Eating out becomes scary



  • FarTooJones
    now i really want a steak.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    I used to have that fear when I started out - and it was difficult since I normally go out at least twice a week with friends to restaurants. Eventually you'll just get to an intuitive point where you can estimate what you are eating, to the nearest 100 or so and just work it from there based on whatever you are trying to do at the time.

    HOWEVER, that is if you go out regularly. If its just a family thing every once a while, heck I would go and eat half the menu if I needed. Food with family is all about fun and relaxation - so indulge and enjoy then next day go back to doing your thing, who cares.

    I went to visit the family recently for about 10 days, each day we went out either for food or dessert - didn't blink an eye. When I was back I hardly gained a thing - and picked up where I left off.

    It's great to hear that you've overcome the fear! I hope that I will soon be able to estimate the cal of the food in the menu. You're right eating out and spending time with family should be a relaxing thing!
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    Cheat days are a beautiful thing. Always remember that.

    That said, the first time I was on a big weight loss journey (to drop 70 lbs), cheat days used to make me feel so guilty and made me kind of hate myself because I kept thinking "I shouldn't do that, I shouldn't do that!!!"

    So, I stopped calling them cheat days ... because, just mentally, that made me feel like I was "cheating".

    Now I refer to them as "Planned breaks".

    It sounds stupid, I know, but even just changing the terminology helped me change the way I thought about it.

    For instance, this sunday I'm going to a big St Patrick's Day event with my friends. I knew it was coming up, and I planned for it. So I won't feel bad about overeating, because it was part of my plan the entire week.

    Not cheating. Planned.

    Mentally, for me, it makes a world of difference.
  • Operation_Shred
    If it is becoming scary then you need to rethink a few things.


    i eat out all the time and i have yet to experience FEAR.

    I don't get to as often as I'd like, but yeah, never been scared.

    Beg to disagree. I've had some terrible beaver before.
  • Krecob
    Krecob Posts: 86 Member
    I immediately ask for a box once my food has arrived and cut everything in half and put it away (as long as its something that can be reheated). If the food is sitting in front of me I will continue to eat it, this is how I manage eating out.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Go out for dinner and enjoy.

    One meal isn't going to end the world.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I now find eating out is a scary thing to do. My parents want to bring my bro and I out for dinner but I feel scared because I don't know how much the prime ribeye steak I am going to eat weighs.. In a situation like this how do you overcome it? I've totally no idea how much the steak weighs and because of this I'm thinking of not going out to eat with them... So eating out has became a problem for me...

    I would just like to commend you on your choice of the prime ribeye steak - best steak out there (other than maybe a Saratoga ribeye), and not going for a sirloin (tough), filet (tender but lacks flavor), or a strip (probably the second best choice)!

    As others have said, almost every steak restaurant I know of list the ounces on the menu or will provide it to you if you ask. If it is a good steak restaurant that cuts their meat in house, you may even be able to have them cut the steak for you, so you could choose a smaller portion and they will weigh it right there because they will charge you by the ounce. I went out for dinner last week and they had a "chef cut ribeye" option where I requested 12 oz and when the guy cut it it was only 10oz. I was happy to save the extre $7 ($3.50/oz) but really would have loved those few extra bites at the end of my meal! Thankfully there were jalapeno cheddar grits, grilled asparagus, and salted caramel ice cream to help me cope...
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    My restaurant strategy is usually get what you want... but only have half. :) Take the rest home and get another meal out of it. Share dessert or skip it and have something you can control better when you get home.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Thank you for all the great advices! I guess I will just go for the dinner because I can't possibly not eat out for the rest of my life!

    That. When I found myself having that moment, I mentally smacked myself and had a lovely meal. This is a long, meandering journey--enjoy the occasional detour and then get back on the main highway.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Thank you for all the great advices! I guess I will just go for the dinner because I can't possibly not eat out for the rest of my life!


    Being afraid of these things and of food is only going to lead to a miserable life.

    How often do you eat out? If it is like me, then not often at all. One meal, heck one DAY won't ruin all that you have worked for. Enjoy yourself.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Given you are the girl, who with a BMI of 17.4, was worrying about having gained a kilo not too long ago, and who has posted another thread about this gained kilo, I seriously think you need to be seeking some help as you are showing distinct signs of eating disordered thinking and obsessing. Your post history is very indicative there is a problem there.
  • Strongandhealthy1234
    I look up the nutrition info before I go. Then I incorporate it into my daily calorie count.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    most steak restaurants have the weight of the steak on the menu. If not, you can always just ask your server.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    Given you are the girl, who with a BMI of 17.4, was worrying about having gained a kilo not too long ago, and who has posted another thread about this gained kilo, I seriously think you need to be seeking some help as you are showing distinct signs of eating disordered thinking and obsessing. Your post history is very indicative there is a problem there.

    I've mentioned that I have checked the Singapore government's BMI calculator and it shows that I'm not underweight...
    I'm learning to deal with eating out and now the problem has been solved. Thanks for the concern (:
  • Jeanne130LBS
    Jeanne130LBS Posts: 50 Member
    Whatever you do, don't skip dinner with family. I try very hard to stay within my calorie limits. We went out to a favorite restaurant to try their new beef stroganoff. I asked the waitress to bring me a to-go box when she brought my dinner. I spooned half of the stroganoff into the box, spread the rest out on my plate and cleaned my plate along with a salad with dressing I brought along. One of the best suggestions I have read here is to use Bolthouse Yogart salad dressings. They are awesome and 45 cals for 2 tablespoons. Go and enjoy your dinner and take a nice long walk the next morning. :glasses:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    enjoy the night out with your friends and family only live once…

    have a steak, some red wine and roasted potatoes…you can also get a 6 0z filet and that is like 400 cals….

    you did not get fat on one night of eating out….
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    Whatever you do, don't skip dinner with family. I try very hard to stay within my calorie limits. We went out to a favorite restaurant to try their new beef stroganoff. I asked the waitress to bring me a to-go box when she brought my dinner. I spooned half of the stroganoff into the box, spread the rest out on my plate and cleaned my plate along with a salad with dressing I brought along. One of the best suggestions I have read here is to use Bolthouse Yogart salad dressings. They are awesome and 45 cals for 2 tablespoons. Go and enjoy your dinner and take a nice long walk the next morning. :glasses:

    Beef stroganoff sounds good! At home I would use natural yogurt or apple cider as salad dressing which is low calorie and yummy!
    Thanks for the help! (:
  • melisapaddockpehl
    Why do you HAVE to eat the prime ribeye steak? Is that the only option or can you pick something a little more healthy? If not, just plan ahead! Know what a serving size of prime rib is and stick to it. Otherwise, like many others here have said....don't sweat it! One cheat meal a week isn't going to break your many other healthy choices :-) Good luck!
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    enjoy the night out with your friends and family only live once…

    have a steak, some red wine and roasted potatoes…you can also get a 6 0z filet and that is like 400 cals….

    you did not get fat on one night of eating out….

    I will skip the wine and roasted potato to make room for my steak with garden veggie as sides (: thanks for the help!
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    Why do you HAVE to eat the prime ribeye steak? Is that the only option or can you pick something a little more healthy? If not, just plan ahead! Know what a serving size of prime rib is and stick to it. Otherwise, like many others here have said....don't sweat it! One cheat meal a week isn't going to break your many other healthy choices :-) Good luck!

    I'm thinking of either prime ribeye or New York strip... Because I'm getting the steak i will opt for veggie as sides~
    Thanks for the help!