Choosing goal weight?



  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    My goal weight is based on my height but also my desired weight to be as far away from 200 as possible
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    dunno! the one I picked sounded pretty good. 100 lb since I joined MFP, but 110 overall. but for my height and age, I should weigh somewhere around 162... which would be 130 lbs lost overall. whew...
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    My goal like many others is based on trying to hit the middle ground of what is healthy for my hight and once there I will assess if I want to lose more or just work on muscle vs fat. I personally don't want to fight with the scale when going to maintenance and would rather have that wiggle room at healthy weight .
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'll just decide when I look the way I want to, don't care what the actual weight is.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    If you choose soemthing too big, and you don't make it, you may feel upset.
    Go with something small.. like a 1lb or two per week..something small that you can focus on
  • daweez04
    daweez04 Posts: 35 Member
    Still don't have one. First was wanted to get under 300, now I just add 25 lbs losses on my goal until I am happy with what I see in the mirror.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Well.... My first goal is to get under 200.
    And then after that it's a small goal to 188 which will put me at the smallest I've been in my adult life (I lost down to 189 about 5 years ago)

    Then I will go from there. Ultimately I'm thinking around 160....
    My goal wasn't necessarily to get skinny... More to get healthy and out of the obese category.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    But I do set "mini" goals along the way to keep me motivated and from obsessing over the big number and getting discouraged../

    Such as get in the 250s and then 240s and then 230s... So on and so in......

    This month I set an 8 pound goal. We shall see if I made it on April 1st
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    I picked the weight I was at when I was at my fittest, which was 171 and I was in great shape. I'm 10 years older, so I figured a good weight for me would be higher, which I guessed to be at 180 and then added 10 to 190, just as a goal that I thought was reachable and after that, I would see what happens.
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    I have no idea...been thinking about that a lot these days. When I got married I was 130, so that was what I put as my goal. But i would have to go to 125 to stay at 130, and I don't recall ever being 125 lol-dong know if that realistic at all. I'm 5'8".

    For the longest time, I went by 10's. "Get out of the 190's!" Get out of the 180's!" And so on. But I'm approaching the 140's now and I'm pretty darn happy. Once I get into the 140's good, I'll figure it out...somehow...Ive relied heavily on mfp stickies for my journey thus far and I can't seem to find anything that talks about how to determine one's goal weight (probably bc everybody is so different). I guess folks go off bmi or their instinct? but I don't think I have a clue what is right for me anymore. I was tiny without trying all thru life until I had kids 7 years ago, and I've been big ever since. My idea of the "new" (but older) me is probably skewed.
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Initially I went with 118 because that's what I was many years ago and remember feeling good at that weight. At some point I decided it wasn't about the number on the scale, and decided to go with a body fat percentage. Then, I realized that was just another number to obsess over.

    I will know what my goal weight is when I look in the mirror and say, "yeah, that's it".
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on what I was pre-pregnancy, and what was a healthy weight for my height.

    I chose 1 goal weight my body chose another. My body settled 8 lbs below what I had chose.
  • xscat
    xscat Posts: 80 Member
    At first I just wanted to get rid of my post-graduation weight so I set my weight goal to my weight back when I was in grad school (3 yrs ago).

    But now I don't care that much anymore. I want to run faster, be stronger, happier and healthier. Eating good food and exercising makes me more energetic and generally in a better mood. My skin is healthier too. So as long as my pants and shirts still fit comfortably the number on the scale is just a reference.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I just picked a random number that was just inside the high-end of healthy for my height.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    First, I ran numbers on what body fat percentage I'd like to be without losing a bunch of muscle and came up with a weight that would bring that percentage about if I lost x pounds of fat. Then I started looking at competitive lifters or Crossfitters that I know who are about my height and started scoping their profiles (or in the case of the lifters, weight classes) for confirmation. So I have a general idea that I would like to lose 15-20 more pounds with a deviation of about 5 pounds. I'm actually pretty happy right now but that's my ultimate goal.

    My goal weight is actually 155 because I will be able to cut to 69 kg weight class very easily for any competition and also because I met a woman who is my height and body shape who has the type of body I'd like. That's still over my supposedly healthy BMI though but I will be at 20% bodyfat. Thus, I am not paying too much attention to BMI.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I picked 175 pounds because that was about what I weighted when I was in my early 20's and didn't have a muffin top.

    Don't sweat it too much, just pick something normal'ish. You may find as you approach your goal weight that it's higher or lower than you're happy with, or that it seems entirely irrelevant.

    Since I started strength training seriously I've gained back a lot of what I lost. Except the last time I weighted this much I had a belly and couldn't buckle the pants I'm currently wearing. Being a certain weight doesn't seem like a goal in itself anymore, weight is just a factor I manipulate on my way to my other goals.
  • midnightjogger
    midnightjogger Posts: 45 Member
    I chose 133 lbs. because it was the weight I always felt most comfortable at in my 20's and early 30's. After that the weight crept up. Now that I turned 50 this year I am almost afraid that I'll have a lot of loose skin-so I may readjust that number as I lose more and more weight. My daughter says no, because after having 4 kid's I still have no stretch marks.We'll see.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I have changed my GW a couple times. 1st it was 150, because that is the max on BMI scale I can weigh. Then I changed it to 125, to be in the lower-mid BMI range. Then I got down to 160, and saw I was already a size 8/10, and I got scarred I'd be a toothpick if I got down to 125lbs, so I upped it to 130-135 range. I'm now sitting at 152 lbs and wear a size 6 jean, so I might even stop at 140. I just don't want to get super skinny, just healthy
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    went by what weight watchers says I should weigh and added 10 lbs. Ok with me. Went from 208 to 155 . they want me 145.
  • 3proud
    3proud Posts: 21 Member
    I picked the lower end of my BMI range (medium frame) to stop. Which is 5'5" and 125 pounds. I wanted to go lower but I think that it may not look that great on me to go lower, especially at my age (37).