How to Foil a Telemarketer



  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    Because they are good about starting right in with their name, I repeat back to them, "Good Morning Abigail from American Homeless Veterans. Can I please speak with your supervisor? See I am on the National "Do Not Call Registry" and you have violated the terms of the agreement and thereby I am notifying you, Abigail, that you will be named as a plaintiff in the harassment suit. I will also need to speak to your supervisor, can you please connect me to them?" And then D R A G it out as long as possible.

    I friggan love this!!!!!
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    I don't get fooled into answering the phone when I don't recognize the number. Problem solved.
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    Sometimes I act like I called them and I start selling them crap.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    I usually practice my voice acting with telemarketers. I do different accents and have different characters that I've used for radio shows, movies, and video games. It's quite fun actually...until they realize that I'm messing with them. I've practiced the Warcraft III worker units' voices/responses for awhile now. Yes, I'm a geek.

    I really don't care if they're trying to earn a living, I'm not getting angry at them for calling me. It's their decision to take that job to put food on their table, but it's my right to try and live comfortably at home from working my job to put food on *my* table. At least I'm not that douche-hole that screams at them and cusses their ears off.
  • nomorebigdaddyo
    When they ask you how you are, I start telling them about how I am doing. I talk about the kids being naughty, the dog won't house break, wife is mad at me, you name it. If I can think it, I say it. I try to me as nice as possible because they are doing their job. They usually hang up within a minute.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.

    They do however realize what they are doing. They did sign up for that job. You can't tell me they are innocent in the whole process. Also I don't buy that crap about they are just trying to make a living. So is the homeless squeegee guy, and how are they treated?
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I never answer a call that's not in my list of contacts. If it's the same old 800 number that continues to call, I'll add them to my contacts and label it "scam" or "telemarketer" or something and then I'll instruct my phone to send it straight to voice mail so it won't ring.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.


    I work inside sales, b2b though. All of my "leads" and "accounts" are not hand selected. From a consumer standpoint, I try to be respectful because I'm understanding of the fact the job is annoying. I just tell them "Hey, I know you're just doing your job so i won't be rude; but I'm just not interested..." Usually works.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.

    They do however realize what they are doing. They did sign up for that job. You can't tell me they are innocent in the whole process.

  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    If it's a woman. .I ask her what she's wearing. .then flirt with her until she either gives me her phone number or hangs up.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.

    They do however realize what they are doing. They did sign up for that job. You can't tell me they are innocent in the whole process.


    Generally speaking... I don't anyone who signs up to be a telemarketer accepts the position because they enjoy it...kinda like getting annoyed with someone who asks me if I need help finding something when I'm shopping for clothes. It's their job to ask.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    If it's a woman. .I ask her what she's wearing. .then flirt with her until she either gives me her phone number or hangs up.

  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.

    They do however realize what they are doing. They did sign up for that job. You can't tell me they are innocent in the whole process.


    Generally speaking... I don't anyone who signs up to be a telemarketer accepts the position because they enjoy it...kinda like getting annoyed with someone who asks me if I need help finding something when I'm shopping for clothes. It's their job to ask.

    What does enjoyment have to do with anything? I don't "enjoy" my job, but I always have the option to quit.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I tend to not screw with people just trying to make a living. They probably hate calling you as much as you hate them calling you.


    sorry -1.
    Its my telephone number and I didnt invite a stranger to offer me another mobile phone that I do not need.

    Sign up for the Do Not Call registry then. The actual person on the end of the phone didn't make the decision to call you specifically, they're just given your number.

    I have signed up for privacy with BT but some calls still do filter through. For me with so much fraud around, its just weird someone would call me up and then start wanting to sell and expect my details over the phone its not happening. Even when the bank calls me and starts asking me for my details I will call the bank back myself.

    A chap called me from Great Ormond Children Street hospital last week and he was pulling on my heart strings, and talking non stop. Even when I told him I had no money he still was trying to wear me down. I finally got rid of him by saying Its a great idea but I do not have any money. My colleague said I should have just dropped the phone on him. This chap was not innocently doing his job.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    For the most part caller ID takes care of it. However we have friends and family out there who I know are not in our caller id. I pick up for "home phone" looking numbers. If they ask for my mom or grandma, I ask who is calling and if they would care to leave a message. No one is looking for me because I don't have any bills in my name. That usually works or they ask for a better time to call. I usually say later that evening or next week, but now I know the number and don't pick it up again. If its important than they will leave a message.

    I just treat it like I treat my job. I answer phones and take messages and I am generally polite; it's when people don't take no for an answer that I get pissy. I will also take surveys if they don't take too much time.

    I used to have to make calls for my bank job and I HATED it. Cold calls are the worst, especially when you are positive that the person doesn't want to hear about new CD rates.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    If it's a woman. .I ask her what she's wearing. .then flirt with her until she either gives me her phone number or hangs up.


    silly. . it's just for laughs!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I used to work for a call center... and at the time (this was almost 10 years ago...) the 'Do not call' registry was only for sales calls... we did surveys, not sales... so we could legally call. That didn't deter people from being nasty to use though. People in a call center work there because they can't find a better job at the time. I promise you, I hated my job. A simple 'No thank you', or "sorry, I am not interested" is the best reply to give people calling, because TRUST me we get enough attitude and harassment... A simple no thank you is always appreciated! I have had air horns blown in my ear, perverted comments, out right harassment and name calling, death threats... All because I was calling to ask if you were happy with your recent internet installation, what sort of improvements you'd like to see with your personal bank, or to see how your local newspaper could better their service....
  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    If I suspect that it's a telemarketer then I just answer the phone speaking Spanish. They usually hang up quickly
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    In for giving the phone to the 5 year old :-)