Why Women Lift



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have switched to 3x5. I have the bar on my upper back; not my neck. I can't say that I go beyond parallel, though.
    I have been doing Stronglifts for months, and I don't feel like it's doing anything for my butt. It's flabbier than ever since Ive lost weight. Hoping I can still firm it up somehow......

    Are you going deep enough (Just past parallel)? Are you doing low-bar squats (these hit the butt easier/more)? If you've been doing it for a while you could drop to 3x5, then add in some things like lunges or barbell hip thrusts. Or really, since you are losing you might not have much luck building or shaping the muscle while on a deficit. You might have to wait until you reach your goal and are eating at maintenance. Then if that doesn't work you might have to eat at a slight surplus. People forget that often to shape and build up the butt we might need to GAIN muscle which generally requires a calorie surplus.

    take a video- or set a box up so that it is unquestionably below parallel (parallel means HIP CREASE is at or below the knee- not the hip bone itself) and do some bar only or body weight squats to that depth. Do that and get a feeling for what that feels like- then start to load up- if you haven't been breaking parallel- you'll probably need to de-load significantly.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    I do all my lifting with kettle bells. I do it for all the associated health benefits. I do it because I enjoy "keeping up with the boys" and, in some cases, surpassing them when taking a kettle bell class. I do it because I love pushing myself to see just how far I can go/how much weight I can actually move. I do it because I work in a profession dominated by men and love being able to hold my own with them. I do it because in the past 4 months I have lost 50+ pounds, and 33.25 inches. I do it so my son can see that strong women are beautiful, confident, and nothing to be intimidated by. I do it because I love how I feel after a hard workout.

    The only thing I wish I had done differently, is to have started doing it sooner.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I lift heavy because it makes me feel like a bada$$

    I like looking athletic rather than skinny
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    I simply HATE cardio and I LOVE lifting
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    It totally can transform your body & give you the most amazing curves! I feel amazing when I'm lifting heavier weights than the dude next to me :wink:
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    1. For my *kitten*.

    2. For my *kitten*.

    3. For my *kitten*.

    4. Cuz muscle looks and feels fantastic.

    5. For strong bones.

    This !!!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I do it begrudgingly, as I do not find it fun or exciting...but it is the only way to get sexy arms and if it helps balance my muscles and keep me injury free so I can run I will do it.
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
  • kitkatbar972
    Because I don't like being a wimp
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I hate cardio and currently use wt machines and have always loved feeling strong when moving heavy logs etc.

    I'd love to lift and have read NROLFW and am meeting a female PT next week to hopefully start once I have her advice.

    The reason I'm cautious is that my knees are an issue after nearly 20yrs mountain walking (ouch those descents!), I can't do lunges, leg press machine or the ham curl and opposite (can't remember name!) machines. Well I can, my legs are very strong but they hurt my knees.

    Does anyone have a good news story about knees and lifting?

    Thanks everso and wish me luck! :smile:
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    Great thread. I did start NRLW and I think I'll start it again. This is inspirational.
  • pinkprincess3082
    pinkprincess3082 Posts: 13 Member
    Because I'm fed up of being skinny fat....and cardio is hideous!
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    Read the first post in this:
    TOPIC: I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym
    And you'll get it. Totally worth the time invested- get StrongLifts 5x5, and the Rippetoe book "starting strength" and go to town!
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Like everyone else, I love being strong - it makes me feel like a badass.

    I was moving furniture around with my mother-in-law and my husband and father-in-law were so impressed.

    One day my husband complimented me on my back muscles and how good I was looking (he's not huge on compliments).

    Random guys stopping me at the gym and telling me how awesome i'm doing and how impressed they are with my lifting (in a non-creepy way).

    I love DOMS! I know muscles are working and forming when I have a hard time sitting on the toilet after leg day lol.

    I love it so much that I love going to the gym - with cardio I dreaded going.
  • aspired2lift
    aspired2lift Posts: 18 Member
    Great topic OP!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I lift because I'm tired of girls being told they're not as strong as boys and shouldn't try!

    I lift because 1200 calories is starvation.
    I lift because cardio SUCKS.
    I life because I challenge the idea that skinnier is better.