IIFYM Not a diet?



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm not quite sure why I'm being attacked...

    Your propensity for name-calling might possibly have something to do with it.

    Whatever... you are a troll...


    Res ipsa loquitor.

    Yep... that's exactly what you are doing.

    You and Mr. Knight actually agree, I think, and something was lost in text.
    He doesn't know of any REAL people who claim to be IIFYM but eat nothing but poptarts.

    Isn't that kind of how you feel too?

    Edited to remove the extra "eat"... I'll need it later. :smile:

    Okay... yeah...

    It's been a long day... I need some sugar or something...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'll watch the video after I'm done eating ice cream and snickers bars for dinner....oh wait...

    You're diary says you had chicken and brown rice for dinner. But this kind of post is what makes so many people think that the IIFYM diet is just eating whatever crap you want.

    The only people who believe that are people who choose to believe that. No one with a shred of intellectual honesty actually believes that. It's a phenomena among people who want to hate on IIFYM, end of story. It does not exist outside of those people.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'll watch the video after I'm done eating ice cream and snickers bars for dinner....oh wait...

    You're diary says you had chicken and brown rice for dinner. But this kind of post is what makes so many people think that the IIFYM diet is just eating whatever crap you want.

    The only people who believe that are people who choose to believe that. No one with a shred of intellectual honesty actually believes that. It's a phenomena among people who want to hate on IIFYM, end of story. It does not exist outside of those people.

    If you say so.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'm not quite sure why I'm being attacked...

    Your propensity for name-calling might possibly have something to do with it.

    Whatever... you are a troll...


    Res ipsa loquitor.

    Yep... that's exactly what you are doing.

    You and Mr. Knight actually agree, I think, and something was lost in text.
    He doesn't know of any REAL people who claim to be IIFYM but eat nothing but poptarts.

    Isn't that kind of how you feel too?

    Edited to remove the extra "eat"... I'll need it later. :smile:

    Okay... yeah...

    It's been a long day... I need some sugar or something...

    Perhaps some cake? With ELITE frosting?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    To those who may be reading on the sidelines.

    If you have hormonal issues, that does NOT mean you have to follow what such and such elite level whatever did to get shredded in order to lose weight.

    It means you need to see a doctor.

    Hormone imbalances are a game changer, and doing the same thing but stricter is often not the right course of action.

    Thanks... this helps. It is confusing. I'm waiting to see if the meds help before I start going the extreme dieting route. I really wasn't trying to imply that anyone should.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm not quite sure why I'm being attacked...

    Your propensity for name-calling might possibly have something to do with it.

    Whatever... you are a troll...


    Res ipsa loquitor.

    Yep... that's exactly what you are doing.

    You and Mr. Knight actually agree, I think, and something was lost in text.
    He doesn't know of any REAL people who claim to be IIFYM but eat nothing but poptarts.

    Isn't that kind of how you feel too?

    Edited to remove the extra "eat"... I'll need it later. :smile:

    Okay... yeah...

    It's been a long day... I need some sugar or something...

    Perhaps some cake? With ELITE frosting?

    Can I have some ice cream too?

    Wait... let me check my macros. :laugh:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'll watch the video after I'm done eating ice cream and snickers bars for dinner....oh wait...

    You're diary says you had chicken and brown rice for dinner. But this kind of post is what makes so many people think that the IIFYM diet is just eating whatever crap you want.

    The only people who believe that are people who choose to believe that. No one with a shred of intellectual honesty actually believes that. It's a phenomena among people who want to hate on IIFYM, end of story. It does not exist outside of those people.

    If you say so.

    I do say so. In real life, when you tell someone about IIFYM and you say "eat whatever you want, just make it fit your macros" they sometimes respond "what, so you can eat twinkies all day?" You say "well no, because you still need a lot of protein and you should be getting several servings of fruits and vegetables every day. So you focus your diet on hitting those nutrient goals, but no food is off limits as long as you make room in your calories and macros for it."

    In real life, the person then understands and often asks more questions about what nutrient goals should look like.

    On MFP, when talking with a person who wants to hate on IIFYM, the person says something very much like "eating whatever crap you want/poptarts all day erry day/nothing but McDonald's/lalala i dont here u."
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    The forums here are the so ****ing dumb.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have a couple of legit question for the IIFYMers...

    Is there an "ideal" macro target for fat loss? At the end of each day, does it all have to be 100% on point, or is there some wiggle room?

    Forget it...found this resource. I hope it's reliable.

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm not quite sure why I'm being attacked...

    Your propensity for name-calling might possibly have something to do with it.

    Whatever... you are a troll...


    Res ipsa loquitor.

    Yep... that's exactly what you are doing.

    You and Mr. Knight actually agree, I think, and something was lost in text.
    He doesn't know of any REAL people who claim to be IIFYM but eat nothing but poptarts.

    Isn't that kind of how you feel too?

    Edited to remove the extra "eat"... I'll need it later. :smile:

    Okay... yeah...

    It's been a long day... I need some sugar or something...

    It happens. :flowerforyou:
    I had some berries with lunch.
    mmmmm... berries! :happy:
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    The forums here are the so ****ing dumb.
    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have a couple of legit question for the IIFYMers...

    Is there an "ideal" macro target for fat loss? At the end of each day, does it all have to be 100% on point, or is there some wiggle room?

    Fat loss is a combination of weight loss and lean mass preservation.

    Weight loss is about calorie deficit. Period.

    Lean mass preservation is about adequate protein intake, progressive resistance training, a calorie deficit that's not too high, and rest.

    So for optimal fat loss, you need a moderate calorie deficit, high protein intake (1-1.4 grams per lb of lean mass), and progressive resistance training. For fat loss the rest doesn't really matter. You want to get 4+ servings of fruits and veggies a day for general health, and you want adequate fat (for neurological and hormone function) and fiber (for vascular and digestive health) intake for your health's sake.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have a couple of legit question for the IIFYMers...

    Is there an "ideal" macro target for fat loss? At the end of each day, does it all have to be 100% on point, or is there some wiggle room?

    Fat loss is a combination of weight loss and lean mass preservation.

    Weight loss is about calorie deficit. Period.

    Lean mass preservation is about adequate protein intake, progressive resistance training, a calorie deficit that's not too high, and rest.

    So for optimal fat loss, you need a moderate calorie deficit, high protein intake (1-1.4 grams per lb of lean mass), and progressive resistance training. For fat loss the rest doesn't really matter. You want to get 4+ servings of fruits and veggies a day for general health, and you want adequate fat (for neurological and hormone function) and fiber (for vascular and digestive health) intake for your health's sake.

    THANKS for the detailed reply! I really don't want to lose any muscle, so I will definitely be paying attention to protein more than I have been.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I have a couple of legit question for the IIFYMers...

    Is there an "ideal" macro target for fat loss? At the end of each day, does it all have to be 100% on point, or is there some wiggle room?

    Fat loss is a combination of weight loss and lean mass preservation.

    Weight loss is about calorie deficit. Period.

    Lean mass preservation is about adequate protein intake, progressive resistance training, a calorie deficit that's not too high, and rest.

    So for optimal fat loss, you need a moderate calorie deficit, high protein intake (1-1.4 grams per lb of lean mass), and progressive resistance training. For fat loss the rest doesn't really matter. You want to get 4+ servings of fruits and veggies a day for general health, and you want adequate fat (for neurological and hormone function) and fiber (for vascular and digestive health) intake for your health's sake.

    THANKS for the detailed reply! I really don't want to lose any muscle, so I will definitely be paying attention to protein more than I have been.

    I do believe that you two just saved this otherwise going up in flames thread (if only for a few minutes).
    Nice job!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    This forum .... :noway:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'll watch the video after I'm done eating ice cream and snickers bars for dinner....oh wait...

    You're diary says you had chicken and brown rice for dinner. But this kind of post is what makes so many people think that the IIFYM diet is just eating whatever crap you want.

    The only people who believe that are people who choose to believe that. No one with a shred of intellectual honesty actually believes that. It's a phenomena among people who want to hate on IIFYM, end of story. It does not exist outside of those people.

    If you say so.

    I'm not going to say that that's ALWAYS the case, but it happens. There was one of these threads where one of the anti-IIFYM regulars admitted as much.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Probably one of the most amazing but misunderstood concepts circulating among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts in general, is IIFYM.

    What started as a phrase from a user named Erik Stevens on bodybuilding.com, quickly caught on and proceeded to cause an uproar of internet stupidity everywhere.

    IIFYM stands for "If It Fits Your Macros" and it was originally phrased on the bb.com forums as a fast way to respond to the overwhelming number of questions about whether or not someone could eat a particular food item without having to worry about getting fat, or not gaining muscle, or (insert other negative effect).

    Here are some examples of the questions that would come up: "Hey can I eat fruit on a cut?" "Hey is it okay for me to have oatmeal?" "Hey I had a cookie but I still stayed at my calorie and macro goals, is that okay or will that hurt my progress?" (The answer being "Yes, you can eat it if it fits your macros").

    IIFYM literally means to hit your calorie and macronutrient targets by end of day choosing foods that you enjoy eating. The concept is completely bastardized because idiots across the internet continually come up with scenarios that don't exist in real life, to try and blow a hole in the idea that IIFYM is a sound practice.

    Here are some examples of the strawmen arguments that show up in an attempt to discredit IIFYM: "You're telling me you can just eat straight table sugar for your carbs, and drink olive oil for your fat, and use whey protein and you'll have a good physique?". "Hey have fun eating pizza and donuts all day". "Brb just eating cake, IIFYM".

    Good luck with that. (You'll note that you typically can't hit your macros eating chips and donuts all day and if you CAN, your macros are probably horsesh*t to begin with and you've then got bigger problems. The point here is that IIFYM most certainly isn't a disregard for health or nutrient sufficiency, but people will often create and knock down that strawman).

    What IIFYM is not:

    1) It is not eating cake and chips all day.
    2) It is not disregarding micronutrients and fiber and general intelligence with regards to food choice.
    3) It is not a specific macro setting. There is a website out there that has the IIFYM label that includes a calorie calculation tool and unfortunately several people on MFP believe that doing "IIFYM" means eating those specific macros. This is false.

    IIFYM is a philosophy about food selection with the belief that body composition changes are primarily a function of nutrient intake and energy balance rather than a function of individual food sources.

    When practicing IIFYM, it is recommended that you choose mostly whole and nutrient dense foods to comprise the majority of your intake. Fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, etc, and at the same time, leaving some room for a discretionary intake. A common and very reasonable recommendation would be about 80/20. That is to say, that if you've got a calorie target of 2500, you'd eat approximately 2000 calories of whole and nutrient dense foods with a calorie bank of 500 to eat whatever you would like while still hitting your calorie and macronutrient targets by end of day



  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member



    those of you who know- you know. ;)

    Fair enough - we've arrived at the same conclusion via different paths - IIFYM = diet.

    Also I was getting my definition from the Oxford dictionary - 'Restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight:' -sorry I know it can be a bit limiting


    Definition of Diet
    Syllabification: di·et
    Pronunciation: /ˈdī-it /

    1 The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats:
    ... a vegetarian diet
    ... a specialist in diet
    ... The calming, sattvic temperament accruing from a vegetarian diet is reflected in animals.
    ... Some land was tilled, mainly for the cultivation of oats that formed a staple part of the diet of the settler community.
    ... And we get residues of the hormones in those foods, so if you are going to eat, I recommend reducing animal foods in the diet.
    1.1 A regular occupation or series of activities in which one participates:
    ... a healthy diet of classical music
    ... I confess that I've not made it part of my regular blog diet, but I think I may.
    ... Even the best-fed consumers have only four to five ‘kitchens’ dishing up their regular news diet.
    ... It seems that for many average internet users, blogs still merely provide an information supplement at some specific times, rather than a regular news diet.

    2 A special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons:
    ... I’m going on a diet
    ... Handouts are available in English and Spanish on topics such as weight control, diets to lose weight, and exercise programs.
    ... Some people do lose weight on low-carb diets, but the weight loss probably isn't related to blood sugar and insulin levels.
    ... It may be more important to stick to a diet and lose weight than to worry about the moral implications of the food you eat.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    IIFYM is "eat whatever you want..... as long as it fits your nutrient goals."

    That's the point. It's not a diet. It's a nutrient partitioning strategy around which you create your own diet. The power of IIFYM is that it lets you hit those nutrient goals with any food you see fit. Almost any particular diet can be adapted to IIFYM or followed with IIFYM strategies.

    You are restricting your calorie in-take therefore it's a diet.

    A very good one that works for a lot of people - but don't delude yourself it's a diet.

    A diet has nothing to do with calorie restriction or surplus. A diet is the sum of food consumed by a person. In the context of fitness, it's a predefined or 'guided' sum.

    IIFYM is not a diet. It's a way to structure a diet. Just like Intermittent Fasting.
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    Everything you need to know about IIFYM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeOh18mWWzg