Weight Watchers - Jenny Craig



  • Sarah9380
    Sarah9380 Posts: 2 Member
    I really liked Weight Watchers. I live in a city that has multiple meeting locations each with multiple meetings. I had a monthly pass and went to several different meeting leaders until I found the ones I liked. And I found that different leaders were what I needed at different times in my weight loss journey.

    I found the meetings supportive (once I found ones I liked) and that was very helpful. I also learned a LOT from other members. It's amazing how a problem that seems huge to one person has been faced by so many other folks who have found solutions to that problem. It's nearly impossible to share a problem at a good meeting and not have someone share a solution that will work for you.

    I also found the PointsPlus system to work well for me rather than just counting calories. It helped me learn what foods really fuel my particular metabolism.

    The huge drawback is the price. I was doing it when I got it for free with an "at work" program at a previous job. I lost 70lb through WW. I quit two different times due to cost. The first time was for almost a year and I pretty well maintained what I'd lost. This recent time, I gained almost 30lb back because I'm a crazy emotional eater and had a bunch of hospitalizations and death in my family.

    Now that I don't have it available to me anymore due to money, I'm on here. I do worry a bit about counting calories rather than points and not having the in-person meeting support. We'll see how it goes.
  • headzy
    headzy Posts: 21 Member
    I have lost 8kg since October on Weight Watchers. I find going to meetings and "weighing in" keeps me accountable and get heaps of motivation from my leader. You don't have to buy their products it's just sticking to simply healthy and filling foods. I don't track I'm too busy to log food count calories or points I would rather use that time getting out and exercising. Yes it's expensive, I pay $73.50AUD per month for unlimited but I'm going to lose this last 7kgs and become a lifetime member and then it's free as long as you keep at your goal or plus 2kg so that's a great incentive to maintain your healthy weight range for the rest of my life.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've learned more about losing weight, nutrition, health and fitness here on a free site than I ever did from WW...

    They are all about the weight loss...never mind how you do it. Fat, Muscle, water doesn't matter just lose that weight...

    and call fruits and veggies free???? That means you aren't being totally honest about your intake and your points are actually quite low.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Was considering joining one of these, never thought I would have too. Anyone have sucess with these programs?
    what was the pros and cons...


    Everyone I know who has done WW has lost, but ended up gaining it back plus more.
    I have one friend who started out at a healthy weight, and ratcheted took more severe measures to lose. It seems to me such an unsustainable unhealthy cycle.

    I know a couple of people who have done Jenny Craig as well, that process seemed more sensible to me... but both of them ended up gaining back the weight as well... So who's to say.

    I HATE, HATE, HATE the idea of "jump starting" your diet... eat sensibly, track your nutrition as well as your calories and be patient and results will follow. Make sure you have a reasonable goal (I know BMI isn't perfect but it's a good place to start for most of us. I shave 10lbs off of the top end and 10lbs off of the bottom end of the scale. As a safety zone. If I get sick or life gets out of control for a bit I've got 10lbs wiggle room at each end of the spectrum)

    It's the long haul that is important. It's not the first one to the finish line that wins. It's the one who can be the healthiest the longest. YOLO.... you only get one body, no trade-ins. I want it to feel good, so I can go out and have fun for as long as I can.

    I want to be capable and dance and run and swim and kayak and climb trees and backpack and throw my niece and nephews in the air. I don't want my body to stop me from living my life. But I also don't want dieting to take over my life... (Balance is so damn hard.)

    My, my, my seems I had a little over zealous outburst here... Oh, well what ever you choose stay safe and GOOD LUCK!
    I am thankful for all your comments , this really made sense, my problem is that i want things to happen overnight! I get so sad getting on the scale, and I think I am sick of starting and stopping and seeing how awful i look in the mirror...But, you made sense, and i need to wake up and do the work!

    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to do better this thought has helped me a lot... little things really do add up
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Everyone I know who has done WW has lost, but ended up gaining it back plus more.
    I have one friend who started out at a healthy weight, and ratcheted took more severe measures to lose. It seems to me such an unsustainable unhealthy cycle.

    I must be one of the more determined few :) I am determined never to be that weight again! and WW was part of my early journey - I knew some foods were calohorific, and it was when I could compare foods in a book Points against points that I could see just how calhorific potato crisps, flavoured milk and a few other foods that I was eating with little thought really are!

    I am grateful for work running the "weight watchers @ work program" and the wonderful young lady that ran our sessions at the time. This really changed my life.

    More power to you!!! Use the tools that work best for you!
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I am still a member of Weight Watchers and have lost a lot of weight there as well as here on MFP. Weight watchers laid the foundation for my weight loss but WW does not have a good food database and hands down its way better here and FREE.
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    my 2 cents (that I have saved here) MFP+fitbit-1 year=35lbs weight loss.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I found WW unbearably patronising, misguided in some areas, and the idea of weighing in publicly somewhat traumatic. Jenny Craig (I only went to a consultation) suggested a goal weight that would have been insanity to even attempt. My mother weighed more than that when she was a biafran-looking teenager, and I'm of very similar build, but two inches taller... Mind you, I generally prefer non-group activities, so it makes sense that I'd dislike the group aspect of WW. Of the two, I suspect WW is preferable in terms of eating normal food and being able to apply the principles to normal life, but I'd personally steer clear of any 'organised' weight loss system that makes you pay - that fact alone disincentivises them to make it possible/likely for you to be able to achieve and then maintain your desired outcome without their help.
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    I have found that WW is what I needed. I became to obsessed with calories and even know there is a cost I find since I have to pay for it I am more accountable for it so compared for other programs is only 19.00 a month. And for now that is working for me.
  • Raniatlw
    Raniatlw Posts: 3
    Currently on JC right now. I've lost about 15lbs. It's a slow weight-loss. Every week I lose about 1-2lbs (sometimes a little more). It's great for those people who are too busy to cook (or, like me, hate and despise cooking). It's not so great for your bank account. It's expensive. You spend on average about $150 a week (and there's an initial sign up fee, but you get half of it back if you reach your goal weight). The food is tasty and you cycle through 4 weeks of food. There's some overlap from week to week but not enough to get super tired of the food. If you don't like something you can exchange it for a meal you like more. Portions are small, but you eat 6 times a day and honestly I have not gone hungry a single day. You do have to buy extra's like fruit and veggies and milk, but that's about it. Every week you meet with an advisor and talk to them about the week ahead. If there's something you need to plan for, like a friend's birthday out, you plan ahead for it, so that when you go to a restaurant you aren't just picking whatever. After you reach your goal they transition you to 4 weeks (I think) of eating their food and your own food (haven't gotten there yet). The meetings get reduced to once a month, instead of once a week. They're also supposed to teach you how to maintain the weight without eating their food. But, again, haven't gotten that far yet.

    The reason why I chose to try JC is because I'm busy and I don't make time to make my own food; I used to opt for the easy meal (ie. fast food), instead of trying to do the healthy meal. (Obviously, I know I'm going to have to change that fact once I'm done with JC; I'm hoping to learn the tools to do so when I've reached my goal.)

    Hope my experience with JC is insightful. :)