How to deal with unrealistic/controlling mom?!



  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member

    I didn't see one single person diagnosing anyone or prescribing anything or telling the OP to administer any kind of treatment on her mother.

    How did we arrive at discussing mental illness then?

    Mental illness is NOT something to throw around lightly, and is NOT for random Internet strangers to decide if somebody's mom is mentally ill. I find it odd that you have an issue with me saying this, having dealt with such a serious concern in your own life. I understand that it's close to you, and you care about it a lot, but you're arguing with someone (me) who just hopes mother and daughter can find a good and loving balance in their relationship that will last forever. My instinct is--and I could be wrong--that if this were a critical intervention-type situation where Mom needed serious help, OP wouldn't talk about it to MFP.

    I think I've probably said enough on this thread, and OP, I really do see a loving daughter in you, and a loving mom in Mom (the way you've described). Take the advice where people said to talk to her, and set your boundaries, and do it lovingly. It seems you will! Your mama loves you.