How to avoid idle snacking



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    my methods are that I plan to eat three snacks a day. It starts in the grocery store. I make sure I always have salsa and black bean chips around or celery and single serve peanut butters or a fiber one bar (oats and chocolate= delicious) or an apple

    I have already sliced and cleaned celery in a baggie in the fridge, I pre portion out my black bean chips (27) into small baggies as soon as I buy them then put the baggies back into the bag so its easy to grab. I make sure I have oatmeal packets and popcorn on hand (the small mini bags)... I think it comes down to a choice of what you put into your mouth at the time you want something. Try to anticipating what things you like to snack on and have them ready to eat. This way you can eat and not feel guilty. But if you do grab something remember the saying "if you bite it, then write it"
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I eat two big meals which are filling. I usually select foods which don't take me on a ride of energy troughs and peaks. See what works for your body and keeps you full. If you are hungry you will eventually start snacking.
  • SwedishSarah
    SwedishSarah Posts: 4,350 Member
    I drink a cup of tea or water before I eat any snacks. That way I can think about whether I'm really hungry or I just want to eat something. Usually, I'm not hungry. If you feel like you need a snack, go for something like a mix of nuts and fruit because they have a good bit of protein and are sweet.
  • wijody
    wijody Posts: 26 Member
    I just don't do it. In fact, after I had my daughter my ONLY 'diet' was a strict 'NO snacks after dinner' rule and that allowed about 1-lb of weight loss per week for most of my pregnancy weight. To lose more weight, then I had to have a 'No snacks - period' rule and eat 2-3 meals per day. Works for me - everyone is different. If you prefer snacks, then you need to calorie count. I find that with just cutting out the snacks and not 'stuffing' myself at meals (eating 'reasonably' - no bag of chocolates with my meal, for example, or half a pie) I don't have to count calories and can still lose/maintain weight.