Any lost 50lbs+ with NO LOOSE skin success stories?



  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I fit the profile of what the OP is looking for. I'm in the 40-50 age bracket, lost whatever my ticker says now (135ish I think) in almost a year and have no loose skin, nada.

    There aren't many things that make me say "thanks ma and pa for the genes" but for this, I am grateful.

    A year ago when I started this fitness effort I was fully prepared for loose skin, especially given how much I needed to lose and my plan to shed weight fairly quickly for a few months. Fortunately, this didn't become an issue.

    If only my genetics were as good for my hair.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have lost almost 50lbs on a 5'3 frame and had two babies too, plus a c-section. The babies stretched me out a bit and I have a bit of a pooch from that despite being otherwise very toned, but the weightloss has not left me with lots of loose skin, no. And I actually think my tummy will tone back up, the skin went through a lot my second pregnancy but had no new stretch marks so I think once my body finishes healing up (my son is 5 months old, by 1 year with my daughter my belly was mostly back to normal) I will be okay.

    50 pounds is such a tremendous amount of weight to lose--super kudos to you! 50 pound weight loss on me would be nothing less than fabulous. Thanks so much for posting!!!:drinker:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm 45 years old, and I was very overweight for 20 years. At 75 pounds lost I just started seeing signs of loose skin on my stomach, although I still have about another 20 pounds of fat to lose that's mostly hanging out in my stomach too, so I'm not sure how that's going to end up. I strength train, run, drink a lot of water, and have been losing slowly (since 1/1/13). I also read a blog post on here giving suggestions on what to do while you're losing weight and two of them were exfoliating & moisturizing your skin regularly. I don't know if it works, but it can't hurt.
  • Saphira291
    Saphira291 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm worried about the loose skin deal too. I've read a lot of different things some say there's nothing you can do, others say it just takes time and sometimes more working out. What I've been doing is using a new body wash and lotion that's supposed to help with skin's elasticity. I haven't started losing weight yet but I can feel my skin getting tighter and smoother with this. So you might want to look into something like that to use while you're losing weight to hopefully help with gaining elasticity back.
  • I did it once about 12 years ago, no idea how much weight but I went from a size 20 to a 10 and never got any loose skin. Perhaps because I was 17 at the time.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    a lot of fortunate people here. i'm jealous. like super jealous.

    Oh boy...I so jealous of YOU! :)
  • Kingtjr47
    Kingtjr47 Posts: 12 Member
    66, 57lbs, 180 days. Virtually no loose skin. No real exercise regimen either. Took my time. Persistence and patience the key. I might just be fortunate. No guarantees this would work for others.
  • Kingtjr47
    Kingtjr47 Posts: 12 Member
    66, 57lbs, 180 days. Virtually no loose skin. No real exercise regimen either. Took my time. Persistence and patience the key. I might just be fortunate. No guarantees this would work for others.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I lost 93 pounds in 10 months at age 46 with no lose skin. I think sticking to a fairly steady calorie count (1500) and really working hard in the gym made all the difference. I was working out 10 - 12 hours a week and lifting heavy and everything just fell into place. However, when I tried to keep up my exercise intensity on 1200 calories I never lost another pound and wound up in the hospital with severe anemia. Slow and steady is the best!!!!

    That is incredible! I have only lost 10 and I have loose skin....or soft fat on my belly. I am hoping it goes away eventually. I am working my butt off lifting heavy and doing cardio and keeping cals to about 1600. My thighs, butt, and back look so much better and relatively toned and my stomach has gotten much smaller, but there is more of a jelly bowl consistency to it now. Time will tell if it stays or goes.

    That's how fat is suppose to look and feel during weight loss. Your fat doesn't diminish uniformly, so it'll become soft and squishy as it goes. It's like letting out air from a balloon; the less air, the more "squishy" the balloon.

    Softening fat is a good thing and doesn't necessarily correlate with "loose skin".
  • rammsz
    rammsz Posts: 79
    I lost 210 pounds. No loose skin. At first I lost weight really quick because I wasn't eating enough and just doing cardio (Yes the truth is if you don't eat a lot you will lose weight quick). BUT, I started noticing that after losing 45 pounds that my skin started getting really ugly and started getting lose. I freaked out, so I started to set short goals. Instead of aiming to lose 160 more pounds I set my goals to 15 lbs each time. I started eating more, but just enough to help me drop weight. I broke the barrier of being too scared to lift weights and I started noticing that my skin became less loose and I could notice a bit of muscle replacing certain parts of my body where fat used to be. It took me 3 years to lose 210 pounds. Just don't try to lose weight to the extreme and take it easy.
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    One thing I would say is to lift weights !!! I do body pump classes every week, at least 3 to 4 times and I do CXWORX classes and not much cardio except for walking and the weight is coming off :) drinking plenty of water and exfoliate your skin regular so it can regenerate, buy some body scrubs and moisturise Rosehip oil is good ! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm a male, early 30s.

    Fat most of my life except for a few years during my early 20s.

    Started at around 320. Currently in the upper 100s.

    Lost the first 40 or so pounds in about six months, maintained for a year and a half, then started again last June. Since last June I've lost close to a 100 lbs, so pretty fast.

    I still have about 30 or so pounds before I reach my low goal range.

    Not much in the way of loose skin. BUT it's important to note that I have gone through a few periods during the last 9 months when my body APPEARED to have "loose skin". The pictures you generally see of loose skin are often people who don't know what skin actually looks like, and are mistaken sagging skin filled with fat for 100% skin. For example my inner thighs had that classic "loose skin" look; baggy, wrinkled, and sagging. But guess what? The more fat I cut, the more the skin has just rebounded. When the fat became less compacted it started to give that saggy appearance, but as the fat kept being diminished, the skin just retracts. If I had just, like many people, said "well I've lost 130lbs and I'm at a decent weight range, this stuff must be loose skin". No. NEVER underestimate just how much fat the human body can carry, regardless of your scale weight. It is so common for people to not realize how much fat the body can still keep around even when your weight is in a "normal" range.

    I don't think you should be even thinking about loose skin until you have hit a very low body fat level. Yes there is such a thing as excess skin, but excess skin on a truly lean person looks almost nothing like the many pictures you see of people who get tummy tucks and body lifts. Almost all of those people generally lost a lot of fat, but stopped before they cut enough to truly find out how much of their "loose skin" was actually just fat that still could be lost.

    THIS, especially in my case, I thought I had a little loose skin around my lower belly but it really is just filled with fat lol. xD
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    I'm approaching the 50lb mark (since my peak weight) and no problem, but I started "just" at 100+kilos. But took me +- 2 years of mostly cardio and recently MFP. A before and during picture in the works :)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think the loose skin might depend on how overweight you are and how long you have been that over weight.

    I :heart: :love: :heart: your avatar...."Good Things Come To Those Who Sweat" :love: :heart: :love:

    I'm going to be meditating on this was well today, and making this quote one of my motto's!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have a little bit of lose skin, especially in the upper arms, hoping the lose skin will eventually go away. :ohwell:

    ETA: A little over 2 years to lose the weight, still have a few pounds to my goal weight.

    WOW...just WOW! To lose 111 pounds is totally fabulous and with just a bit of loose skin is amazing. Thank you so much for posting this, you're a total inspiration to me--WOOT!!!!! :love: :drinker: :love:
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    There are a lot of factors that decide whether your skin will snap back or not. First and formost keeping your skin healthy is going to play a huge factor. Keep your skin and body hydrated and nourished (apply lotion, drink lots of water, eat exceptionally well). Second, strength training is one of the biggest things you can do (as far as fitness) to help your skin. Next, how quickly you lose weight. The slower you lose, the more time your skin has to regain it's elasticity. Age and genetics also play a role, but as you can see from this thread age has been kind to some people. If worse comes to worse after your weight loss your next goal can be skin surgery.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    It took me about a year, and I was dancing and exercising constantly

    Beautiful job. Ya know, dancing is some serious business in this battle of the bulge. Dancing makes me sweat and burns cals like crazy! I'm doing hip hop abs 2 per week or so, but real dancing in general I'm talking about--wooooooo! Talk about fat crying sessions.
  • emy200
    emy200 Posts: 14 Member
    I lost 93 pounds in 10 months at age 46 with no lose skin. I think sticking to a fairly steady calorie count (1500) and really working hard in the gym made all the difference. I was working out 10 - 12 hours a week and lifting heavy and everything just fell into place. However, when I tried to keep up my exercise intensity on 1200 calories I never lost another pound and wound up in the hospital with severe anemia. Slow and steady is the best!!!!

    This is helpful and great advice????
  • mrslstage
    mrslstage Posts: 51 Member
    a lot of fortunate people here. i'm jealous. like super jealous.

    For real...

    I'm like, flying squirrel here!
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
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