How can i loes 50 pounds in 2 months?



  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member

    I laughed so hard at this. lol
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    go back in time.

    or get a tapeworm. but that might not do it fast enough.

    our bodies don't work like that. just focus and move forward.
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    how about cutting off both legs or arms?
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    lose a limb...albeit not much fun...but neither is trying to lose 50lbs in 2months

    yup this is the only way and equally ridiculous. I doubt you gained 50 lbs in 2 months so suck it up and eat sensibly to change your lifestyle not 2 months of your life
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    This is an unhealthy goal. As you didn't become overweight in a day, you can't expect to be slim in a day. Its going to take time, lots of dedication And tons of hard work. You must want it! Its just unreasonable to expect to lose 50 lbs in 8 weeks.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Regular Gummy Bear Cleanse?

    I believe that should read the SUGAR FREE gummy bear cleanse.

    OP seriously, there isn't anything you can do in a healthy way (unless you are morbidly obese and have Chris Powell and his team training you or something similar). Set a modest deficit, eat healthy foods, get some exercise and plenty of rest. It'll take longer to get there but you will likely have less loose skin and will have better chances of keeping the weight off when you do lose it. Good luck!
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    Don't get too discouraged by the sarcastic a-holes. You asked a sincere question and only one or two replies have been sincere back. Sorry for that. 50 pounds in 2 months isn't safe unless you did so with doctor supervision and I don't believe they'd be too eager to encourage it either.

    With careful diet and lots of exercise, 3-4 pounds a week is possible but 1-2 pounds a week is what the consensus suggest. Strength training will certainly help tighten things up.
  • circemuse
    circemuse Posts: 7 Member
    I did this. Actually, I lost 60lbs in two months.

    Step 1. Have a super rare complication from a routine surgery.
    Step 2. Go into renal failure
    Step 3. Have an emergency double nephrostomy
    Step 4. Get a raging infection that requires massive doses of antibiotics
    Step 5. Have a total of 8 surgeries in six weeks, with a total of three weeks in the hospital.
    Step 6. Be so doped up on painkillers that you lose all appetite
    Step 7. Survive on apple juice, toast and jello at 600-800 calories a day.

    Bonus #1: No exercise required!
    Bonus #2: Lose most of your hair!
    Bonus #3: Lose most of your muscle mass! You'll be weak as a kitten!
    Bonus #4: Regain all of the weight and more over the course of a year!

    (Yes, this is true. Thankfully, I recovered with no lasting consequences. Even though it's taken a year, the 50lbs I've lost this time has been a MUCH better experience than what I went through in 2010.)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Another teenager looking for immediate gratification and setting completely unrealistic and unhealthy goals.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Sorry, but I started at 270 and it still took me 4 months to lose 40lbs and then after that it is SLOW. Keep at it and you will get to where you want to be, just not in 2 months.
  • GymTennis
    GymTennis Posts: 133 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    hey everyone i really need to loes 50 pounds by the middle of May! If anyone has ideas i would love to hear them!

    You should have started 6 months ago...
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    lots of meditation and take big poops
  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    Find yourself a reliable coke dealer...which is of itself, as oxymoronic as shooting for 50lbs in 2 months.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    50 lbs in 2 months is not safe, if you rush weightlost it will only come back and then some. one pound of fat is 3,500 calories that means you would have to burn off 175000. If you have a upcoming event just start workingout and eating super healthy and what ever you lose by may be happy about. Also you don't want to focus on losing a number on a scale, you want to lose inches if your looking to drop jean sizes and tone up. My best advice is to # 1. BURN YOUR SCALE yup don't focus on a stupid number that doesn't show you how much work your doing. #2 DON'T FOCUS ON JUST A NUMBER. Focus on eating healthy and workingout.. and my last advice would be # 3. BE HAPPY YOUR READY TO CHANGE! it might be just for a event but this is step one to being happy with your weight.

    Good luck on your journey !!!!!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Tape your mouth shut and exercise night and day. Have fun!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I am in the HMR program which has aggressive weight loss and it still took me 4 months to lose 50lbs. I don't think that is a reasonable goal.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    We don't know the OP's starting weight. If the OP is around 500 pounds then it is definitely possible, although difficult. If the OP is 300ish pounds, then 30 pounds in 2 months is very doable, although difficult.

    It really depends on starting weight and dedication.
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    I felt really bad about giggling at these responces. But I'm hoping I can be helpful.
    I also took about a year to lose 50lbs. But I also wasnt as dedicated as I should have been.
    It is unrealistic and very very unsafe to lose 50lbs that fast. So this is where I hope to be helpful. Just like in a research paper, if you run into a dead end with your research question, you formulate another.

    A few things to think about: Why do you want to lose 50lb?
    Why in 2 months?
    Would it make a difference if you looked 50lbs smaller but weren't?
    What are you willing to do to try to lose weight? (diet change? Lift weights? Run?)

    Once you answer those questions, you might be able to find a way to get a least something good by may.
  • BreAnn267
    BreAnn267 Posts: 46
    The first step is making sure your goal is realistic and obtainable. Like uconnwinsnc said, we don't know much about you. Most likely it will be extremely difficult to lose that amount of weight in that amount of time. The best thing you can do it begin by eating right and exercising. Best of luck to you!