Rant - Stupid annoying things bad drivers do



  • Nemsyl
    Nemsyl Posts: 7
    yep, same here lol!
  • tenathequeena
    I live in Costa Rica and the motorcycles here are SO annoying. They drive in between the lanes of traffic (even when there's one lane northbound and another southbound) and evidently they think the noise their bike makes is directly related to the size of their manhood. (I don't mean the good vroom-vroom-vroom of a Harley, they ride dirt-bike like motorcycles here and they are sooooo loud.) Red lights are up to interpretation and turn signals are non existent.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I live in Costa Rica and the motorcycles here are SO annoying. They drive in between the lanes of traffic (even when there's one lane northbound and another southbound) and evidently they think the noise their bike makes is directly related to the size of their manhood. (I don't mean the good vroom-vroom-vroom of a Harley, they ride dirt-bike like motorcycles here and they are sooooo loud.) Red lights are up to interpretation and turn signals are non existent.
    Pretty sure they do it all over the world, not just Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    People are always in a hurry. Why??

    This. Slow down. You probably aren't going anywhere important. This goes double in afternoon "rush hour." You're already off work dummy. Mellow out.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I hate it when drivers misunderstand their GPS and swerve into the exit at the last possible moment, usually crossing the painted dividers..
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Also in Florida, and I'm convinced that turn signals must cost a lot of money here. :grumble:

    Also, when I signal to switch lanes (because that's what you're supposed to do...) people will ride my back quarter panel (usually either having to speed up to get there, or slow down to stay there) so that I can't get over. Seriously, what does it cost you to let me over??

    People who ride my tail because they're mad that I'm going 30-35mph, where the posted speed is 30. Seriously, tons of kids on our street, do you really think speeding is the right answer?

    People who don't know how to stop at stop signs. I've almost been in a lot of accidents at the 4-way next to my house because people don't think they actually need to stop there. :huh: Must be special snowflakes.

    People who stop in the middle of the road to have conversations with people on the sidewalk. Seriously, there's a parking lane on my road, ****ing use it if you want to stop.

    People who don't know how to maintain a consistent speed. Sure, some deviation is normal, but when it varies between 20-30mph every half mile, you really need to reevaluate your driving skills.

    People who don't know how to drive in their own lane. The lines are not meant to be straddled.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Use breasts as cup holder for soda.

    ....so you can use one hand to text and one hand to smoke a cigarette right? You must live on the MA South Shore.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Not using turn signals. It just takes a flick of the finger and they have no problem using "the finger" otherwise.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    People who yield right-of-way. You're not being polite. You're actually being an *kitten*.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Use breasts as cup holder for soda.

    ....so you can use one hand to text and one hand to smoke a cigarette right? You must live on the MA South Shore.
    This happened in Orlando, Florida, actually.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Double quote this >>
    Use breasts as cup holder for soda.

    This would distract me lol

  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    People who pull out of the cross street ahead of you when you've held back at an intersection even though you have the green light, because you don't want to get caught in the intersection when the light turns red. Usually they end up causing you to miss the green light and wait through the next red light!

    Why does everybody think that they are the only drivers on the road and they have to be first?????

    Also, I feel sorry for those cars that don't come equipped with the turn signal option!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Braking on the on-ramp. or not letting people on the damn highway, thus causing them to brake.

    This would all be solved by *not* driving in the right hand lane unless you need to exit within a half mile.

    Where I live slower traffic is required to stay in the right hand lane, even on the interstate. (In fact, you are only supposed to use the left hand lane if passing, and then get back over.) However, if you are coming up to an on ramp you are supposed to get over to allow for merging traffic.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Driving way under the speed limit and when I go to over take they decide to speed up...dangerous fukcwits.

    Sitting at lights when they've turned green...go home and sleep and let me get to where I'm going.

    People that will not give way even though they seen me coming a looooong way off and sit there glaring at me expecting me to reverse into tiny spaces....self important twats

    Drivers that push in....not in front of me you don't.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Oh, I have another!

    People that pull out in front of you, cutting you off and causing you to have to hit your brakes... when there's no cars behind you! I get it when traffic is heavy. When there's no body on the road but me... why?????
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    People who honk when I'm waiting for an open spot to pull out. Sorry, but I'm not going to risk my life so they can go a little sooner. I'm not the sort to just sit there waiting longer than I need to either.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Quit texting at a stop light. When the light turns green - GO - don't wait for us all to honk.

    Oh - and thanks for the super friendly wave. How did you lose the other 3 fingers? Texting accident?

    Not paying attention is one thing and annoying and inconsiderate. Flipping someone off after that is just being a ****ing ****head and asking for a beating.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Oh, I have another!

    People that pull out in front of you, cutting you off and causing you to have to hit your brakes... when there's no cars behind you! I get it when traffic is heavy. When there's no body on the road but me... why?????
    This too! And the the likelihood of them doing this is inversely proportional to the hurry they are in. At least if you are in a hurry and hauling after pulling out, I can understand. The one's who do that and then go slow, under the speed limit? What the **** is your problem.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    People that know they have to merge for miles and wait until the very last second for construction causing traffic to back up even worse. And then practically push you off the road when you don't let them in. And what's with getting in the fast lane and then slowing down, then moving back to the right and speeding up? Driving with a turn signal on for miles before actually turning, very common in the state I live in, also having a turn signal on and then turning the other direction across several lanes of traffic.