


  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    All I can say is that I'm really sorry you feel that way about yourself. You first need to work in your self-perception rather than getting on a smaller size, because weight loss is not going to make you happy or fix all your issues. If you feel this way about yourself you can be a size 0 but you will still find flaws in your body.
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    If you're sitting thinking a size 8 is "disgusting," you're focusing on arbitrary things. A clothing size doesn't determine if someone looks thin or fit. A clothing size should also not determine your self-worth.

    Eat as healthy as you can, I DO recommend continued exercise and hydration to deal with the stress of an upcoming wedding, but I think the real issue isn't the scale, but a state of mind.


    I'm a size 14/16 and would love to be an 8. Everyone has something they don't love about their body, but you should still be confident in yourself. Your fiance isn't marrying you because of your size. He is marrying you because he loves you. My husband tells me all the time that I'm beautiful, even though I've put on more than 60 pounds since we initially started dating 5 years ago. He doesn't notice the weight, and I'm sure your fiance doesn't either.

    I get that you want to look and feel your best on your wedding day, I did too. But the best way to do that is to not stress. Stressing could cause you to stress eat, break out, feel discouraged, etc. Just enjoy the last few weeks of preparation. Your husband will glow watching you walk down the aisle whether you weigh what you do now or 16 lbs less.
  • MzOnree
    MzOnree Posts: 124 Member
    DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! If you have low self-esteem, I suggest you work on this. A size eight is tiny in my eyes. Just because your bridesmaids are size four means nothing. Everyone is unique and different in their own way and have different body types. You may be stressing since your wedding is coming up and trying to lose 16 pounds is another added stress. Your putting entirely to much pressure on yourself. Right now should be a time of excitement and happiness for you.

    I'm not trying to be nasty by saying this, but I feel you should really work on your self-esteem. I don't quite understand how you can get married to someone when you are putting yourself down. Are you marrying this man because he makes you feel better about yourself? If that is the case...this isn't good. You need to love yourself unconditionally first and foremost. Therapy is a good suggestion that was listed in this thread.

    Sixteen pounds is nothing compared to what many of us need to lose on MFP. If you are working out continue to do this and don't expect results immediately. The workouts will help with the stress and nerves of the upcoming wedding-plus you will look fabulous in you wedding gown. Don't use the scales as what defines you. If you are still carrying the 16 pounds and have worked out hard, on your wedding day you will be toned and muscular. The 16 pounds could be muscle.

    If the low self-esteem is coming from an outside source then you need to get rid of that source. No negativity in your life is what is needed. Think positive and you will see changes in your mind, body and soul.

    You don't need weight watcher's or any of the other programs that are similar to it. Learn to track your calories here on MFP and you will be doing so much better. Learn to cook your own food and log it. The Special K could help when you are rushed for time and need to eat; however, I wouldn't make this a habit. You do have a lot on your plate right now and I think your focus should be on your attitude. Learn to love yourself.

    Good luck to you.