Potty training nightmare. Any suggestions?

19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
"Girls potty train earlier," they said. "Girls are easier to train," they said. "You potty-trained 3 boys. Your daughter will be a piece of cake!" they all told me.


I used a timer method to train my two oldest boys. With my third, the timer didn't work so right after his third birthday, I told him I wouldn't buy any more diapers so he would need to use the potty. That worked on him. I've tried this and more with my daughter (almost 3). She gets so aggravated when her diaper is wet or dirty and asks for a new one, but she still refuses to use the potty.

What methods have you used to potty-train your little ones? Maybe I just need a fresh idea.


  • I suggest you join cafemom.com and ask there! Very helpful moms on there.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Maybe I just need a fresh idea.

    ...or a fresh kid??

    (kidding, BTW. I'd never actually suggest for realzies that you trade in your kid.)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Ok I have 4 children now 16, 12, 10 and 4

    1st boy trained at 3.5 years
    2nd girl trained at 24 mths
    3rd boy trained at 26 mths
    4th girl 3.5 years

    My advice is wait!! Let them do it, do not make them do it! My thought my youngest daughter would never train ever, she hated everything about it! One day she just decided to do it and we have never looked back! Night trained as well! Let her guide you! It will save you both time and frustration!!
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    When I was 7 months pregnant with baby 3 I was bound and determined to not change two butts in the house and spent almost a full 60 hours straight at the potty in the bathroom with my daughter who was almost 3 (other than night time and meals of course) we read some books, drew cartoons and talked a lot as well as potty danced to some music. There were a lot of tears and she hated me for a while, as well as my back and butt killed me after all that time on the floor preggers but it worked, after she knew she could do it and that IF she did it we could all get back to normal. We then went out to the mall and she got to pick out a new pack of underwear to replace the ones she had erm made accidents in.... I do think boys can be troublesome in their own way but man are girls more stubborn about it!

    Good luck!
  • KatieLouWho19
    KatieLouWho19 Posts: 776 Member
    All children are different as you know.... I think one day it will just "click".... My son was the same way..... He would tell me to change him after just wetting his diaper once... I told him no more diapers... He goes to the potty 9 billion times a day but we still put him in a pull up at night because he sleeps with us, and no one wants to wake up in a puddle of piddle. LOL.

    Just keep talking to her about it. Let her pick her own "big girl potty" or potty seat out to get her excited. (hopefully excited)
    I know my son LOVES his spiderman potty. So just try different ways to get her in there and just figure it all out!

    Best of luck!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Don't give her diapers anymore. Undies cold turkey.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Both my girls were potty trained before they were two. When they got old enough to tell me they had a wet/dirty diaper instead of just crying, I started potty training. And I bribed them to get them to do it. New clothes, new toys, small stuff, but they got something new for every week they went with out accidents. I also asked them every four and half minutes if they needed to go potty, until they got to the point they told me with out me asking.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Not sure what you're using for her, but my parents tell me (I was too young to remember :laugh: ) that I wouldn't go potty on the little one they had for me until they got me one that looked like the big-boy potty.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    We let ours, a boy and a girl, pick out a new glittery sticker from a sheet and stick in on the potty every time they used it. Is there anything specific that she loves to do that you could use to incentivise potty use?
  • RobsGirl_lds
    RobsGirl_lds Posts: 211 Member
    I chose a week when I would be able to devote all my attention to my little ones and just Took the diaper off. The first day there were many accidents but by the third or fourth day they were almost gone. When an accident happened I would talk to them as I cleaned it up. I let them know accidents happen and that I love them. We would talk about how they felt before it happened and that that feeling ment they needed to sit on the toilet. After I cleaned up the mess they would sit on the toilet for a min to see if there was any more. (For this week till the accidents slowed I let them run around with out pants or undies.)

    The week befor to would start I would exaggerate my bathroom ritual. I would jump up and down yellng I have to pee, I have to pee! And run to the bathroom bringing my little one in with me. I would ask them if they could hear the pee going in the toilet. I would ask them if they knew anyone else that used the toilet. Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa......
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Videos. It sounds like the easy way out and the songs will make you insane, but they work.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Two girls and one boy here...with the first girl, she just had to decide to on her own. With my boy, we played sink the boats (handful of cereal, froot loops/cheerios in the toilet, and he aimed for them) or I would turn him around backwards and give him a monster truck to play with on the tank while he went. The second girl is only just a year so we will see how she does it. Typically you just have to wait it out though. They eventually decide to do it on their own, and if you push to hard they can sometimes revert and have bedwetting issues.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I'm so glad to be past that phase with my kids :grumble:
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member

    My advice is wait!! Let them do it, do not make them do it! My thought my youngest daughter would never train ever, she hated everything about it! One day she just decided to do it and we have never looked back! Night trained as well! Let her guide you! It will save you both time and frustration!!

    I think this is the way to go. People tell me that we did well with potty training my son, when, in fact, he was the one who decided to potty. all i did was provide the post-potty celebrations and treats.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If she knows it is important to you and you want her to do it, she might want to use that control and NOT do it. Some kids are like that. Act like it's no big deal. Never let her know it bothers you. she will do it eventually. Just keep the potty out and ask from time to time.
  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    I never pushed any of my kids - we would try things, let them get used to the potty or toilet.. used what each was comfortable with. My first (boy) trained at 3.5 - my middle daughter trained at 2.75 years and my youngest (girl) trained at 2.5 years.

    All of them basically did it on their own (with guidance) and had very few accidents.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    despite my best efforts, my kids (one girl, one boy) would not do it until they wanted to.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member

    My advice is wait!! Let them do it, do not make them do it! My thought my youngest daughter would never train ever, she hated everything about it! One day she just decided to do it and we have never looked back! Night trained as well! Let her guide you! It will save you both time and frustration!!

    I think this is the way to go. People tell me that we did well with potty training my son, when, in fact, he was the one who decided to potty. all i did was provide the post-potty celebrations and treats.

    I agree, no training here, my kids just were ready and did it - being super proud :-) Plus almost no "accidents".

    I honestly cannot imagine spending hours/days/weeks on this. I mean we are not doing crawling, sitting, walking training, we wait until the kids are ready...
  • threefancy
    threefancy Posts: 93 Member
    All the books say to wait until they are ready. We tried that for awhile, but then finally just decided to force the issue with our son when he was 3. If we hadn't, I'm confident he would still be in a diaper. He's now 4. He is stubborn and doesn't like change.

    We sat him on the potty every 15 min at first, gradually increasing it up to an hour. We also bribed him....candy, stickers, etc.. Whatever it takes to motivates him. There are a lot of naysayers who will say to not use candy as a reward, but it wasn't a big deal to us. It's only for a couple of weeks.