


  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    Vegan I can understand the logic though I just don't agree but at least it makes sense.

    Vegetarian that doesn't eat meat for texture or digestion issues ...okay I can see that logic
    It's a good thing I don't need your permission or care if you understand why I do what I do or eat what I eat. :flowerforyou:

    How do you "disagree" with being a vegan? Is this something that people have an opinion on? I mean, I get having an opinion on whether YOU should be vegan, but not having an opinion on whether someone else should be a vegan. Where's the logic in that?

    As for my 13K posts, I've been here a lot longer than you have and I often have slow periods during the day at work and this place keeps me from being bored by that. Outside of work hours, you will rarely see me here. In short, I have enough going on in my life that I don't feel the need to question people about their eating habits that have no effect on me whatsoever.

    yes poor wording sorry not able to give 100% of my attention to this... vegan just don't agree for ME.

    I'm just voicing that I don't understand the eating of bi products but not the rest. so I'm saying logically to me it makes no sense rather than argue that I should not voice my opinion or care maybe give me a reason to see your point of view? thats what I'm asking for...again wth is the difference? why do I care what others eat....I don't i'm just trying to understand the logic...
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    I think lots of vegetarians just don't really care for meat!
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I don't eat meat because personally the thought of putting dead flesh in my mouth if horrifying. I've been this way since I was a kid, and I didn't know about the treatment of the animals. It just feels unnatural and wrong. I don'r care if anyone else eats meat, but i never will.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I just don't understand some vegetarians.... if you don't eat meat because it's killing an animal....did it occur to them that the animals that are farmed for the byproducts eventually die and have crappy lives for the most part? wth is the difference

    I'm no vegetarian, but I think they probably don't like the fact that animals are being farmed and live crappy lives.

    It's not for me, but I respect that they're standing up for something they believe in.
    Thank you.

    I just don't understand some meat eaters who are so concerned with what others eat and their reasons. Maybe you, OP, need to find something more interesting to do with your own life.

    Just throwing my cunfusion on the subject into a post ...I'm sure with your ultra busy life with 13k plus posts you would understand voicing opinion.

    spelling errors aside my point is if you eat animal bi products you might as well eat the rest. The animal is treated the same way. just my opinion.

    Vegan I can understand the logic though I just don't agree but at least it makes sense.

    Vegetarian that doesn't eat meat for texture or digestion issues ...okay I can see that logic

    I was vegan for 11 years and am now a vegetarian.

    I think your desire to judge me for eating animal by-products without eating meat is just a symptom of you wanting to complain. When i was vegan, people would point at my leather shoes and point out how that was hypocritical (even though I had bought the shoes years prior).

    When I was a vegan not wearing leather, someone would point out the bugs that were dead on the windshield of my car and call me a hypocrite.

    I do what i can. And I don't beat myself up for not being perfect. I know some vegans who treat people like jerks and some meat eaters who do a lot of amazing humanitarian work. Perhaps we should stop judging eachother so fricken harshly and just accept that we do what we can.
  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    I don't eat meat because personally the thought of putting dead flesh in my mouth if horrifying. I've been this way since I was a kid, and I didn't know about the treatment of the animals. It just feels unnatural and wrong. I don'r care if anyone else eats meat, but i never will.

    Okay I can see that along with the people just not liking meat TY
  • emmanuel4everjackson
    emmanuel4everjackson Posts: 53 Member
    I am a pescetarian as part of choosing a healthier lifestyle and not because I think it's cruel to kill animals. I don't judge people for their diet, I just take responsibility for mine. I enjoy fish, seafood, and dairy and enjoy my life. #HatinOnVegetariansIsForKnuckleheads
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I am a pescetarian as part of choosing a healthier lifestyle and not because I think it's cruel to kill animals. I don't judge people for their diet, I just take responsibility for mine. I enjoy fish, seafood, and dairy and enjoy my life. #HatinOnVegetariansIsForKnuckleheads

    So it's cruel to kill animals but not fish? #FishAreFriendsNotFood
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 19 years and it has nothing to do with hurting animals. I just don't like the taste or texture. I eat eggs, cheese and chicken broth. And that is as close to eating meat as I get.
  • gangsterfurious
    Is this serious? Because not eating meat means less animals suffer. When you create less of a demand then that means there a less animals suffering and sucking up resources. WTH indeed...
  • JennaViolet
    JennaViolet Posts: 11 Member
    A lot of vegetarians don't use products that have been tested on animals or use things like leather and fur for the same reason as not eating the meat.
    Plants do not have a nervous system (brain) or conscious thought in any way what so ever so their 'goal' , if you will, to reproduce is complete by the time they are harvested for food.
    Not eating meat is a personal choice. Ultimately, animals eat other animals, animals eat plants, some plants eat animals... it's the way the world works. But as humans can survive perfectly well (and more healthily) without eating meat, some choose to be vegetarian.
    Agreed that many species of livestock would die of predation and disease much more often if it wasn't for farms, so in that way it is good that they get an easy healthy life. But to some, that does not mean that we gain the right to "play God" and decide to slaughter and eat them,

    Regardless of their reasons, whether it's morale or not liking the taste, it effects meat eaters in no way. All of the vegetarians I know do not voice their opinions or look down on meat eaters (Some may but that's their problem). If anything vegetarians make the chances of steak and bacon being out of stock less likely, so you should be grateful.

    So, that's what's with that.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Love me some steak. Rare... Peppered... Salted...

  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I am a pescetarian as part of choosing a healthier lifestyle and not because I think it's cruel to kill animals. I don't judge people for their diet, I just take responsibility for mine. I enjoy fish, seafood, and dairy and enjoy my life. #HatinOnVegetariansIsForKnuckleheads

    So it's cruel to kill animals but not fish? #FishAreFriendsNotFood
    He said NOT because he thinks it is cruel to kill animals. So he has no problem killing anything to eat it, and is just eating less animal products for a healthier lifestyle.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I am a pescetarian as part of choosing a healthier lifestyle and not because I think it's cruel to kill animals. I don't judge people for their diet, I just take responsibility for mine. I enjoy fish, seafood, and dairy and enjoy my life. #HatinOnVegetariansIsForKnuckleheads

    So it's cruel to kill animals but not fish? #FishAreFriendsNotFood
    He said NOT because he thinks it is cruel to kill animals. So he has no problem killing anything to eat it, and is just eating less animal products for a healthier lifestyle.

    Whoops my brain omitted the "not" lol
  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    I am a vegEtarian and I don't have to answer or explain myself to anybody else. If you want to be a vegEtarian be one. If you don't then don't be one. End of.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Yes, many vegans have an opinion on what everyone eats. Of course they do! Vegans who are anti-captivity activists are trying to raise awareness about animal cruelty. We're not going to "mind our own business" when there are animals who need a voice. Nobody ever tells me to mind my own business when I'm talking about human right violations...
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    "I'm bi-vegetarian.

    Vegetarianism for me is about saying yes to things... even meat."

    God, I love Coupling. LOL. Oh Jane....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do what i can. And I don't beat myself up for not being perfect.

  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    I loooooove my meat and could NEVER give it up! :love:

    But to each their own....who cares what others eat or don't eat....I say more meat for me!!:tongue:
  • AbigailWins
    I think people that don't eat meat for moral reasons are doing that because they won't support an industry that abuses animals.

    Just like someone who wouldn't participate in an action that was racist. Racism still happens but that person will not make racist jokes or be friends with someone who is hateful towards people simply because of their race.

    I've had long periods of not eating meat after seeing documentaries on how animals are treated. I do eat meat now but don't feel good about it.

    I do think people who make jokes about animal cruelty are poor quality people. I hope that one day it will be against the law to wilfully make animals suffer. I am not against humane killing of animals in certain circumstances for food.

    I am sad when I see photos of pigs in tiny cages where they can't turn around. It breaks my heart. When someone to makes fun of those things or makes light of the genuine suffering that animals endure because of the food industry I am truly baffled. It would be the same as making jokes about molesting children or rape, it's just a low class thing to do.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Yes, the egg and dairy industry are just as horrific as the meat industry, that's why I'm vegan.