time in order to make a long term commitment to start and maintain a working out ( cardio, strength, endurance , etc ) schedule.
    Take your time and when you are ready to go for it, you will.
    I just read this post and I say, yeah, this is good advice.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    screw diets!! just dont eat white bread, pasta, potatoes, i avoid sugar, sodas etc. have cold showers, eat 5-6 times a day and drink a lot of green and ginger tea before meals. my advice, eat just from a category of foods, low carbs and high protein, switch from cheese to low fat cottage cheese, white bread to whole grain bread, snack before meals, dont take calories from sodas, be active in every way you can, take stairs, walk, etc. turn this to a lifestyle and u will see changes soon..


    Cottage cheese makes me throw up...and while I have had to take cold showers before...all they accomplished was making me more appreciative of a hot water heater.

    If someone told me I needed to take cold showers to get fit I think I'd rather be fat.


    I like cold soaks as part of my recovery sometimes...

    ...but that's to aid recovery *from* working out, not as a replacement *for* working out.

    And that lifestyle plan up there sounds like more of a restrictive diet than my current approach to eating.where I measure calories and hit macro targets. At least with my approach, I can eat whatever food I want...(but what do I know, right?)

    Sorry Jof, but OUT for that too. :flowerforyou:

    You enjoy yours though.

    In for the second part.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I am! I'm a grad student and adding extra exercise often just isn't feasible. I live near campus so I walk there & home, but I don't do much more than that.

    I've had experiences in the past where I tried to totally change my life and start working out & eating completely different, and found that when I do that I'm way more likely to fall off the wagon because the changes are just too much. This time around I decided I would start slow, which meant first working on changing my eating habits. So far it's worked wonderfully, I've lost like 10-15 lbs since January and would say I've definitely made a lifestyle change on the diet front, and that was the initial goal! My reward for that success was to buy myself a Fitbit Flex so I could start tracking my walking and so I could be more motivated to do more if possible.

    I think it's perfectly fine to only diet. Slow and steady wins the race, and most of weight loss is about the diet anyways. If you can get used to eating at a calorie deficit, you will be successful. & you can always add in exercise later!
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    I was wondering if anyone else was like me and just loosing weight dieting alone. It seems like i'm the only one not working out along with the diet plan

    I used to be a fitness freak... sports 7 days a week, some days 2 or 3 different sports in a single day. Injuries happened. Time went on. *blah* *blah* *blah* Now, I'm having a difficult time getting back into working out. I got burned out. And, I'm working through old injuries that have just recently started causing pain again (because I put on the bulk of my excess weight just recently).

    The point of that was to give you my fitness history before saying... I'm getting healthy and losing weight without traditional "working out". I'm not perfect, but I'm working on my food consumption, mainly through eating smaller portions than I used to. (I've always liked healthy foods, along with "naughty foods"... just a lot of it.) I have my MFP activity level set on sedentary and log everything I do throughout the day... food prep/cooking, housework (cleaning, laundry, etc), stretching, physical therapy exercises (no weights, just my body weight), playing with my dog, etc. Another key thing for me is to have music playing while I work around the house and dance along with it!