regaining! argh.....



  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: I can relate. I lost some weight and just got weary of dieting. Then, I remembered how great it felt to be in pretty good shape. So, I am at it again, and have a different angle...I am not dieting. I am eating and exercising to be healthy. Sounds cliche, but it is real, and the only thing that will help you sustain for the long haul. Take some time to reflect, decide why you are doing this, regroup, and remember....remember how good it feels to be fit!

  • sofun1210
    sofun1210 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand and totally sympathize. I feel exactly the same way and have had the same results -- regaining. But I am starting again. For the month of February I started exercising and trying to eat healthy without counting calories. Did not lose one single pound. For the month of March I am still exercising, but back to counting calories. There is just no way around it for me. Take a break from health eating (briefly), but keep counting the calories. You have gotta find an activity that you enjoy. Walking on the beach does it for me.
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    Ok. so I love how supportive you all are, reading through these replies really gave me a needed boost! Thank you, Thank you! I think somewhere in my head is still the idea of this is all a temporary "diet" and so I resist against it. So first I need to realign my thinking.

    I think what I'll try as ya'll suggested and get a friend to exercise with me! Maybe zoomba, something more upbeat than the treadmill. And take the time to plan out my meals better and make them more tasty. Honestly there are days I eat just dry salad or raw vegies and lean meat because I'm too busy to do anything else, and the absence of something yummy really weighs you down mentally after a while.

    I really don't want to go back to how it was being so overweight. The complete lack of energy and feeling so awful about myself. I am much happier having lost what I have so far, I can only imagine it will be even better once I lose the rest! So again, Thank you all for the replies and suggestions. *hugs to all :)
  • gbutterfly
    gbutterfly Posts: 23 Member
    you know I enjoy a lot of things about eathing healthy - love veggies and eggs/ fish/ lean meats. love fruit. what I don't love is the portion control that is required both to loose wight and keep it off. I hate giving up wine, and chocolate. I hate limiting carbs. as for exercise - I like the good felling of accomplishment I get when I exercise - but I do become discouraged when I get injuries or this or that part of my body hurts (feet, knees, etc.)
    I started running at 39 to loose weight. I was never a runner when I was younger - hated it, couldn't breathe, etc. I learned to love it as I got better. Also enjoy Zumba but only if I can mix it up and go to different instructors.

    I definintely get the diet/exercise motivation fatigue - I lost 36 lbs a few years ago and have gained all but 10 of it back. This year have started loosing again -but VERY slowly. I can't do the fast pace that I did even a few years younger - menopause has really kicked my but and I don't recover from injuries as quickly. I don't know if you can keep the motivation constant - I think we have to keep finding new motivations. Hubby and I signed up for a mud run in the Spring and thinking about a Zombie run in the fall. thinking about having a race to train for and a time limit gives me motivation. Also when some friends at work and I were competing/ weighing in each week and had a friendly wager - that was very motivating until one friend passed the rest of up so far that there was no way we could catch her. ... As I said for me I have to keep finding new short term targets that are motivating along the way to the long term target of goal weight and maximum health
  • pinkprincess3082
    pinkprincess3082 Posts: 13 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I've lost about 6 stone over the last few years and it's been a slow and painful process. I'm on my last 10 pounds or so, which means it's now even more slow and painful.

    I walk the dog every day, I go to the gym, I lift heavy. I weigh everything I eat, I'll still eat what I want but in moderation...and I frickin hate it!!!!

    Don't get me wrong, I feel great and everything but gahhhh! Sometimes (ok, maybe all the time) I want a big fat pizza...or a burger with all the trimmings, and Chinese omg I miss stuffing my face at the all you can eat Chinese buffet.

    But I can't. Because that's what got me to my fattest. I could eat my 6' 4 rugby player boyfriend under the table if I let myself, he has always been impressed by the amount of food I can put away! Instead I measure out my sad little 30g of cereal and cry (I don't really but you get the gist).

    I just regularly tell myself to suck it up lol, and all I have to do is look in the mirror or at a fat photo and I'm good.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm joining the sympathy wagon. I've been trying to lose the same 30 lbs for years now. I start and I stop. I do well and then I fail. I got down 8 lbs and put it back on. :noway:

    But now that I'm 41, it's SO MUCH HARDER to lose weight. What is it about hormonal changes that make it so difficult? I also have arthritis in my hips (WHAAAT??? :sad: ) so my brand new elliptical can't be used as it grinds the sockets. So I'm back on the treadmill.

    I am a picky eater, too, so I am not adventurous with veggies/food.

    I much prefer laying on the couch and eating crap - but that's how I got into this shape in the first place.

    My Dr finally told me to lose 10 lbs for my physical this year.....that's in July. I really want to get down 15 and show him I'm serious about my health!

    BIG HUGS to you - it's so easy to fall off track but remember that it's just as easy to jump back on!:drinker:
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I love your honesty :-)
    And totally understand. After years of doing great with healthy eating and exercise I recently experienced my own inner rebellion, I just couldn't find motivation to continue and quickly gained weight back. I ate chocolate, drank tons of wine, and actually enjoyed it! but now i am unhappy with my body and facing doing all that work over again.I hope this doesn't come off as blunt, but if you stop weighing yourself and start eating the old foods, you will likely gain it all back, and I know you don't want that. I don't know what to tell you lol, you will have to find your own motivators, but just try not to gain for awhile.?
    And for the love of god life is too short to do and eat stuff you hate!!! I think you need to work at falling in love with some new food and activity, try something new!!! Also, check yourself that you are not depressed, sometimes we self sabotage when we are depressed. Dunno if any of this helps lol