Plateu before I began



  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    Losing weight isn't supposed to fun or enjoyable, it's a punishment for allowing your body to get in the shape it's in.! Thinking of losing weight as punishment is a whacked mindset. I have had a BLAST losing weight (and keeping it off). How is eating the proper amount of good food, bringing your body into better fitness and health punishment? If it's not enjoyable or fun, you're doing it wrong. :tongue:

    Being healthy IS fun and enjoyable, so is becoming fit AFTER you've lost enough weight to be in a healthy range. Going from being obese to healthy, that is paying your dues.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I didn't say that a 600 calorie a day deficit wouldn't work, I said that it's a slow go. It is widely considered to be "safe" to lose 2lbs a week. Especially for her, considering her BMR + Activity puts her at nearly 2200 calories a day. To many people concern themselves with things they've read rather than things they've done.

    OP weighs 128 pounds…why does she need to lose 2 pound a week?????

    She doesn't NEED to lose any weight. But she's obviously unhappy enough with her body that she wants to. One of the main reasons people weigh to much is because they try to lose for a little bit and get discouraged and quit. It's not about needing to do it in a hurry because there's a dead line, it's about doing it at rate that is quick enough encourage you to keep doing it. You might not think like that, obviously I don't think like that, but there are a lot of folks out there that do. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country who would be in good shape if they would have lost some weigh just a little bit quicker, enough to encourage them to keep doing it. I'm not suggesting she do anything unreasonable but I am suggesting she push herself to the limit. Doctors and nutritionist are very conservative, there are things that are not unhealthy but are deemed unhealthy due to how conservative the one's writing the rules are. Again, I don't wan the girl to be unreasonable but pushing a little ways past what a doctor or nutritionist would recommend is just fine. Also, everyone freaked out about my first post, but carb cycling has proven effective time and time again. There is no denying that it works.

    people freaked out at your first post because you said that you need "punish" yourself and that losing weight is not enjoyable..

    So you recommend OP lose two pounds a week, but now you admit she probably does not need to lose weight? Why did you not just say "you do not need to lose weight in your fist post" *mindblown*

    epic logic fail…

    i suspect trolling...
  • Herestotrying
    I ope someone replies to you I have the same problem I have been working out since NOVEMBER and dieting the scale went up not down and I'm really frustrated I was thinking about making an appointment with a doctor and have my thyroid checked!!!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    I didn't say that a 600 calorie a day deficit wouldn't work, I said that it's a slow go. It is widely considered to be "safe" to lose 2lbs a week. Especially for her, considering her BMR + Activity puts her at nearly 2200 calories a day. To many people concern themselves with things they've read rather than things they've done.

    OP weighs 128 pounds…why does she need to lose 2 pound a week?????

    She doesn't NEED to lose any weight. But she's obviously unhappy enough with her body that she wants to. One of the main reasons people weigh to much is because they try to lose for a little bit and get discouraged and quit. It's not about needing to do it in a hurry because there's a dead line, it's about doing it at rate that is quick enough encourage you to keep doing it. You might not think like that, obviously I don't think like that, but there are a lot of folks out there that do. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country who would be in good shape if they would have lost some weigh just a little bit quicker, enough to encourage them to keep doing it. I'm not suggesting she do anything unreasonable but I am suggesting she push herself to the limit. Doctors and nutritionist are very conservative, there are things that are not unhealthy but are deemed unhealthy due to how conservative the one's writing the rules are. Again, I don't wan the girl to be unreasonable but pushing a little ways past what a doctor or nutritionist would recommend is just fine. Also, everyone freaked out about my first post, but carb cycling has proven effective time and time again. There is no denying that it works.

    people freaked out at your first post because you said that you need "punish" yourself and that losing weight is not enjoyable..

    So you recommend OP lose two pounds a week, but now you admit she probably does not need to lose weight? Why did you not just say "you do not need to lose weight in your fist post" *mindblown*

    epic logic fail…

    i suspect trolling...

    There is a difference between needing to do something and wanting to do something. A person can be healthy without looking as good as they want to look. I am saying that if she is 23 years old, 5'3'' and 130 lbs she is most likely healthy. What she is wanting to do is look better. If you can lose up to 2 lbs a week healthily why would you make a decision to only lose 1? Your logic is flawed sir.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I'm not sure why you want to lose weight when you are at a healthy weight. Maybe keep up with the exercise because over time, you WILL see GREAT results in your shape. At your weight that should be more important I think.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I didn't say that a 600 calorie a day deficit wouldn't work, I said that it's a slow go. It is widely considered to be "safe" to lose 2lbs a week. Especially for her, considering her BMR + Activity puts her at nearly 2200 calories a day. To many people concern themselves with things they've read rather than things they've done.

    OP weighs 128 pounds…why does she need to lose 2 pound a week?????

    She doesn't NEED to lose any weight. But she's obviously unhappy enough with her body that she wants to. One of the main reasons people weigh to much is because they try to lose for a little bit and get discouraged and quit. It's not about needing to do it in a hurry because there's a dead line, it's about doing it at rate that is quick enough encourage you to keep doing it. You might not think like that, obviously I don't think like that, but there are a lot of folks out there that do. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country who would be in good shape if they would have lost some weigh just a little bit quicker, enough to encourage them to keep doing it. I'm not suggesting she do anything unreasonable but I am suggesting she push herself to the limit. Doctors and nutritionist are very conservative, there are things that are not unhealthy but are deemed unhealthy due to how conservative the one's writing the rules are. Again, I don't wan the girl to be unreasonable but pushing a little ways past what a doctor or nutritionist would recommend is just fine. Also, everyone freaked out about my first post, but carb cycling has proven effective time and time again. There is no denying that it works.

    people freaked out at your first post because you said that you need "punish" yourself and that losing weight is not enjoyable..

    So you recommend OP lose two pounds a week, but now you admit she probably does not need to lose weight? Why did you not just say "you do not need to lose weight in your fist post" *mindblown*

    epic logic fail…

    i suspect trolling...

    There is a difference between needing to do something and wanting to do something. A person can be healthy without looking as good as they want to look. I am saying that if she is 23 years old, 5'3'' and 130 lbs she is most likely healthy. What she is wanting to do is look better. If you can lose up to 2 lbs a week healthily why would you make a decision to only lose 1? Your logic is flawed sir.

    if she wants to look better then she should start a heavy lifting program with compound movements and eat in a slight 250 per day deficit so that she loses some body fat and retains lean muscle…

    your plan is one that will leave her skinny fat…

    I don't see how why you would recommend 2 pound per week loss to someone that clearly does not need to lose 2 pounds per week …don't quit your day job...
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    You obviously don't understand weak minded people. It's all well and good that you are capable of doing that tedious, long term process. But obviously she is not, because if she we're ok with tedious and long term she wouldn't be on an internet forum asking why it's taking so long. Some people need to see quick, visible results or they will burn out. You can either do it the wrong way and eventually get to your goal in a round about way, or you can do like you are suggesting and she'll get burn out and quit and then never get there. Which do you think is better?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    You obviously don't understand weak minded people. It's all well and good that you are capable of doing that tedious, long term process. But obviously she is not, because if she we're ok with tedious and long term she wouldn't be on an internet forum asking why it's taking so long. Some people need to see quick, visible results or they will burn out. You can either do it the wrong way and eventually get to your goal in a round about way, or you can do like you are suggesting and she'll get burn out and quit and then never get there. Which do you think is better?

    Well, weak minded people can certainly become stronger if they choose to. It's always better to do something in a healthy, sustainable way. Building healthy habits around eating and exercising is making the mind stronger in the process. It takes time to undo negative thinking & habits - but it has to be done if you want to be successful in weight loss/maintenance.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    You obviously don't understand weak minded people. It's all well and good that you are capable of doing that tedious, long term process. But obviously she is not, because if she we're ok with tedious and long term she wouldn't be on an internet forum asking why it's taking so long. Some people need to see quick, visible results or they will burn out. You can either do it the wrong way and eventually get to your goal in a round about way, or you can do like you are suggesting and she'll get burn out and quit and then never get there. Which do you think is better?

    There's also a third option. A weak-minded person can become a strong-minded person by learning about proper diet and fitness, developing patience, and creating long-term, sustainable habits that last a lifetime.

    Was I impatient when I first started? Definitely. Would I love to be at my goal weight right now? Of course. But I'm not willing to sacrifice my mental well-being or my lean body mass for a number on the scale. My body composition and overall attitude about food and exercise have become much more important to me than quick results. I've learned through research and practice that taking the longer, slower road is better in the long run.
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    Whoa. Excuse me sir, I think you may be over reaching calling me weak minded so quickly. You don't know me, my history, body type, or lifestyle. You have no idea why I want to lose weight or what's going on with my body. Also, I don't care if the scale says 243 lbs if I looked like Jilian Michaels. I use the scale because it's a unit of measure, I understand the scale can be tricky. For that very reason, I decided to start measuring and before / after pictures. Jdb, you can stop posting on this thread. I will not take advice from you and I hope no one else does. I want to gain the figure I want, the healthy way.

    To clarify, I definitely made the original post when I was stressed and upset. I am aware I am a healthy weight, the only reason I say lose weight is because I am pudgy. I have good amount of fat around my belly and love handles. Every other area on my body is fine, for the most part. I'd like to be more tone all over but as is, I don't have a TON of fat on any other part of my body. I'm not sure if I stated this in the original post but I am 5'3, 129ish lbs, 23 years old, and female. My entire life I've played sports and been very active. When I was younger, I also did gymnastics which if you don't know is VERY INTENSE. Around the time I quit gymnastics is also around the time I hit puberty. At my heaviest, (aside from pregnancy) I weighed 150 lbs. When I started college, I slimmed down to 125, by accident (I wasn't trying to lose weigh, 6 months later I got pregnant. I gained the appropriate amount of weight for my pregnancy and without working out or dieting, returned to 135 lbs post baby. (My child is 4) This past year my weight fluctuated between 125-135 constantly, just living my day to day life.

    I lifted weights in high school as a class. I played basketball and softball in HS. I also did gymnastics, cheerleading, softball, and basketball when I was younger. Obviously, as time has went on my activity level has decreased.

    The reason I am so frustrated is for several reasons....

    1. I know in the beginning is supposed to be the easy time. The time when weight falls off at a rapid rate.

    2. I know I am a healthy weight but I am doing this for vanity reasons. I also understand that vanity weight is more difficult but it'd be nice to lose SOME weight.

    3. With 1550 calories a day, I TRY to get 125g protein, no more than 43g fat, and 155g carbs. I'm aware this isn't perfect math but fitness pal only changes by so much.

    4. I'm also apart of a group of women who do different work outs, diets, etc. and we encourage and share our results. I am literally the ONLY one without results.

    5. I'm going for 115-120 lbs. but if I achieve the body I want, I could not care less what the scale says. In three months, my goal is a flat stomach and a more tone body. Three months would roughly be the beginning of June.

    I THINK that's it....
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    My work out routine... When lifting I use as much weight as I can without injuring and still achieving my rep range. I'm not scared of big weight, which I know some women are. I just move up accordingly.

    Day 1 -

    Squats 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Leg extension 3 Sets, 12-15 reps
    Hip thrusts 3 sets, 8-10 reps (with weight)
    Calf raises 3 sets, 10 Reps
    Random ab work

    Day 2 -

    Bench Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Front Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Seated Row 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    DB Curl 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    Rest Day

    Day 3 -

    Leg Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lunges 3 Sets, 10 steps, with weight
    Leg Extensions 3 Sets, 12-15 Reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Random ab work

    (I'd like to add in dead lifts)

    Day 4-

    Shoulder Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Lateral Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lat pulldown 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    Tricep Pushdown 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    3 times a week, I do the elliptical. 5 minute warm up on 7, then alternate by the minute between 9 and 5 for 25 minutes. Sometimes I do it on the same days as lifting, sometimes I don't. It just depends on my schedule.

    I'd be willing tto do the stair stepper but I'm not completely sure my gym has one. It's a very small gym and I don't think I've ever seen one. I am NOT a runner. I hate running with a passion but I am open to other cardio ideas to change it up.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My work out routine... When lifting I use as much weight as I can without injuring and still achieving my rep range. I'm not scared of big weight, which I know some women are. I just move up accordingly.

    Day 1 -

    Squats 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Leg extension 3 Sets, 12-15 reps
    Hip thrusts 3 sets, 8-10 reps (with weight)
    Calf raises 3 sets, 10 Reps
    Random ab work

    Day 2 -

    Bench Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Front Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Seated Row 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    DB Curl 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    Rest Day

    Day 3 -

    Leg Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lunges 3 Sets, 10 steps, with weight
    Leg Extensions 3 Sets, 12-15 Reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Random ab work

    (I'd like to add in dead lifts)

    Day 4-

    Shoulder Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Lateral Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lat pulldown 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    Tricep Pushdown 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    3 times a week, I do the elliptical. 5 minute warm up on 7, then alternate by the minute between 9 and 5 for 25 minutes. Sometimes I do it on the same days as lifting, sometimes I don't. It just depends on my schedule.

    I'd be willing tto do the stair stepper but I'm not completely sure my gym has one. It's a very small gym and I don't think I've ever seen one. I am NOT a runner. I hate running with a passion but I am open to other cardio ideas to change it up.

    Looks like you are doing an upper/lower split four days a week? I do a similar routine.

    I would remove the ab work from those four days and move it to one of your "rest" days.

    My routine looks like this..Monday - upper; Tuesday - lower; wens - HIIT/ABs; thurs - upper; friday - lower; saturday 100% rest; sunday - active rest/light weights with more volume/reps/sometimes 100% rest…

    I would also suggest not doing the cardio on your weight lifting days and doing it on your off days if you want…you should also have one, 100% rest day.

    Are you doing TDEE method or MFP method…??

    Are you doing barbell squats or dumbbell squats?

    yes, I would add deadlifts on your lower day that you are not squatting.

    Starting strength is a great resource for form on movements…if you have not read it, I would suggest reading it..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You obviously don't understand weak minded people. It's all well and good that you are capable of doing that tedious, long term process. But obviously she is not, because if she we're ok with tedious and long term she wouldn't be on an internet forum asking why it's taking so long. Some people need to see quick, visible results or they will burn out. You can either do it the wrong way and eventually get to your goal in a round about way, or you can do like you are suggesting and she'll get burn out and quit and then never get there. Which do you think is better?

    way to make a blatantly inaccurate statement about a person you know nothing about …

    you obviously do not understand anything.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I didn't say that a 600 calorie a day deficit wouldn't work, I said that it's a slow go. It is widely considered to be "safe" to lose 2lbs a week. Especially for her, considering her BMR + Activity puts her at nearly 2200 calories a day. To many people concern themselves with things they've read rather than things they've done.

    OP weighs 128 pounds…why does she need to lose 2 pound a week?????

    She doesn't NEED to lose any weight. But she's obviously unhappy enough with her body that she wants to. One of the main reasons people weigh to much is because they try to lose for a little bit and get discouraged and quit. It's not about needing to do it in a hurry because there's a dead line, it's about doing it at rate that is quick enough encourage you to keep doing it. You might not think like that, obviously I don't think like that, but there are a lot of folks out there that do. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country who would be in good shape if they would have lost some weigh just a little bit quicker, enough to encourage them to keep doing it. I'm not suggesting she do anything unreasonable but I am suggesting she push herself to the limit. Doctors and nutritionist are very conservative, there are things that are not unhealthy but are deemed unhealthy due to how conservative the one's writing the rules are. Again, I don't wan the girl to be unreasonable but pushing a little ways past what a doctor or nutritionist would recommend is just fine. Also, everyone freaked out about my first post, but carb cycling has proven effective time and time again. There is no denying that it works.

    people freaked out at your first post because you said that you need "punish" yourself and that losing weight is not enjoyable..

    So you recommend OP lose two pounds a week, but now you admit she probably does not need to lose weight? Why did you not just say "you do not need to lose weight in your fist post" *mindblown*

    epic logic fail…

    i suspect trolling...

    There is a difference between needing to do something and wanting to do something. A person can be healthy without looking as good as they want to look. I am saying that if she is 23 years old, 5'3'' and 130 lbs she is most likely healthy. What she is wanting to do is look better. If you can lose up to 2 lbs a week healthily why would you make a decision to only lose 1? Your logic is flawed sir.

    if she wants to look better then she should start a heavy lifting program with compound movements and eat in a slight 250 per day deficit so that she loses some body fat and retains lean muscle…

    your plan is one that will leave her skinny fat…

    I don't see how why you would recommend 2 pound per week loss to someone that clearly does not need to lose 2 pounds per week …don't quit your day job...


    Eat at a small calorie deficit. Lift heavy. Get enough protein. Be patient.
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    My work out routine... When lifting I use as much weight as I can without injuring and still achieving my rep range. I'm not scared of big weight, which I know some women are. I just move up accordingly.

    Day 1 -

    Squats 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Leg extension 3 Sets, 12-15 reps
    Hip thrusts 3 sets, 8-10 reps (with weight)
    Calf raises 3 sets, 10 Reps
    Random ab work

    Day 2 -

    Bench Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Front Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Seated Row 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    DB Curl 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    Rest Day

    Day 3 -

    Leg Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lunges 3 Sets, 10 steps, with weight
    Leg Extensions 3 Sets, 12-15 Reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Random ab work

    (I'd like to add in dead lifts)

    Day 4-

    Shoulder Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Lateral Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lat pulldown 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    Tricep Pushdown 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    3 times a week, I do the elliptical. 5 minute warm up on 7, then alternate by the minute between 9 and 5 for 25 minutes. Sometimes I do it on the same days as lifting, sometimes I don't. It just depends on my schedule.

    I'd be willing tto do the stair stepper but I'm not completely sure my gym has one. It's a very small gym and I don't think I've ever seen one. I am NOT a runner. I hate running with a passion but I am open to other cardio ideas to change it up.

    Looks like you are doing an upper/lower split four days a week? I do a similar routine.

    I would remove the ab work from those four days and move it to one of your "rest" days.

    My routine looks like this..Monday - upper; Tuesday - lower; wens - HIIT/ABs; thurs - upper; friday - lower; saturday 100% rest; sunday - active rest/light weights with more volume/reps/sometimes 100% rest…

    I would also suggest not doing the cardio on your weight lifting days and doing it on your off days if you want…you should also have one, 100% rest day.

    Are you doing TDEE method or MFP method…??

    Are you doing barbell squats or dumbbell squats?

    yes, I would add deadlifts on your lower day that you are not squatting.

    Starting strength is a great resource for form on movements…if you have not read it, I would suggest reading it..

    4 days, maybe 5 if I'm lucky is the MOST I can get to the gym in a week which is why I cardio and lift on the same days. My husband and I work opposite schedules. I have to take my 4 year old to the gym with me 2 of the 4 days, if I add any days she'd have to go more often. She already hates it and I do everything I can to make it enjoyable.

    I don't know what MFP or TDEE is?

    And I do barbell squats.

    Is starting strength a sticky?
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    You're only running a 600 calorie per day deficit, so it's going to take you a long time to notice any difference. Unfortunately when you weigh less you lose slower. I would suggest a 1 on, 2 off carb cycling diet and reducing your caloric intake down to 1000 on the "off" days, while remaining at 1500 on the "on" days. Losing weight isn't supposed to fun or enjoyable, it's a punishment for allowing your body to get in the shape it's in. I have another suggestion; It's a controversial method, but I have lost a lot of weight doing it. It's not near as dangerous as everyone claims it is, but it does have a few POTENTIAL (not guaranteed) consequences , if you're interested.

    What the??? NO! I think losing weight is a blast. Fun to try new food and recipes, fun to feel the energy from regular exercise, fun to see the scale move, even if it's tiny, fun to tighten the measuring tape a bit more around the belly, fun to wear jeans that haven't been zipping, fun when people say, "looking good!"

    And the last sentence in the post above--Wow! Not with a ten-foot pole...
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My work out routine... When lifting I use as much weight as I can without injuring and still achieving my rep range. I'm not scared of big weight, which I know some women are. I just move up accordingly.

    Day 1 -

    Squats 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-12 reps
    Leg extension 3 Sets, 12-15 reps
    Hip thrusts 3 sets, 8-10 reps (with weight)
    Calf raises 3 sets, 10 Reps
    Random ab work

    Day 2 -

    Bench Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Front Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Seated Row 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    DB Curl 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    Rest Day

    Day 3 -

    Leg Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lunges 3 Sets, 10 steps, with weight
    Leg Extensions 3 Sets, 12-15 Reps
    Lying leg curl 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Random ab work

    (I'd like to add in dead lifts)

    Day 4-

    Shoulder Press 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    DB Lateral Raise 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
    Lat pulldown 3 Sets, 8-12 Reps
    Tricep Pushdown 4 Sets, 6-8 Reps
    Random ab work

    3 times a week, I do the elliptical. 5 minute warm up on 7, then alternate by the minute between 9 and 5 for 25 minutes. Sometimes I do it on the same days as lifting, sometimes I don't. It just depends on my schedule.

    I'd be willing tto do the stair stepper but I'm not completely sure my gym has one. It's a very small gym and I don't think I've ever seen one. I am NOT a runner. I hate running with a passion but I am open to other cardio ideas to change it up.

    Looks like you are doing an upper/lower split four days a week? I do a similar routine.

    I would remove the ab work from those four days and move it to one of your "rest" days.

    My routine looks like this..Monday - upper; Tuesday - lower; wens - HIIT/ABs; thurs - upper; friday - lower; saturday 100% rest; sunday - active rest/light weights with more volume/reps/sometimes 100% rest…

    I would also suggest not doing the cardio on your weight lifting days and doing it on your off days if you want…you should also have one, 100% rest day.

    Are you doing TDEE method or MFP method…??

    Are you doing barbell squats or dumbbell squats?

    yes, I would add deadlifts on your lower day that you are not squatting.

    Starting strength is a great resource for form on movements…if you have not read it, I would suggest reading it..

    4 days, maybe 5 if I'm lucky is the MOST I can get to the gym in a week which is why I cardio and lift on the same days. My husband and I work opposite schedules. I have to take my 4 year old to the gym with me 2 of the 4 days, if I add any days she'd have to go more often. She already hates it and I do everything I can to make it enjoyable.

    I don't know what MFP or TDEE is?

    And I do barbell squats.

    Is starting strength a sticky?

    starting strength is a book about basic compound movements…it is a great resource.

    Where did you come up with 1500 calories a day from?
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    I have two friends, one male and one female that workout and have made GREAT changes. I have another friend who is a licensed personal trainer. They all agree, 1500 calories is about right.

    However, I did the Harris-Benedict formula and came up with a much higher number.

    Something is not right and I'm imagining it's my calories. I just don't know if I'm eating too much or if I'm not eating enough and my body is holding onto everything.