Should I start tanning?!

Hi! Okay so I'm just a naturally and incredibly pale person, and most of my life I've embraced it, pale is just as beautiful as tan in my opinion. I'd make an effort to cover up in the sun and wear high SPF sun block and things like that, but I'm recreating a new me right now (wasn't happy with the old one) and maybe a pretty, darker complexion would be a help my new start? I think girls who are tan are incredibly beautiful, and I can't help but notice that it really make their fit bodies look more.. well, fitter :P I would do it outside and not in a bed, cause skin cancer and stuff. I really can't make the decision on my own haha I'm constantly debating with myself! What do you think? Thanks for your help <3


  • pilatesXOpixie
    pilatesXOpixie Posts: 70 Member
    Well I'm sure I'm not saying anything you don't know (I hope haha) but you can get cancer from tanning outside as well. I'm one of those nuts that wears sunscreen even on cloudy days because I'm so paranoid of cancer, so I would say try to avoid it.

    Have you thought about a self tanner or ever tried one? I know they have a reputation for turning you orange, but I've used a few types that were under $20 and left me the most beautiful bronze color.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Honestly, I think your skin looks absolutely awesome and gorgeous as is! But if you are intent on tanning, there's always self-tanning in either a salon or at home if you don't want to risk the damage from the sun, especially since you're so fair.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'm as pale as a ghost and regardless of how many people make comments about me needing to tan, I refuse to.

    Tanning isn't healthy, it gives me a massive headache, and the smell of tanning makes me want to vomit.
  • CometMeebru
    CometMeebru Posts: 122
    try out melanotan
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    Depends how much you like cancer. Tanning beds aren't the only place where you can get it. Then there is always the beautiful leather couch you turn into in 20 years.

    Want a cancer free, sun free, leather free tan? Rub cocoa powder and oil into your skin. It's healthy and it's natural and it gives you an even tan. It doesn't last all summer but cocoa isn't that expensive.
  • steph6467
    steph6467 Posts: 54 Member
    Depends how much you like cancer. Tanning beds aren't the only place where you can get it. Then there is always the beautiful leather couch you turn into in 20 years..

    Right?? I think you should smoke a cig while you're out in the sun, might as well be relaxed while you slowly kill yourself.

    Sorry to be a smart*ss, but seriously... I have a 40 yr old friend who just had a huge chunk of her stomach dug out thanks to melanoma. She has 5 young kids. Never set foot in a tanning booth, but used to love to "lay out" in her younger years. So. Not. Worth. It.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Go for it, tan :)

    I was going to post "inb4 all the cancer crying irrits" but they beat me here :smile:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    If you want to.
    Do what YOU want to, don't ask random people that have nothing to do with your life if you should.

    If you want.. Try it out. If you like your results, go for it.

    I tan naturally and then the tan stays for A LONG time. Right now, my head is darker than the rest of my body.
    I look like a gecko. Idgaf.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    If you want to.
    Do what YOU want to, don't ask random people that have nothing to do with your life if you should.

    If you want.. Try it out. If you like your results, go for it.

    I tan naturally and then the tan stays for A LONG time. Right now, my head is darker than the rest of my body.
    I look like a gecko. Idgaf.

    I thought you looked like something else :tongue:
    To be fair, my hair is natural. His was a perm. :laugh:
  • steph6467
    steph6467 Posts: 54 Member
    Go for it, tan :)

    I was going to post "inb4 all the cancer crying irrits" but they beat me here :smile:

    I'm sure you'll be this cavalier when it's your wife or daughter someday. Oh to be 21...
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Go for it, tan :)

    I was going to post "inb4 all the cancer crying irrits" but they beat me here :smile:

    I'm sure you'll be this cavalier when it's your wife or daughter someday. Oh to be 21...
    Oh, to pick at someone because of age.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    Tanning not only causes cancer (this has been prove many, many times.) but also wrinkles.
    I'll take my chances looking pasty and young, thanks.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Eating more than a stomach can hold causes stomach pain. People still do it..
    Oh wait, that's why a lot of us are here. DAMNNN..
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Go for it, tan :)

    I was going to post "inb4 all the cancer crying irrits" but they beat me here :smile:

    I'm sure you'll be this cavalier when it's your wife or daughter someday. Oh to be 21...

    Nah, not really. I don't treat the sun like it's a killing machine like yourself and others. Yes, the sun can be bad if you get too much of it and don't take precautions. Just like eeeeevery other thing in the world.

    There's a difference between 'catching a tan' and 'roasting in the sun' :smile: If I were to stay away from everything that could potentially harm me, I'd live an extremely sad and pointless life.

    Tell me, Steph, do you stick to a high fat, extremely low carb and low protein diet, because it's studied to be a fighter of cancer?
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Go for it, tan :)

    I was going to post "inb4 all the cancer crying irrits" but they beat me here :smile:

    I'm sure you'll be this cavalier when it's your wife or daughter someday. Oh to be 21...
    Oh, to pick at someone because of age.

    Ikr... Age doesn't always = knowledge and wisdom it seems :wink:
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    I have gotten more comments about how beautiful my pale skin was than how I look like a needed a tan...and I'm so pale I'm nearly an albino lol. Seriously, I think pale skin is starting to make a come back...enjoy it!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Eating more than a stomach can hold causes stomach pain. People still do it..
    Oh wait, that's why a lot of us are here. DAMNNN..

    hahaha, you are sharp at this time Sam :smile:
    I'm loaded on coffee.. I doubt I'm sleeping any tonight!
    Coffee + endorphins + finally got ahold of my mother on the phone.

    Resting a bit then finishing my workout.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    @Sin, what time is it over there then?
    11:40PM right now.
    Getting ready to go back out the door.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Go for it, tan :)

    I was going to post "inb4 all the cancer crying irrits" but they beat me here :smile:

    I'm sure you'll be this cavalier when it's your wife or daughter someday. Oh to be 21...

    The air and water are super polluted. You should wear a mask to breathe and boil water 10 times before you drink. Little bit of sun is not going to get you cancer. Its a different story if you roast in sun for longer periods.