*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    I got the this recently:

    "We didn't bother to ask you to join our weightloss challenge, you lack the ability for self-control".

    "Hey, there's doughnuts here this morning, you know you want one...."

    "We got sausage McMuffins, but since you are on a diet, you can't have any..."

    "Why are you juicing and eating healthy, you're going to to just gain it all back anyway..."


    Game on b*tches!!! 18 lbs. and counting.
  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member
    I got the this recently:

    "We didn't bother to ask you to join our weightloss challenge, you lack the ability for self-control".

    "Hey, there's doughnuts here this morning, you know you want one...."

    "We got sausage McMuffins, but since you are on a diet, you can't have any..."

    "Why are you juicing and eating healthy, you're going to to just gain it all back anyway..."


    Game on b*tches!!! 18 lbs. and counting.

    Love the attitude. Keep it up!
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    This thread makes me grateful I don't have friends like that. I probably got family like that, but those people live 1200 miles away. I could hear my aunt right now trying to convince me how some fad diet she is on is working.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My boss told me that if I kept running (or jogging as he called it) that my uterus would fall out. Thanks for the support. And many miles later that thing is right where it was when I started!!!!

    Bwahahahaha! I've been running for almost 25 years and mine's still in place and fully functional. :laugh:

    There are so many ignorant A-hole comments being shared in this thread. So entertaining. My response to these kinds of comments is usually just a raised eyebrow and a smirk. :huh: Man, that makes people feel so stupid - and they should be made to feel stupid for their rude, ignorant, and often completely bogus comments.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    My boss told me that if I kept running (or jogging as he called it) that my uterus would fall out. Thanks for the support. And many miles later that thing is right where it was when I started!!!!

    Bwahahahaha! I've been running for almost 25 years and mine's still in place and fully functional. :laugh:

    There are so many ignorant A-hole comments being shared in this thread. So entertaining. My response to these kinds of comments is usually just a raised eyebrow and a smirk. :huh: Man, that makes people feel so stupid - and they should be made to feel stupid for their rude, ignorant, and often completely bogus comments.

    With all the anti cardio talk going around your post is refreshing and encouraging!
  • AtHomeFitness4U
    "Have you tried that CRAZY wrap thing?!" Really? LOL
  • Bagelsan
    Bagelsan Posts: 49
    I hate getting told that "you should just listen to your body, it knows when to eat and what to eat" -- yeah, if I were a hunter-gatherer that ran 10 miles a day and starved all winter, then my body's tendency to gain weight and overeat would be awesome. 10,000 years and the invention of agriculture later, however, craving animal fat and pure sugar all the time isn't super helpful.
  • ChromeGaara
    "Youre young- you can focus on weight loss later in life! Youre fine"

    uh, no, im not. Being young is the perfect time to start! I dont wanna be 40 and barely able to move so stop telling me this ><
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    I used to get "How much have you lost now?" A vague would never satisfy either, they wanted exact pounds. Now I get, "You're so skinny!" Umm I'm just barely squeaking by a healthy weight, in fact some days I'm technically overweight and I've been stuck here for months. I am in no way, shape or form, "so skinny."
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I ate a giant scone with cream and jam the other day and deliberately put it on facebook so people would stop thinking I dont eat. Of course I got comments like "I hope your calorie counting that" or "you better run an extra mile to cover that" - Im just sitting there like, yeah ok, whatever. Im 4lbs away from my goal weight. NOT anorexic and eat well. I just happen to run alot
  • fitness_n00b
    "If you want to lose weight, why don't you join a gym? Working out at home obviously doesn't work."

  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    Me to a friend: "I've lost 12 lbs since Dec. 30!"
    Friend: "Oh, well you can't tell."

    C'mon, I've just told you something I'm proud of, you can't just say, "That's great! Congratulations!"???
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member

    Oh look.. a cookie!
  • FinallyDoingMe
    FinallyDoingMe Posts: 84 Member
    "Oh, but you're tall! You have a pretty face!"
    (like that makes the fact that I am obese acceptable?!)

    "Are you watching Dr. Oz? He always helps people like you."
    (no but I am glad people like ME are getting help from someone who tells those people to try this one day and that the other!)

    "What do you eat now?"
    (this has got me in stitches most days!)
  • fitness_n00b
    "I love my curves." Sorry people.. those aren't curves..

    SO MUCH THIS ^^^^^
  • JuanJax
    JuanJax Posts: 5
    I just tell them, "Really? Wonder why? Not doing much different. Nope, no diet. It may be that I'm depress" and just walk away...
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    A lady asked me what it was doing for workouts the other day and I listed off everything I do and I do a minimum of 30 minutes but most times it's closer to an hour....

    And she said... That's cute, that's usually what I do after my workouts when I'm just killing time...

    I always get people telling me what other diet I should be doing... If I ask it's one thing...but I'm never asking....

    Or the just this pizza won't hurt..... Or ice cream or cupcake.. Etc...

    Seriously? What an as5hat! "That's cute..." smh
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    This thread is awesome. I never really thought about how obnoxious people are when it comes to diet advice. Most of it falls in the category of "well-meaning" but ill-advised and unasked for... But geez... And people to do it about EVERYTHING.... you can find "what not to say" lists about mothering boys, mothering girls, mothering premies, being single, losing weight, grieving,... you name it, and people have almost always felt entitled to give "well-meaning" advice, especially family members...

    I remember once, when I was pregnant with my daughter, my granddfather said to me, "Think you're gonna hang onto this one?" because I had previously miscarried... He meant nothing by it, but people do not realize sometimes the impact of their words... and I am to the point in my life now where my BS meter is about full, so I'mma start TELLING THEM!
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    I've been on my journey for about 2 and a quarter odd years .....

    Hate hearing whats your secret - its called commitment to a cause

    Then i have had somebody who suddenly changed their eating patterns for a week - incorporated a green vegetable shake into their diet - saying, wow it works, i feel the difference already, my waiste is getting smaller .... like really, wtf dude! This is not a weekly or daily thing, its a lifestyle and if it were that easy then we'd all look like models now innit????

    As someone said - why do you wanna lose more weight

    Gym 5/6 days a week - is that not too much ....really, yes it is too much, especially after you told me how great i am looking now is it not .... the weight didn't magically disappear f##cker!
  • jimmason20
    jimmason20 Posts: 122 Member
    Whatever you do don't eat anything after 7 o'clock