Ugh....just can't keep logging



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you can lose without the logging, then don't. Enjoy the community. However, I know it keeps me in check. Do you have the phone app? I find that logging is much easier with it than on computer. I log both ways but I have logged for 2 years now. It works for me and maybe I am just a bit OCD but I have no problem with doing it... Almost driven to do it... but then again, it is a 2 year habit too...
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think it's easy. Most of my foods are already in my frequently used foods list. It's a habit that only takes a few minutes out of my day - like brushing my teeth. For me, maintaining my health and fitness is important. I've been successfully maintaining here for almost 3 years now. But although it's easy and fun for me, it's obviously not for everyone.

    I guess it's going to have to come down to priorities for you, OP. What's easier, more familiar and more comfortable...OR ...Sucking it up and doing what you need to do. If weight loss is not THAT important, don't do it. For me it's important, but it's not as important for some others. Maybe there's a better way out there for you that doesn't require logging...Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    I think it's easy. Most of my foods are already in my frequently used foods list. It's a habit that only takes a few minutes out of my day - like brushing my teeth. For me, maintaining my health and fitness is important. I've been successfully maintaining here for almost 3 years now. But although it's easy and fun for me, it's obviously not for everyone.

    I guess it's going to have to come down to priorities for you, OP. What's easier, more familiar and more comfortable...OR ...Sucking it up and doing what you need to do. If weight loss is not THAT important, don't do it. For me it's important, but it's not as important for some others. Maybe there's a better way out there for you that doesn't require logging...Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Well put.

    For me, logging was absolutely necessary as I was losing weight. Since I have been in maintenance, I really don't need it that much. When I feel I am drifting of course, I start it back up for awhile just to regain focus.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Logging is a huge pain for me, and it takes me a hell of a lot more than "five minutes a day." I'm not one of those "eat basically the same things all the time" people, and I rarely packaged food. As a home cook and a foodie, I am always having to enter new recipes, which takes quite a while. I rarely measured things carefully before, and cooking takes longer when I have to measure and record everything than when I winged it most of the time. It does seem to help, so I'm going to persist, but that doesn't mean I won't complain about it sometimes. OK, a lot!

    I'd really like to know what kind of boring diets people eat if it takes "2 minutes a day." Seriously. It takes longer than that to do my breakfast.

    My saving grace is I'm a freelance writer so I'm at a computer all the time and can take the time to log without too much disruption.

    I love to cook and bake. Have you tried the new recipe builder feature? You copy and paste the recipe into the box and it'll match up as many ingredients as possible from the USDA options in the database.

    It does take me a little longer if I'm entering a new recipe. But some of it is just practice. It's been 3 years. I know exactly how to word things to get the correct entries.

    Agreed. I cook most of my own food from scratch at home and love to experiment with new recipes. Most things I cook have short, simple ingredient lists (unlike the dozens of ingredients in processed, factory prepared meals,) and I don't log spices and herbs because 2 calories won't break me, so it's not like there's a mile-long list of things to enter. It still doesn't take long to log and it's still totally worth it to me to log, even if it takes an hour out of my day (which it doesn't, just being dramatic.) My body is worth taking the time to care for it. I'm making the best investment when I take time and effort to maintain my health and fitness.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I have a hard time with it, too. As a result, I keep gaining and losing the same 4 pounds. I'm pushing for more consistency.
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you all for your input. As I said, I'm going to REEEEAAAAALLLLYYYY try to do better at logging. If anyone who has the same feelings as me wants to add me, send a request, we'll "poke" each other when we don't log. Thanks again everyone.:glasses:
  • SushiKite
    SushiKite Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, never thought to log at first and preplan! Good idea!
  • SushiKite
    SushiKite Posts: 39 Member
    I look at it this way. What does a sucssesful business women do? Makes out her schedule, writes everything down. Maybe think of it as a business plan. They have to in order to be successful. So should we then, right?:smile:
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    I look at it this way. What does a sucssesful business women do? Makes out her schedule, writes everything down. Maybe think of it as a business plan. They have to in order to be successful. So should we then, right?:smile:

    Did I enter into the female only section of MFP?
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member

    I love to cook and bake. Have you tried the new recipe builder feature? You copy and paste the recipe into the box and it'll match up as many ingredients as possible from the USDA options in the database.

    It does take me a little longer if I'm entering a new recipe. But some of it is just practice. It's been 3 years. I know exactly how to word things to get the correct entries.

    I've never seen a feature where you can copy and paste recipes. Is that only in one of the app versions or have I somehow missed it? You may have saved my sanity (though I'll still have to type in anything from any of my cookbooks.)
  • catsandtats
    catsandtats Posts: 29 Member
    Yeah, I feel you! I have an on-again-off-again relationship with logging. I'm really good at it but I tend to stop doing it when I don't see a reason to such as when I just get in the routine of having the same thing all the time (I do this with breakfast a lot) or when a goal I'm working on doesn't seem to require that I do it.

    What helps me do log having a specific concrete goal that *requires* that I do it. Abstract goals like "I should be more aware of what I eat" or an old goal of mine from a year ago was "exercise 5 days a week instead of 3" won't work because I won't see in a concrete way the need to log. But now, one of my current goals *also* requires that I get in about 100 grams of protein in *every day*...and honestly, there's no way I can make sure that I do that unless I log because I can't keep track of that in my head.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I love to cook and bake. Have you tried the new recipe builder feature? You copy and paste the recipe into the box and it'll match up as many ingredients as possible from the USDA options in the database.

    It does take me a little longer if I'm entering a new recipe. But some of it is just practice. It's been 3 years. I know exactly how to word things to get the correct entries.

    I've never seen a feature where you can copy and paste recipes. Is that only in one of the app versions or have I somehow missed it? You may have saved my sanity (though I'll still have to type in anything from any of my cookbooks.)

    It's on the PC version. It's a new feature. Go to the Recipe Builder and you'll see it right at the top. It claims to be able to pull a recipe from a website but I haven't been able to get that part to work yet. But I did the copy/paste version the other day and it came out very close to the version I had entered manually.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    I guess it's the scientist in me that LOVES logging food. It's so cool to have a way to know how many grams of protein I ingested!!!!
    It's so nerdy but it's like I'm a kid in a toy store, I just log stuff I have no intention of eating to see the stats. NEAT
  • kindislave
    kindislave Posts: 2 Member
    I think Im one of the few on here that love logging. I guess I make it sort of a mental game. ie Can I beat yesterdays breakfast count just by subbing out something simplle? I have tried to do it without logging but have never been successful. it keeps me honest and also allows me to sort of mentally plan the rest of my meals for the day. If I go heavy at bfast I know lunch should be more reasonable etc. If it is a chore for you it wont work. Try to figure out how to make it enjoyable. My very favorite part of the day is entering my excercise. Good luck
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    the diary is a tool - and I guess everyone gets to use it in a way that best suits them

    Some people open theirs up to be accountable

    Some people record every crumb they consume

    I take the approach of giving myself a 1200 allowance ( step away from the key board - I know 1200 is really low ) BUT - I do not bother recording the milk in my coffee, the 4 or 5 carrots I may munch on, the mint I ate - stuff like that - I expect I am about 200 over what I actually record - I`m losing weight - I`m eating at LEAST 1200 - I`m not driving myself batty measuring and recording every crumb - I accept as i get closer to my goal weight I may have to tighten up this regime but for now I`m losing weight and feel great.

    I also eat more of less the same thing every day so the quick copy options make the diary a snap to fill in

    Ditto what they said. And sometimes I just use the Quick calories to save time.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I love logging. But I'm a list person. I love to make lists and check things off and Excel is my best friend ever. Not only do I log my calories but each night I then log that days calories eaten and burned in an Excel spreadsheet. I have not skipped a day of logging in over 200 and only then because I was out of the country and couldn't.

    I'm weird, I know.

    It doesn't take that long once you have a good database of food. I'm also the sort of person who usually eats the same thing so its a few clicks and I'm done. I definitely know I would have gained my weight back if I had stopped logging.
  • aliceinweightlossland
    I actually enjoy it. It feels good to be accountable for what I'm putting into my body.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I'm too lazy to log some days I feel like logging other days I can't be bothered.
    Also sometimes I can't tell the exact size or something.
    I generally just go by the if I'm hungry eat but I'll drink water first if I'm still hungry half hour later I'll eat as long as I know the food is healthy.
    I might try getting back into the logging.
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    It works very well on my laptop but on my phone I find the app more of a pain. It's hard to sort out all the foods once you get a bunch in there but way easier on the full site. The app could definitely be improved but logging everything is key to making the best of your weight loss effort. :)
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    logging my food... or staying fat.... logging my food... or staying fat....

    yeah... I have no problem taking 10 minutes per day to log my food.