What's your favorite COMPLIMENT since starting?

Let's get some POSITIVITY from family/friends. :)

So I finally broke my 2-month plateau this week, and I've been feeling great as is. Those 2 months weren't wasted--I actually gained a bit of muscle, so that running doesn't hurt my calves or my ankles anymore. But anyways...

I was with my sister-in-law and she looked at me and said "Oh my gosh, you've lost weight, haven't you? Your waist is looking smaller, but you're getting a big ol' booty!"

That made me feel so good, lol. >.< I've been lifting heavier (squats ~ 95, leg press ~ 210) because I ALWAYS lose my butt first, so just hearing that it's paying off was amazing.

P.S. Don't judge my squats too hard, I have really bad balance. I HAVE gone up to 135 before, but it makes me feel like I'm going to fall over, so I don't do that unless I have a spotter OTHER than the bars on the machine.


  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    On telling my boyfriend I've lost 3kgs in 3 weeks as of this morning (with 11kgs to go):

    "That's nice"

    I was literally blown away by the enthusiasm ;-)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My mom told me recently on the phone, "You're just looking so tall and slim, it's weird when I suddenly see you out of the corner of my eye and realize how different you look!"

    I died. Loooved that compliment!
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    A woman at work said, "I can t tell you've lost weight and you look so much better you've inspired me to try to n get fit"

    I'm nowhere near goal weight either.
  • laurelthistle
    laurelthistle Posts: 145 Member
    I got called tiny yesterday by a coworker. I am nowhere near tiny, but I think that my weight loss is actually noticeable now and regardless, I walked around grinning like a idiot after that!
  • buddlloyd
    I've been going to the same gym since I started this healthy lifestyle thing in August. I usually have Saturdays off but I went in two weeks ago cause I missed Friday.

    I didn't know the girl at the front counter, usually I'm greeted with really sweet older women who know me and buzz me in so I don't even have to swipe my card.

    I swipe my card and the young girl stops me and says I'm not the guy in the picture. I bust out another form of ID and we're both laughing our heads off at the confusion.

    I can't know for sure if she really didn't believe I was the same guy. Maybe she was just trying to keep motivate me. In any case, what I do know is this: I've lost a lot of weight, I feel a lot healthier, and I'm just a couple pounds away from my goal.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Mine isn't a verbal affirmation of my weigh loss, it's the way my husband looks at me. I just feel wonderful knowing he finds my new thin body so sexy!
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    I am turning "50" this year! I have a 29 year admirer(bless his hear, LOL) at a place I frequent. He told me that I look more beautiful and younger every time he sees me. I reminded him that although he is great for my self esteem, I am married and could almost be his mother!! Gotta love his enthusiasm though :)
  • polkadotmoon
    "You're looking slimmer, have you lost weight?"

    From someone completely unaware that I'm improving my fitness levels, so I'm taking that as a compliment to reinforce my determination to stick with the lifestyle change.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    " man I can tell you have really been working hard, you look great"

    Love when people address not only the weight loss but how much work I have put into getting it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my aunt at Christmas looked at my husband and said..."she's half the women you married"...and I am...from size 16 to an 8 at that point.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Other women sometimes message me saying that they want abs like mine, and asking what I do. It's very flattering. I never thought that much about my stomach. I'm always focused on my thighs!
  • liz23zy
    liz23zy Posts: 9 Member
    "Your calves look nice".... hahah what? That's what my roommate said
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I was at a pool party at the end of last summer at my neighbor's house. They have a 17 year old daughter, and I was mistaken by some other people in attendance to be "her new boyfriend". Hahah. :laugh:

    "Oh hi Stephanie, it's good to see you! This (nodding to me) must be your new boyfriend, right?"

    I'm 31. I'll take that any day.
  • fittlefattle
    My husband is sneaking quite frequent grabs and smacks on my derriere now, and remarks about it looking good. :devil:
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Being stopped at a bar in my hometown by a girl I went to high school with (she was the cliquey type who picked on those who weren't in the circle) and being told you look AMAZING. Yep the little fat kid in me did a happy dance. =)
  • megxmas95
    megxmas95 Posts: 26
    I've been doing plays for 11 years, and I did my first one since losing weight last week, and after my dad said that he took a little while to find me on stage, because I looked so different!

    And while it's always nice getting told I look slimmer, my friend said to me the other day 'you seem so much more confident and happy!' That was very nice to hear!
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I haven't got any yet.. so sad... :-(
  • SummerRain43
    "your *kitten* is amazing"
  • sandjar131
    sandjar131 Posts: 41 Member
    A co-worker told me today that I should be very proud of how far I've come, and that I'm giving my daughters a great start in life.

    That's what it's all about! :)
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I worked on a software development team in my latest role. One of the tech guys said I inspired their whole team (8 people) and they are all going on a healthy lifestyle change. I was really flattered by this. They all are very kind and tell me how good I look and what I am doing. I know that a couple of them have made some changes in their daily routines and are seeing results.

    Good for you and your new booty! Congrats!