Watched Forks and Knives. Now I'm thinking of trying this



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    That documentary is nothing but heavily biased clap trap. Use your critical thinking skills.
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member

    "Personally, I think moderation in all aspects of life is the best course of action"

    Best quote in the whole discussion. I personally don't eat meat, but my husband does. We've had many late night discussions based on my personal decision. I choose to support organic farmers and buy locally when possible, not because of a study or documentary, but because I like seeing/knowing where my food comes from.

    I choose to believe FOK and the China study was meant to bring attention to our food sources and how we *may* have arrived here. Some propaganda? Of course. I also wonder if the same people knocking veganism/vegetarians also have issue with Paleo eaters? Just a question I'd like to know the answer to. Many paleo people try to eat as close to the source as possible (like vegans), but allow for animal protein. I also know several hardcore Paleo people that make it a point to tell everyone about their dietary restrictions and why it's the best diet on earth. Haven't seen one post knocking them yet, so it makes me wonder.

    At the end of the day, whatever our chosen diets, I do believe in moderation and listening to your body. I'm always glad to see discussions like this, because I believe talking about these things brings about awareness and that's always positive in my opinion. Good information. Thanks for the sources.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    That documentary is nothing but heavily biased clap trap. Use your critical thinking skills.

  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member

    I also wonder if the same people knocking veganism/vegetarians also have issue with Paleo eaters? Just a question I'd like to know the answer to. Many paleo people try to eat as close to the source as possible (like vegans), but allow for animal protein. I also know several hardcore Paleo people that make it a point to tell everyone about their dietary restrictions and why it's the best diet on earth. Haven't seen one post knocking them yet, so it makes me wonder.

    They do take issue and I'm a bit surprised you haven't managed to run into it yet.

    ETA: They don't give a second thought to anyone eating however they want to eat; they are bothered by the arguably loud minority of people who eat these ways that act like it's going to cure cancer or that paleo people actually ate this way.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    So I was recently introduced to the documentary on Netflix called Forks and Knives and it had some new findings linking animal based products to cancers. It goes over and has evidence from studies that have been going on for decades and the evidence is pretty sound. I think I would like to to try this plant based meal plan and find vegan protein powders instead of whey and other such alternatives like food processing cauliflower sauteed to be a rice substitute. I would still take a multi-vitamin and b-12 supplement. I heard Nutritional yeast is a good substitute for cheese and does not taste like erasers like some other "mock' products.

    I have been a life long meat eater but after watching that documentary and seeing some facts and evidence, I would like to try this and see how it feels and if I have the urge to eat my husband in the middle of the night, I will stay strong and find some fruits or something else to munch on. hahaha This will be a big step for me as I have never done this before and was always opposed to it. I have an open mind when facts are present so lets see how it goes.

    I'm looking for recipes now.
    I would appreciate some of your favorites so I can try out.
    I also have a lap-band which requires me to have a higher intake of protein. I found a Vegan Protein powder called Bodylogix at GNC and will pick that up for my shakes as well as my Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk (30 calories) to add to it.

    Lots of recipes would be great!
    Thanks! ^_^

    My late husband struggled with prostate cancer for 13 years. Two doctors, one here in Pennsylvania and the other at Georgetown Hospital's Lombardi Cancer Center in D.C., told us that diet is absolutely related to cancer. We were told that studies show men who eat a diet heavy in meat and diary (the western diet) get the disease far more often than men who eat a diet based on plant food and some fish -- however, those men get the disease at the same rate when they move to the United States and eat the typical diet here.

    You can get plenty of protein from nuts, seeds, beans and bean products. I eat a lot of lentils (18 g of protein in 1 cup, or the protein of 3 eggs). Some people get gas from beans because we lack an enzyme to digest the coating. You can get around that by soaking or overcooking so the beans are very soft. There are loads of delicious foods that are plant-based. Look at the website for some inspiration.