Who has lost weight without cutting carbs?



  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member

    Early in the day, I try to have higher protein foods so that I can have the carby stuff I crave in the afternoon/evening.

    May I just say that this is genius. I definitely crave starchier stuff later in the day!

    Personally I have always done better losing weight and keeping it off when I restrict my carb intake, but obviously that doesn't work for everyone - kudos to all you people eating 40-50% carbs, and how lucky you are!

    I fought with my body for years, trying to make my diet fit what everyone said it should...but that is just silly. Because everyone is different. Some people need a big breakfast or they're hungry all day. Even when I was fat, I was a big snacker. I rarely ate big lunches and breakfasts...I like a big, yummy, dinner. If I am eating lettuce and meat and everyone else has pasta covered in sauce, I feel self-pity. It never lasts. I have kept my weight off for three years by learning to manipulate my calories into something that worked for my cravings/lifestyle.

    And...I think "restricting carbs" means different things to different people. I have a high protein diet, and don't eat as many carbs as I used to. But I don't feel like I'm restricted. I still have pizza and pasta and cake and the occasional donut. I have whatever I want, but I don't have it every day, and not for every meal. Everything in moderation.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Me. Lost 33lb out of my 44 and never cut carbs. As long as I don't go over my calorie limit I'm fine (and eat pretty healthy of course) I still eat potato, pasta, bread ext. just as they are relatively high calorie I eat them in moderation. Cutting carbs never works as a diet (well I've never met someone where it has) if you're gonna cut anything cut fat.

    Actually, fat is a really good energy source, and we need it for digestion. : ) I eat 1440 cals/day, and when I was filling my macros with protein and carbs and not getting my fat in, I was hungry a lot of the time. Since I have been actively trying to hit my fat macro too, I have had a LOT more energy, and felt better all around. Obviously, the fats I eat are different - I don't get my fat allotment from a whole cake...but a good mix of fats in nuts and fatty meats and pasta sauces. :) Fat isn't the enemy. Excess of anything is the enemy. : )
  • sally884
    sally884 Posts: 51
    I always eat carbs,just the right kind! Cutting carbs will only make you depressed and more hungry. Carbs are what our body needs. I feel losing weight should be long-term changes and I would never limit carbs for my whole life.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I haven't cut carbs. In fact, I have added more fruit carbohydrates. If there's anything I've cut, it's cheese. I'm down a few lbs already with big goals.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I never intentionally cut carbs, but I must say that I did notice how terrible my protein intake was when I started to pay attention to my macros. I was trying to retain muscle while losing fat, so I started to lift, and to up my protein.

    Through upping my protein, my carb intake lowered as a result - but I've never been anything close to what anyone would call "low carb". And I've never specifically restricted carbohydrates.

    So, that's my convoluted answer ... I probably went from over-consuming carbs to consuming a normal amount of carbs while losing my almost-60 lbs.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    No carb cutting. As long as you maintain the deficit you decide on, you will lose weight just as fast as if you maintain the same deficit with lower carbs, as long as your protein amounts stay the same.
  • Kimsoontobe
    Kimsoontobe Posts: 110 Member
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    No carb cutting. As long as you maintain the deficit you decide on, you will lose weight just as fast as if you maintain the same deficit with lower carbs, as long as your protein amounts stay the same.

    ^This right here. I have lost 16 pounds since Jan. 6th by eating everything I love, just in moderation and minding my macros. I want this to be a forever plan, so I will not deprive myself of what I love. No sirry-bob. Life = too short.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I don't restrict carbs, but I don't eat refined carbs (no cakes, cookies, etc.), mainly because they trigger my over-eating. Same with bread, so I stay away from that for the most part. My weight loss has taken a year and a half and I've been maintaining since Sept. '13. I go to the gym four days a week, plus as much walking as I can do outside, weather permitting. I agree with those who've mentioned that setting a time period in which to have lost weight is not a recipe for success. Your weight loss will take as much time as it takes and setting a time limit (which in all likelihood you will not meet) sets you up for thinking you have failed...Good luck!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I'm eating less carbs than I was before because I'm increasing my protein, but i'm not low carb. I'm just cutting out refined (white) carbs, but eat lots of whole grains, beans, veggies, fruit.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    No carb cutting. As long as you maintain the deficit you decide on, you will lose weight just as fast as if you maintain the same deficit with lower carbs, as long as your protein amounts stay the same.

    ^This right here. I have lost 16 pounds since Jan. 6th by eating everything I love, just in moderation and minding my macros. I want this to be a forever plan, so I will not deprive myself of what I love. No sirry-bob. Life = too short.

  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    Yes (and yes)

    Weight loss without cutting carbs. Although, I slipped recently, I lost weight which was noticeable by my family, friends and work colleagues by eliminating processed foods, reducing meat consumption, and increasing my intake of fruits and vegetables. When I ate carbs, I opted for the healthier varieties. I exercised around 2-5 a week.

    Weight loss by cutting carbs. I did Southbeach a few times over a 7-10 year period. I lost weight but could never keep it off. The lifestyle in the long-run was not sustainable. I would do well for a few months and cheating here and there led to weeks and eventually months of carb over indulgence. To make it worse, I substituted vegetable consumption for additional meat consumption.

    I think losing weight by managing your calories and consuming a balanced, whole-foods diet is more sustainable (and forgiving to your internals) compared to carb cutting/elimination. Once I get to a certain fitness level, I may monitor my carbs for purposes of cutting but carb-cycling is more about matching your carb in-take to your activity level which is much different than the low-carb diet.
  • gochnour3
    gochnour3 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'6" and was 205 in May 2011. Sunday I was 166.5. I eat 60% carbs and a 2000 cal goal because I run 5-6 days a week. I just try to make sure the carbs come from fruit, and whole grains. We do a lot of fruit for dessert so it gives me my sweet fix too. Its mostly about good food choices. And moderation. :-) good luck!!