The Paleo Diet



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    This isn't ideal because it is the slides from a talk, but it is still very well referenced and makes a lot of great points about Paleo...

    It even touches on a couple issues that the poster above mentioned about inflammation and oxidation.

    I am not anti paleo - I believe in honoring personal preference - so whatever diet works for you but you might want to check out the above PDF to get a more balanced look at the science behind paleo claims.


    The link is coming up with page not found - do you have another link to it - or some key words I can punch into google.


    Sorry for the long wait man Im horrible at coming back in threads I posted in - it was still working for me but you cna try:

    If that doesn't work then try Googling "Alan Aragon Paleo" should be one of the first results.

    Thanks an interesting read.

    He's certainly coming from the other side of the fence.

    I did think he had some good points. In regards to grains and causes of inflammation and oxidation (not swayed from my line of thought).

    I follow a very Primal diet but in essence is low carb high fat (I've cut the grains and dairy - although cutting the dairy isn't a pre-requisite of the diet) - have I missed them from my diet - that's a very easy no (I must be one of the lucky ones).

    I've posted a blog from Mark Sisson's (guy who developed the Primal Blue Print) it's just a quick rant from him about grain.

    Again thanks for your article I've added it to my collection of studies
