Any 40+ sisters out there for motivation?



  • maclynn74
    maclynn74 Posts: 2 Member
    Just turned 40 (sigh). 60 pounds to lose and looking for motivation mmyself!! Feel free to add me.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    yup, in my 40s with 2 young boys! Friend request sent!
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Hi, turned 50 on my last birthday. Two teenagers. Feel free to add me.
  • mamabanana
    mamabanana Posts: 62 Member
    I am 40, 2 kids (11 and 7) been working at it since January. Short term goal is 25lbs by June 1st and long term is 40lbs by December 31. It is not easy and if you want, add me!
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    48 and counting.....back on MFP for the 3rd time.....hoping to make it a lifestyle change this time!!!
    I've been working out 4-5 days a week since the day after Christmas......down 16 pounds.....even though MFP only says 7.....I started out this time heavier than my last, it didn't start showing a loss until I got back to my original start weight. :(
    Short term goal is about 10 more pounds......then maintenance.....maintenance is the hardest for me.....that's when I slip back into old bad habits....
    Come on....let's all support each other.
    Add me!!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    41, in better shape than I was in high school. I've been in maintenance for a while now, started working on lifting and definition work last year.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    OK. I"m 44, almost 45. I have 29 lbs to get to rock bottom goal weight. I'm 6' tall so while that is a lot of weight - it isn't going to make a huge difference like it might if I was 5'2" tall. Will also be hard to reach - it was not a weight I sustained even when younger. It is the recommended weight range but I might be happy with 20-25lbs to reach goal. Anyway.....

    I'm having a mini-mid life crisis moment I think. This round of weight loss has not been anything like how it happened pre-40's. It is harder for one thing and my boobs are shrinking at an alarming rate. That never used to happen. UGH. Nothing to do about it I suppose. My girls have nursed four babies and will never be the same anyway, lol.

    My real problem is my waist. What the hell happened to it? Since I took a measurement I've lost 17lbs and done 30 day shred and not one millimeter has come off my waist. I'm sure my hips are a bit smaller based on my pants (I didn't measure them) so what that looks like is zero waist line. I don't need a teeny tiny waist but a bit of one! This is a lot of work and while I'd like to say it was all for health reasons - a big part is just vanity. I want to look better in what I wear and a waist is part of the damn deal !!!

    What has been your experiences with your waist line? Do you think there is any hope that the last pounds to go are going to make a difference or is this just the new body I get now? :pout: I'm suddenly not liking my 40's so much anymore.
  • MzNurse6870
    MzNurse6870 Posts: 35 Member
    43 and looking for me fit and healthy for 2014. add me