So, what's for dinner tonight?



  • emaciated
    ^We had black bean burgers last night :)

    Tonight it was Chicken with Chickpeas in a Garam Masala spiced Cashew Cream over Brown Rice!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Slow cooked whole organic chicken, baby golden potatoes, baby carrots. Skinny cow ice cream for desert.
  • vauleese
    Baked Roundtop Steak, Steamed Broccli and Steamed Asian Medly Mix. Desert was one cup of frozen chocolate yogurt.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    breakfast:) i had 2 eggs microwaved, on a toasted english muffin with salsa. had 2 pieces of bacon and some chips. yummy and so easy!
  • slansdown
    We had pan fried pork chops and spinach with garlic and feta and strawberries with kiwi.

    Today is the first day (today is day 6) that I have gotten under the calorie count without exercise. Yay!!
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Wow! All of these sound amazing. Now i have some ideas on what to do in the future to spice it up. We seem to all be on the right tack. Tonight was one of those what can I do with these ingredients moments, and it worked out great. It was delicious and low calorie.