200+ (Week 49) "Hot for Halloween"



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    YEAH!!!! I'm so happy for you and now you've run farther than me... You ROCK!!!! I signed up for the 2:40 to 2:50 time wave. I may run it quite a bit slower than that...
    Oh, I hadn't even thought about the wave thing... as I haven't registered yet, didn't think it would be an option. I'll register for whatever one you're at of course! I think we'll be under 3 hours, so it won't be that off, right? I figure 2 and half for me to do 2 miles less, I can knock out the last two at a 15min/mile pace at least.

    Splurged at the Apple store today (which I totally didn't need to do) and picked up a new Nano. They're sweet! My reasoning was that I've been running with my ipod, having to hold it in my hand, and it's bulky, and my shuffle, while small, only allows me to play music, and I can't see what I'm playing. This little guy can play the podcasts which I like to listen to, the radio, and has a pedometer and nike+ capabilities, so I bought a nike+ as well. I was debating between that and an adidas micoach, which is more expensive. Went with the Nike + and the spot in my shoes that the micoach was supposed to go fits my nike+, so I don't need to buy a special pouch. Woot! My bank account doesn't thank me, but my fitness does! Looking forward to testing it out this week on my short runs.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning ladies! My hill running last Friday did something screwy to my left inner thigh. It's been sore since Saturday but yesterday I discovered that it's really painful when I lift that leg up (as in trying to put on my pants :laugh: ) or when I did my run. I iced it and I'm not trying to do any crazy-hard exercise this week and I hope it will go away as I am finally starting to see consistent losses and I don't want to screw it up.

    Kristina: Your new purchases sound fun. You'll have to tell me how you like the nike+ - I've always been curious about it. You & Victoria are true running inspirations! I can't imagine doing a half marathon yet but I believe I'll get there eventually.

    Sarah: It really is nice when other people can see the changes in you. Way to go!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- ouch to your leg! I wonder what you did to it. My lower outer calf was aching a bit after my 5-milers with my friend on Friday. I think it was cause I was pushing myself harder and I didn't stretch well enough. It still tinges a bit, but isn't horrible. Keep stretching it out, and hopefully it'll be better soon. I'm going to use my recovery walk this evening to calibrate my Nike+ for the walking mode, and if I run tomorrow, to calibrate it for running. I'll definitely let you know how it is. I was willing to shill out a bunch of money yet for something... this was only 30... it dosn't have a HRM, but apparently my new nano with it is set up that I can use it with a HRM if I wanted. I won't do that yet though. So happy that it fits neatly in the space that my Adidas shoe left for THEIR product. haha. I'm thinking that actually knowing the pace I'm going during the run might push me a bit more. I know you can't imagine doing a half marathon at this point, but even when I started training for it, I didn't think it was possible. When Victoria talked about signing up earlier this year, I thought there was no way in hell I would do it... maybe next year. Keep up with your running (once your leg feels better)... slowly increase your distance, and you'll be up to our distances in no time! It's only been less than 10 months for my fat butt to get to where I am. Be patient, and I KNOW you can do it.

    Well ladies, another week has begun. Ugh. Actually, I don't think it should be too bad. Plan is for a 3ish mile recovery walk this evening and some hand weights and trying to get to bed early, for my long day tomorrow. I unfortunately have early afternoon appointments tomorrow, so I'm not sure when I'll get my run in tomorrow, plus it's supposed to rain. I might have to make a gym trip. We'll see. I hope everyone is doing well!! Oh, the scale is slowly coming back down. I didn't step on it for the past few days b/c of TOM, but it's winding down, and i'm only up 1 pound, so I think I'm back on track... hope it'll continue to go back down.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    Kristina and Amy - I too am thinking about getting a new nano for both myself and my husband for Christmas. I love the compactness of it. I have a 4gb original model nano and It is long enough to be a nusiance when I work out. The new one looks perfect for that! I like that you can get a 16gb in that tiny package!

    I am suffering from massive pretom pms. Today I feel better but good gawd...black cloud over head just like in that depression medication commercial. BLeh. Must do research today on herbal remedies. This week I can get to the gym and pay for it so I can get started again. That will help/
    Last night I used my Golds Gym boxing wii game and just from that 15 minutes is probably why I am feeling more human today than I have in a week.

    I have to get going now...have a good day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I feel like such a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've decided to ruin my credit. Joey and I are going to stop making the house payment cause neither of us can afford it. It'll take 6 months to a year before they foreclose and kick me out of it. In that time, I should hopefully be able to get my credit card debt under control and stash some money away in savings. Yeah, my credit will suck, but who cares? A lot of people have crappy credit right now and they aren't even going through a divorce. The house will still be up for sale so maybe it'll sell before they foreclose on me. We dropped the price $3k on Friday. I'm done stressing about it. God will take care of me.

    I called to cancel my directv. I knew they'd try to give me a cheaper price to keep me as a customer, but I didn't know they'd drop it that far. They dropped my payment from $79.99/month to $41.99/month. I will lose about 25 channels (that I don't watch) but I keep my dvr service. This doesn't extend my contract out either. So umm, yeah. I kept my tv. I might decide to cancel when April rolls around and my contract ends though.

    I can't begin to tell you how lightened my load feels.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - God will take care of you is right. As long as you feel at peace with your decision then it is the right one.
  • pinbotchick
    Finally able to sit down and read the posts. Then we're watching Vegas shows.

    Kendal - glad you're happy with your decision. I hope it all works out.

    Kristina - glad you like your new toy!!!

    Lacey - Hope you feel better soon. TOM issues suck.

    Amy - RICE - rest, ice, compress, and elevate. The first line of defense in any injury. Hope it feels better soon.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Victoria, congrats on your one year MFP anniversary. Really liked your post. I'm nowhere near that since I only joined in August, but I did celebrate a major milestone today--50 pounds lost since January! I'm not to the point of half marathons or even 5Ks. To be honest, I'm not sure I will ever be a runner, but maybe I will walk a few when my pace picks up a bit more. But focusing on the positive...50 pounds lost, feel so much less like a blob, have tons more energy, have started closet shopping for smaller sizes, others are starting to notice my weight loss efforts.

    So like I said, major milestone reached today. Surprised the heck out of me. Thought I'd really be struggling to reach that this week, then the weight loss fairy visited this weekend. Had to step on the scale three times this morning before I believed the numbers. Then confirmed this evening at the gym. I love my gym or rather I love the staff, who are super supportive and motivating.

    Kendal-still hoping that your house sells soon so you don't take a huge hit on your credit, but it sounds like the decision you reached is probably the best for you, especially if you can work on paying down/off your other debt.

    Victoria/Kristina-Good luck on your half-marathon. I live in awe of runners. The most I ever did (and it was when I was in junior high) was a 12k (around 7.5 miles) and that was bad enough then.

    Amy-Hope you recover from your injury quickly.
  • pinbotchick
    Flips ***Twirls***Doing the Happy Dance for you Sarah!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    way to go Sarah!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sarah- congratulations!!! *twirls* that's so amazing!! And, I know you say you're not a runner... and you might not be anytime soon, but keep walking and you can eventually work up to it. The girls here can tell you I was pretty anti-running the first few months and didn't think I could ever do it. And you've run in the past (even if it was a while ago), so you know you can do it in the long run. Keep it as a long term option. As the weight has come off it's also gotten easier for me. I was working out regularly for a couple of months prior to starting the couch to 5k program to get my endurance up and some intial pounds off, but I was definitely still over 200 when I started it. Just a thought for the future...

    Hope everyone is doing okay. It's my long work day. I took a semi-long lunch and hauled it over to the rec center and did an hour on the stationary bike (~13 miles). I wanted to run today, but it's uber crappy and rainy outside today and is supposed to be for the rest of the day. If it improves tomorrow, I'd like to get a run in then. I have my 10K race this weekend. I wanted to get 2 runs in this week prior to the race, but I might end up only doing one and crosstraining the other days. We'll see.

    I've got another meeting today and then I have my group tonight. Let's hope it goes better than last week-- definitely hard to keep them on topic. And I've got trivia tonight. We're mixing it up to another place, as there's a time conflict with someone on Mondays now, but if it sucks, I'm not down with going on Tuesdays instead. 1/2 off appetizers and drink specials. This could be bad. Not sure what I'll do yet. Might try and eat dinner at home, but splurge on a drink. We'll see.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah: That is awesome!! You go girl!! :drinker:

    Kristina: The weather has been crappy here too. Rain since Saturday and the temp hasn't gotten above 50 in days. I even had to figure out how to use my radiators (no central heating here) today. Good luck on your 10K. You rock!

    I think my leg is almost better. I didn't do anything more strenuous than walking the dog today and I have iced it off & on. I'm going to get back to running tomorrow (if the weather cooperates, it's supposed to be in the low 60's - yay). I have decided to sign up for a 5K on October 30th with my son. I wanted to try for the 10K but Gabe isn't down for that. It's all good, I'm just happy to have some kind of race to run!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    crappy weather here too. Got caught in a downpour this morning without an umbrella. Luckily for me, a fellow transit rider offered a corner of her umbrella, resulting in me becoming only slightly damp instead of completely drenched. hope the weather improves by the weekend. I'm going "camping" with a group from church. sleeping accomodations are available inside the lodge along with indoor plumbing. :bigsmile: But I hope to do some hiking and other outdoorsy camping things that the rain would ruin.

    I booked my plane tickets home for Christmas today. Seems early to think about Christmas, but I've found the best deals for holiday travel are usually from the end of September through October. This time I actually managed to use airline miles, so no cash outlay at all!
  • pinbotchick
    Oh gals - I feel for you today since our day was sunny and 65 - PERFECT!!!! I love fall... The colors are perfect about 75% turned with lots of red this year. DH and I have been recording Vegas shows and practicing video poker on-line - the cool part is now all my adds are Vegas related!!! DH actually asked if we could go to the local casino this weekend for an hour to "practice". I've read the best play rules more than him and he kept asking me for play scenario tips last night. This really will keep us occupied for the next 4 months. I've been practicing for Jacks or Better and Deuces Wild. After deciding to cancel my run and sleep in - fate took over and my last 6:30 client canceled so I managed to get in 2 miles at an 11:52 pace - pretty quick for me.

    Amy - glad your leg is feeling better.

    Kristina - great job on the bike ride at lunch.

    Sarah - where are you going for X-mas? I hope you have a blast camping!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I love fall leaves. Being from California, where leaves don't turn, watching the leaves change is still a novel experience for me. I was happy to see that the leaves turn here in Germany. They are mostly yellow and orange with a little red here & there. Good job getting you run in. I'm going to have to put in some extra exercise to meet my 1800 minutes of exercise in September goal (as I took some time off with the leg thing).

    Sarah: I love camping with indoor plumbing! The whole tent experience & no running water kind of ruins the great outdoors for me. I love hiking & biking and being outside but I love my creature comforts too. I have squatted over a log in the woods before and I can't say that it enhanced my outdoor experience.

    So I've gotten my butt back in gear again, now that my leg is feeling 90% better. I did the dog walk and my B210K but I'm still kind of low on exercise minutes to meet my monthly goal so I'm gonna do some weight lifting and yoga today to bump up my time. I spoke with DH today on Skype and he told me that he met up with a friend who happened to be in DC for business & invited him to dinner. His friend is a VP of some division of Pepsi & Trav met him a few years ago doing charity work in California (Pepsi was the sponsor of the event & the VP was the face of Pepsi for the event). Anyways, Pepsi was having some pow-wow in DC and Trav's friend invited him out to dinner with a group of Pepsi big-wigs at a restaurant downtown. Trav was happy to catch up with the friend (who keeps in contact with him through emails but he hasn't seen him in over a year) and was happier to discover that Pepsi's CFO was more than happy to take care of the bill for dinner (Trav said his steak alone cost $45). His friend also invited him up to his house in Connecticut so he doesn't have to spend Thanksgiving alone. I wish I had someone to invite me somewhere so I don't have to spend Thanksgiving alone. But I'm glad he doesn't have to be alone - I guess. (I'm a snot, I know)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Funny-- I am booking my Christmas flights as well later today. Going to Baltimore for Thanksgiving (brother and girlfriend live there and both families are coming--- my mom thinks it's going to be an engagement announcement), and back to NC for Christmas. Looking forward to both.

    Victoria- my parents are coming next weekend and through that next week and I think we're going to travel up north for the long weekend (it's a big football game in town and I wanted to get away from Ann Arbor), and I think we're going to hit up Traverse City. Hoping the leaves will still be pretty.

    So yesterday was a good eating day until trivia. I should always check the calorie counts before going out to eat. They had half off appetizers and drink specials and I ate a day's worth of calories in one meal. UGH. That is not going to be good. And today's eating isn't going to fabulous either, but am going to try and make good choices. Going out with the coworker for lunch to discuss some things and then dinner with the old roomies tonight. Double food whammy! Definitely will need to get my exercise on today. Walked to and from work and plan to get a run in as well.

    We mixed up our trivia locales this week... usually go to the Irish pub in town, which has pretty cutthroat trivia and we're lucky to be somewhere in the middle in terms of scores. We went to Applebee's last night, and blew the competition away, winning a $30 gift card, which we plan to use next week to dominate again. I guess all that hard trivia helped prepare us for a wussier form. Helped that the bonus final question, where we wagered it all was a question that was asked just the previous week at the other trivia, so we knew the answer. Success! Especially, as the table next to us was smacktalking. In yo face!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Victoria--I'm going to my sister's in Spokane, WA for Christmas. Well at least to start with. My parents want us all to go down to Joseph, OR, so there might be a family road trip.

    Kristina--Sounds like you will be in my neck of the woods for Thanksgiving. I live just south of Baltimore. If you need a place to crash, let me know. I've got a spare room with a futon.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The board has been relatively quiet lately. I'm still here...lurking. TOM showed up today so I'm really not feeling that great. Plus the entire east coast is dealing with this rain storm so that doesn't help my mood. We've had a lady ask about leasing the house. I said yes, but I also asked the realtor to mention that I would be willing to take it off the market and she could move in as a roommate. She's a nurse at Baptist Hospital who is going through a divorce as well...thats why she's unable to buy right now. Hopefully she'll be interested in the roommate option cause I don't know where the eff I'm going to live if she just wants to lease it by herself. I'll more than likely have to move in with the bff and her husband, and that means lexi will become an outside dog and that will make me incredibly sad and make me feel guilty. Putting her outside right when the weather is about to turn cold? She's my spoiled inside dog. She sleeps on the bed. She's completely house trained and the only issue is that she sheds all over the place. Maybe they would be willing to let me keep her inside in my room. I dunno. I'm thinking way too far ahead. I need to see what the lady says today.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- try not to think about too far down the line and just what's happening right now. See what comes of the roommate option!

    The board has been a bit quiet. Come on ladies! *cracks whip*

    Sarah- I'll be staying with my brother and his girlfriend in Baltimore, thanks for the offer!

    Last chance workout day again! Yesterday went okay. Did 5.58 miles at about a 12:29ish pace. First time running with the Nike+. Pleased overall with it. Although occasionally, when it would give me updates the pace it said I was currently running seemed really off, but the overall average sounded about right. The distance I'm not completed sold on the accuracy, even though I calibrated for running. mapmyrun said it was 5.75. Yes, it's only 0.17 miles off, but it takes off almost 20 seconds off my pace. Whatever... close enough! Nothing's going to be perfect. Plan to head to the gym after work today for crosstraining. Will probably bike it up again... possibly elliptical. Just need to get moving

    Was sort of pleasantly surprised I was less than a pound up from my low 2 weeks ago (let's ignore TOM weight last week), considering I've eaten out three meals in the past 2 days. I'm hoping if I can keep the eating in line today and get my exercise on, the scale will be friendly tomorrow and at least give me close to a maintain (obviously a loss would be better).

    Oh, found out I might be dog sitting for a few days next week. I see it as a trial run for when I get a dog after the new year. My friend/co-worker needs someone to watch her little pug. She's adorable, and I hope it works out, cause I would love it!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Victoria- how was the long run?

    Amy- how's the leg doing?

    Deb- you around? I miss you!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all. I'm around. I've been kinda bummed since the weather turned grey and cold this week. It hasn't stopped me from getting out there but I kind of miss the sun. I've almost met my goal of 1800 minutes of exercise for September. I did the dog walk & me & the munchkin went on a mountain bike ride so once I do Insanity, I'll have met my goal. And...boy - am I tired! My leg seems to be about 95% better but I'm going to give it a few weeks before I run hill sprints again just to be sure. I've been working really hard at removing processed foods from my diet and I have to say that I have realized how much more food I can eat when I am avoiding the processed stuff!! I'm keeping my calories the same but it just seems like I am eating more often to get all those calories in. I am also feeling more...ahem...regular...with all the fiberlicious foods. I guess I'll see tomorrow if it makes a difference in the wight loss. Side note: me & Gabe were watching the Biggest Loser and after Burgandy weighed in (she's the only contestant he cares about since he KNOWS her), he turned to me and asked why I can't lose that much weight in a week. He also told me I have a mustache the other day. 7 year olds can really suck some times.

    Kristina: How exciting to dog sit!!! I love dogs, I'd have a dozen if I had a place to put them.

    Kendal: I agree that it is too early to worry about the future. Although, being a rabid worrier myself, I know how hard it is to actually NOT worry about something. Maybe the roommate thing will work out.