9-5 workers



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Katie!!

    I work from 8:30-5:30 and then go home to take care of 2 kids. I fit my workouts in once I have put the kids to bed. By going later, the gym is less busy and I am able to use the machines I want right away rather than spending double time at the gym but having to wait most of the time. Unless I am able to make it to my favorite classes, then I will go right after work and put the kids in the daycare at the gym.
  • blucat
    I change every few months depending on how I feel or changes in circumstances.
    Each time-slot has it's pros and cons

    So either it's before work (6:30 - 7:30am) - my current schedule
    Lunchtime (12-1pm)
    After work (5:30 - 6:30pm)

    I go to the gym (which is about a 5 minute drive from where I work so it's convenient) and do either treadmill running or elliptical.
  • trixygirl
    I get up about 5:15 every morning. I do Turbo Jam workouts at home, usually 45 to 50 minutes and then I walk 3 miles, hit the shower and head to work. Something always happens when I try to do it after work. My kids are grown, but are still around. Someone always shows up at our house, kids, grandkids, friends. It never fails. So, I feel good knowing that I got my workout in early and am done. I think it helps me eat better during the day.
  • girlruns
    I work 8 to 5. I wake up at 5a.m. to get my workout in--mainly running with cross training or yoga a couple days a week. It is tough some mornings, but I don't have motivation after work. On weekends I get up when I want and then work out.
  • cberen
    Work out whenever you will actually work out. Whenever you have the most energy and it feels good to get some activity in. If you're a morning person, working out first thing in the AM is great because you KNOW if nothing else, you worked out, even if life gets crazy the rest of the day.

    Working out in the evening after work is great too because it allows you to de-stress after work instead of going home and snacking to relieve stress. Plus it can reduce your appetite.
  • turboandrea
    I work 8:30/9:00-5:30/6:00 p.m. M-F. I also work about 40 minutes away from my home. Wednesdays and Fridays I teach Turbo Kick for an hour at a local (to work) fitness studio at 6:45 p.m. Mon, Tues, Wed I get home usually at 6, eat dinner with the boy, then usually start my at-home workout around 8 p.m. I use programs such as Turbo Fire from Beachbody because I simply don't have the money for an expensive gym or the time to drive there. Time is very precious to me. Thursdays are my rest days. Saturday and Sunday we have breakfast then workout sometime before lunch.

    It IS possible but I've only had success by dedicating to workout out at night. It sucks and he works out before me due to opposite schedules, but it is what it is. I'd rather be fit than accommodated.
  • elloradannon
    We leave the house at 7 AM and get back around 5 M-F. Here is my exercise schedule

    M- spinning class 5-6 AM
    Tues- rest day
    Wed- 5-6 AM weights/cardio workout
    Thurs- 6-7 PM Zumba
    Fri- rest day
    Sat- 9:30-11 AM Abs and Turbo kickboxing classes
    Sun- 1 hour (whenever) weights/cardio

    I also TRY to fit in a long distance run sometime during the weekend. I like doing the morning workouts during the work week (other than Thurs night for ZUmba) because I'm just too tired after dinner to get out again. Hope this helps
  • mamaleo1976
    mamaleo1976 Posts: 21 Member
    I work 8:30-5pm but leave my house at 7:30am to drop off my son at daycare and do not get home until 6:15-6:30pm. I usually do my workout after I put my son to bed which is between 830-9pm. I usually do my workouts from Comcast Ondemand because they are free, they have a excercise area and I will usually rotate between a few different workouts. Jilian Michaels 30 day shred and Amy Dixon's "Give Me 10" are my favorite. JM is a 30 min workout and GM10 are only 10 minute workouts, so those are usually the easiest to fit into my schedule. Good luck :)
  • e1ny
    e1ny Posts: 29
    SummerJoy makes a good point above: "Having children makes a big difference."

    So I usually don't make it to the gym until 9pm or 9:30pm. I don't like working out that late, but my husband works out in the morning. To be honest, even if he didn't work out some mornings, he isn't great about waking up to take care of the kids and get them ready in the morning, so that seems to fall to me. The good news is that being at the gym at that time of night keeps me from snacking at home, and when I get back I don't want to eat stuff that is bad for me. The gym is very close to home fortunately.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Work 7-4pm but have an hour commute each way. I work out at either 5:30 or 6:30pm after work. That's the only time I have.
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I don't have kids yet so that is not a complication for me.
    However, i do work 7:30-4:00.
    I do meal planning, and plan out my meals, so that cuts down on the grocery shopping time and cooking time. I premake my snacks, so I don't have to spend time thinking about what to eat before I work out. Then I make sure i have enought with me for the day.
    I also schedule in group fitness classes. I do zumba 3 times a week. Haveing them at a scheduled time really helps me be able to stay on track.

    Throw a 15 minute walk into your lunch. You can easily do 1 to 1.5 miles in 15 minutes.

    Don't go home after work, just head straight to where ever your work out is going to be.

    I sometimes change into my work out clothes at work, then head to where every my work out is. It's like changing gears at the end of your day. That is next on your schedule. If I go home to go and walk, then I only go inside to go to the bathroom, grab my ipod and i am back out the door again.

    Try going to a park on nice days, especially if you change your clothes after work. It is so relaxing to get away from your usual scenery.
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    I do "mini" workouts and they all add up at the end of the day. I get two 10 minute breaks and a half hour lunch break. On my 10 minute breaks I either walk around the office, jog up and down the stairs, or go in a conference room and do jumping jacks squats or crunches. On lunch i'll go for a brief walk. Also try to walk around the office as much as possible; use the copy or fax machine on another floor and take the stairs; walk to co-workers desk insted of phoning or emailing them. At the end of my work day i'll have in at least 30 minutes of exercise. If you really want to exercise, you'll find the time.... Good Luck! :)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Well I'm a little bit of a fitness fanatic so I get up at 4:15am workout then I also workout right after work. I just changed some things in my life to make time to become fit. I dont watch tv so i can workout till about 6 or 630pm then have dinner maybe watch an hour of a movie or get other stuff done and go to bed. This also keeps me busy so that I dont overeat. I make time to workout about 2 to 2.5 hours a day while working 2 jobs and playing softball 4 nites a week ( softball is NOT included in my daily workout, thats fun time for me)
  • gurlondrums
    I'm not 9-5, but I am 7-4. Working out in the morning is too tough for me. I have difficulty enough getting up at 5, showering, planning out my food for the day, and heading off to work. I usually go right after work with my friend because once I get home, it gets harder to get back up and go to the gym. I have a 3-year-old son who didn't see me all day and wants attention and then I also have to cook dinner, do laundry, and work for 1-2 hours on the computer for my 2nd job. So once I get home, I'm kinda stuck. Everybody's different though, so find a good time for you. Good luck!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Hi. I'm a working mother of a busy 2-year old but just HAD to find time to workout. So, with no other realistic options, I started waking up at 4:45 and working out at the gym from 5-6:15am every weekday. It was really hard at first, but I feel great now that I'm getting regular exercise. You do what you have to do, right?