I'm stronger than my significant other



  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I'm stronger than my ex, and he hates it. Also hates it when my big girl says she can't wait to be bigger and lift weights like mommy. But I don't see why I should hold back my own strength just to make you feel better - you want to be stronger, go to the gym and get stronger than me. Mind you, I'm also being replaced by someone twice my size if that tells you anything about him.

    As for anyone in the future, you had better be stronger than me, or no interest

    Hilarious! The person you're dating shouldn't care about how strong you are, but you can care about how strong they are. Nothing wrong with that, just thought it was very funny.

    "But I don't see why I should hold back my own strength just to make you feel better"
    "As for anyone in the future, you had better be stronger than me, or no interest"
  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    Y'all have definitely made me laugh. And brought up some good points. Perhaps it wasn't the best judge of strength... It just kind of reminded me of a chick beating a guy at arm wrestling. He is absolutely awesome and it didn't seem to bother him when it happened. He is definitely not weak. He pretty much moved the contents of my entire apartment by himself. I was just trying to see if as a man, it would bother you.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    How was this measured?

    We were standing toe to toe (we are roughly the same height) and we locked hands and our arms were in a position almost like a military press is the best way I can describe it. He tried to push my arms down and then I tried to push his. It was pretty close, but I won.

    BTW. .He let you win.. sorry.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    We arent positive about anything (long distance relationship) but we're pretty sure we balance each other out, so to speak. my stomach and arms put him to shame, while his legs and back make me look like ive never stood up in my life lol. it just has a lot to do with what we enjoy. he's a runner, and takes pride in his legs. i like to throw stuff around and prove that my gender and looks have nothing to do anything. As of now, i dont think it bothers him, but honestly i think thats because he doesnt really know just how strong i am.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Wouldn't bother me. Another person's strength is not my weakness.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    It wouldn't bother me unless her penis was bigger!
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Meh, it's an ego thing, like so much stuff in relationships. If it bothers you (plural), fix it. If you can't fix it, reassess your relationship.

    Would it bother you if your GF was taller than you?
    Would it bother if your wife made more money than you? (mine did for a long time! And we both have the same graduate degree).
    Would it bother if she ran 10 km faster than you? 100 m?
    Would it bother if she beat you at scrabble? At chess? At trivial pursuit? I played chess at the national level and one of my mates had a beautiful GF who was also very strong at chess. at 18 years old, that was remarkably shocking to me but we all became good mates.

    I am a fairly active amateur cyclist. My wife is not into sport competition, but is otherwise very competitive (academic scholarships, coveted job positions, excellent work history, etc.) so this is not directly an issue - BUT we have a handful of women in our cycling community that are elite and definitely could kick their significant other's hineys on the bike. It doesn't seem to be that important to them. It wouldn't bother me that she was stronger, it would bother me if I had let myself become sedentary, overweight and weak :)

    My sister used to date a national-class triathlete. She was 5' 10", and about 120 lb, semi-pro dancer. Her ex-boyfriend was maybe 5' 6" and 100 lb. If you measure strength by lifting boxes my money was on her. They still had a very successful relationship for 5 years before they broke up to emigrate to different places. They were hilarious going out when my sister wore heels - and again, didn't seem to bother them. The guy was funny, intelligent and nice on top of being a national-level athlete. That made me understand that some of our social conventions are useless.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Ok, but I have to go the the bathroom real quick first.

    Did you notice I put another identical blue toothbrush into the bathroom this morning??

    Which one did you use?? :)

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Ok, but I have to go the the bathroom real quick first.

    Did you notice I put another identical blue toothbrush into the bathroom this morning??

    Which one did you use?? :)


  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Idk if it bothers your bf but it would bother me and my husband. I love that mine is the "big strong man" and if he wasn't stronger than me I would lock him in the gym and not let him out until that changed.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Wouldn't bother me. Another person's strength is not my weakness.

  • foxgl0ve
    foxgl0ve Posts: 43 Member
    You worked hard for your strength, and you should be proud of your accomplishments.

    If your SO loves you, they should be proud of your hard work and successes too.

    You should not make yourself seem less strong/successful/smart/happy than you are in order to please someone else, nor should you ask anyone you love to do that for you.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    My husband says it doesn't bother him. Plus even though I'm stronger/can lift more, I still can't overpower him. Like when we play fight, he still always wins. He knows how to use it more I guess.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Ok, but I have to go the the bathroom real quick first.

    Did you notice I put another identical blue toothbrush into the bathroom this morning??

    Which one did you use?? :)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How was this measured?

    We were standing toe to toe (we are roughly the same height) and we locked hands and our arms were in a position almost like a military press is the best way I can describe it. He tried to push my arms down and then I tried to push his. It was pretty close, but I won.

    BTW. .He let you win.. sorry.

    agreed. I call flag on the play as well.

    I am reasonably "strong" and have decent size- and my BF barely works out at all- and he can still strong arm me. I know I can out lift him- those are not the same types of things.

    That being said- strength is completely subjective- it annoys me to death that he can still physically overcome me with a moderate amount of strength and more technique given how much I train and how little he does. BUT- I have never cared that I could out lift him- he doesn't lift- so I'm not surprised- I wish he was in better shape- but he doesn't care- he knows he can still do stuff for me and can still pick me up- so meh- no big thing. I think if there was a HUGE gapping difference- I'd be annoyed- and he would also- but we are of similar statures so it's pretty level.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    If it bothers him, then he can get his butt to the gym and fix it.

    If men want to feel stronger than women, then they better be willing to put in the work to be that instead of us having to pretend to be weak.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mentally she will always be stronger than me - if she ever got physically stronger than me, provided she didn't steal my lunch money I have no issue at all with that. It'd be like having my own personal terminator like the scene in Judgement Day
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    I've said this before, but it bears repeating. If I'm stronger than you, I will not ever want to sleep with you. It very likely wouldn't be any fun for me.

    You can lift more than me, but trust me, it would be lots of fun for you!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I can lift my significant other.
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    I married a very strong woman, both physically and mentally. It is a turn on and I like that she challenges me. Yes I do want her to see me as being tough and strong, someone she can count on and be protected by (not that she needs it). I think I would be really hurt if she didn't think she could count on me in an emergency situation, or if she saw me as her inferior in some way rather than an equal, but who wouldn't be hurt by that (male or female)? Like many have said if being stronger or in as good of shape is important to you, this is something easily fixable and something that is on me to maintain. Her fitness is very inspiring to me... I don't think out-doing me is in her goals, but as I see her set and crush her personal goals it makes me want to set my own and work as hard to reach them. She pushed her fitness first and it kind of kicked my butt to do the same (I had my own reasons as well, but she was a major one). I'm really proud of her.

    Edit: Didn't really answer the question. So brute strength I am stronger especially upper body (could do more pushups, bench more, etc), although I wouldn't be surprised if she could outdo me in legs. I would say in many ways she is more athletic than me. More coordinated, more ability applied to specific tasks, more stamina... she's schooled me in basketball, paintball, bowling, kicked my butt in her crossfit class, etc. And I'm fine with that... but I will try to get better to get the upper hand. But I'd do that with anyone :) It does feel good when I've seemed to impress her physically.