Changing my relationship with food



  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    Where's the "Like" button for some of your replies? This is awesome. Thanks.
  • My favorite is CELERY :laugh:
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    For me, giving myself permission to have a healthy snack at night is really helping. That is normally my time to go nuts with food. You know...get the kids in bed, finally sit down and relax..."I deserve this treat". My someday I will be able to just drink a nice herbal tea before bed, but I'm not there yet.

    Making super small changes, instead of drastically giving up all sugar, or pop, or chocolate, etc. I am a big diet Coke person and tried just going cold turkey, but it hasn't worked, and I end up going to McDonald's and getting a large. So instead I am switching to a 12oz can, and drinking lots of water. I'm starting to want the pop less and less.

    Biggest thing has been being okay with not eating "perfectly" every day. And I've taken others' suggestion of logging everything, even if I eat more than I had planned.

    Obviously I'm no expert at this yet...but this is just what is helping ME.

    My new favorite healthy foods:

    Broccoli slaw (in the bag, next to regular cabbage slaw mix in the produce section) stir fried with olive oil, onions, garlic + whatever protein I'm having at that meal. Sounds weird, but I've eaten this topped with eggs, chicken, even chili. I use it like a pasta substitute.

    Frozen grapes

    Kale chips

    Asparagus, roasted with a bit of olive oil and garlic

    Italian omelette (1 egg + 1 egg white + onions + bell peppers + 1 tbsp pasta sauce + Italian seasoning)

    PB2 powder + oatmeal + honey, or powder + Greek yogurt + honey ( I LOVE peanut butter!!)

    Any kind of low sodium beans (love them all) + onions + salad dressing mixed with rice vinegar (makes it go farther)
  • MichaelRobinson1994
    MichaelRobinson1994 Posts: 83 Member
    I keep my apples in the fridge, crispy, juicy treat every day!