Help with ways to fix fish



  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Since no one has posted something like this yet, I'll share our favorite way to do fish. We make it for 2 and use tilapia, swai, or catfish.

    Line the bottom of a 9x9 or 12x12 baking dish with about 1/2 bunch chopped or torn kale, chard, or a nice pile of spinach. Lay 2 fish fillets over that and add: 1-2 T soy sauce, a bit of olive oil, 1/2-1 T of maple syrup, 1/2 a chopped onion, and some chopped fresh ginger. Cover with foil and bake for about 20 minutes. Delicious over rice; don't waste the yummy liquid in the bottom of the pan-- that makes the rice even better.

    This stuff is the most delicious if, instead of the onions and oil, you add a mushroom/onion/butter duxelles. We have nice wild mushrooms around our house and we use those to make duxelles, which we freeze in small bags.

    You can also use some chili powder or other spices on the fish rather than ginger.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    If you're a novice or have never cooked fish before, try this recipe. You will spend some money but you'll also find the end result is worth it.

    First Time Salmon

    Buy: A large Salmon filet. You'll want to buy 8 oz or so per person and the piece of fish will be 18 to 24 inches long. If its a little big, that is OK. In my experience, you will do well to avoid the tail end, not because it's bad but because it will over cook or burn before the thicker part is done. I ask for it to be cut off.


    At least, go to a fish market in a good grocery store where you can talk to the fish monger. I've had better results at high-end markets or natural food stores. Atlantic Salmon is fine your first time out because the price is better than wild caught and, you should get you technique down before you spend $10+ per lb on fish. Wild caught does taste better and the filets are smaller. As with any fish, if it has a funky smell, a strong odor or reminds you of cat food, don't buy it.

    Light the grill.
    If you using gas, set for medium after you preheat.
    If using charcoal, you want a *6 Mississippi fire (Hold your hand above the grill and count 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi etc. )
    Start with a large filet, normally about 18 inches but can be longer.
    Place on work surface with skin side down.
    Rub your fingers over the flesh side to find any bones and pull them out with clean pliers
    Rub the flesh side with 1 or 2 tsp of oil. (Olive oil is good if you like the flavor, regular soybean oil will do just fine.)
    Sprinkle with salt, pepper and, maybe some Italian herbs.
    Move it to the grill, skin side down
    Lay a piece of foil over the top of the fish and close the grill

    ***If you're going to have a problem, this is where it will show up!***

    If you get flare ups while it's cooking, reduce the heat. Don't try to move the fish because it will break up.

    Cook for 5 minutes then test for done-ness at the thickest part of the filet. You want it to flake easily but not be dry.
    It will probably need two or three more minutes but don't over cook. The top will be nicely done and the skin will be scorched and maybe charred. Don't worry, your not going to eat it anyway.

    Salmon like steak, can be served from rare to well done or even raw. Since this is your first time, try for medium. You can always give it another minute.

    Use two broad spatulas to CAREFULLY remove from the grill and onto a platter. Let it rest for 3 minutes.

    To serve: Cut slices about 3 inches wide taking care not to cut through the skin. The flesh should separate easily from the skin when served.

    Bon apetit!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Love fish so I will contribute a couple of ideas so that I can have access to other recipes!

    Tilapia - here is one that we really like:

    I also make Tilapia with a little bit of adobo seasoning/lime juice, pan seared, and then flaked up in tortillas with mango avocado salsa for fish tacos or just keep it in filets with the mango salsa and a black bean/corn salad. Very light and summery.

    Salmon - we usually grill. I like it with a little olive oil, coarse salt and pepper and lemon juice. Sometimes I flake up the salmon and serve it with grilled asparagus and red peppers (cut up) and mix it with bow tie pasta wiith pesto.

    Another fun way to cook fish is to do it in parchment paper or foil packets. You cut a piece of parchment paper about double the size of your fish filet and then you can put a variety of different things on the paper. We do cooked orzo pasta, whatever vegetables we have laying around (asparagus or zucchini/squash are some of our go to's) lay the fish on top of the veggies ( this can be done with pretty much any fish) and then lemon slices over the fish. Then you can squeeze lemon juice or drizzle some white wine over that and sprinkle whatever kind of seasoning you like (italian, or mixed fresh herbs). Fold the parchment up and seal it to make sure there are no holes and put it in the oven for about 20 minutes. Everything steams together, and clean up is super easy! It is also nice because everyone in the family can make their own packet, so if someone doesn't care for asparagus, or wants a different seasoning, they can choose. Here's something similar:
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    I like to do Mahi on the grill. The best has been tequila/lime/cilantro. Rud the fillets with EVOO , black pepper and garlic ( I prefer to use the pre-chopped to the powder). Let them sit like that for 20 to 30 mins then mix the juice of one lime and an oz or so of tequila and pour that over the fish. Again, give it like 20 mins then put on a hot grill. I usually do like 7 to 9 mins a side. I serve it with a simple homemade pineapple salsa! Really yummy and low fat!!
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member