If we had a zombie apocalypse what is your strength?



  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Years of preparation. If you want to survive you'll stick with me.

    Honestly though, a Romero/Walking Dead style zombie outbreak really wouldn't be as bad as we imagine. You know the single greatest tool that will save us all? Doors. Doorknobs specifically. Zombies can't open doors. If you live someplace with a lot of ground floor windows you're in trouble. That's when you follow Max Brooks advice, move everything up stairs and then destroy those stairs. But slow moving, shambling zombies are going to have a lot of trouble breaking down a door, even with a few of them pushing against one. The sad truth is a zombie outbreak would end up being kind of pathetic.

    See how much I've thought about this?

    I'm stubborn and I'm a Max Brooks, TWD fan too. I was a fan of Shane, and I believe that I don't have to run faster than the zombies, I just have to run faster than you. By shooting the person next to me in the kneecap I've saved my own life AND my ammo!

    You haven't thought about this enough. Remember, the zombies are single-minded. They will pile up on each other to get to fresh meat (I've read Max Brooks several times, myself). Going up the stairs and destroying the stairs is a start, but once you're up there you have to have an exit strategy. According to ZSG, zombies can't jump, so make sure there's a rooftop with a small gap nearby.

  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    I am very good at blending into crowds. I could sneak through he zombies to find supplies.

  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    Several strengths:

    Military training on first aid, weapons training, basic survival skills, etc.

    Plus absolutely no moral objections to do what needs to be done.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Experience.........been watching zombie movies before they became a fad
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I own a pawn shop but, zombies don't really need small loans. However, I might be able to sell them meat grinders and similar items to stay on their good side and if things got complicated, I have a store and 2 safes full of various guns. :smokin:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    AFBMT and I'm a licensed pilot.
  • mailroomclerk
    I am the comic relief.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Las Vegas actually has a zombie survival store


    They have zombie hunting safaris where you're supposed to be able to hunt "real" zombies.
  • 6ronXtreme9
    6ronXtreme9 Posts: 416 Member
    either I'll throw my poop on them or I'll challenge them for 5K.
  • SgtBA_Diana
    SgtBA_Diana Posts: 156 Member
    I'm resourceful, adaptable & love camping. Since I'm kinda fit now, I'd outrun them since they don't run. I'd also get myself a katana cuz slicing zombies is bad *kitten*.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    Hopefully, they can't run farther than 18 miles (cause I can) and if that doesn't work, I'm a good shot.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I have no problem killing a human to leave behind as food so i can get away. Hey, it's the zombie apocalypse...no rules! Get over it.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Years of preparation. If you want to survive you'll stick with me.

    Honestly though, a Romero/Walking Dead style zombie outbreak really wouldn't be as bad as we imagine. You know the single greatest tool that will save us all? Doors. Doorknobs specifically. Zombies can't open doors. If you live someplace with a lot of ground floor windows you're in trouble. That's when you follow Max Brooks advice, move everything up stairs and then destroy those stairs. But slow moving, shambling zombies are going to have a lot of trouble breaking down a door, even with a few of them pushing against one. The sad truth is a zombie outbreak would end up being kind of pathetic.

    See how much I've thought about this?

    I'm stubborn and I'm a Max Brooks, TWD fan too. I was a fan of Shane, and I believe that I don't have to run faster than the zombies, I just have to run faster than you. By shooting the person next to me in the kneecap I've saved my own life AND my ammo!

    You haven't thought about this enough. Remember, the zombies are single-minded. They will pile up on each other to get to fresh meat (I've read Max Brooks several times, myself). Going up the stairs and destroying the stairs is a start, but once you're up there you have to have an exit strategy. According to ZSG, zombies can't jump, so make sure there's a rooftop with a small gap nearby.

    Let's dance.

    Yes, they will pile up for fresh meat. And they won't stop.

    BUT they're also weak as ****. One isn't going to break down a door. Or two, or three. They'd have to pile up together and spend a good deal of time pushing. And a door is only so large. You can't have zombies 20 across. Just a few in front and the rest behind them.

    Now think about where you live. Lotta houses most likely. So the zombies aren't all going to concentrate on one home at a time. They'll spread out, a few here, a few there. Uselessly banging on a door they can't get through. Until they spot the dumb *kitten* who decided to go for a jog, then they'll all abandon the door banging.

    Think about Walking Dead. SPOILERS Remember when they broke through the fence at the farm house? That took a swarm of zombies all concentrated on one area just to get through an old wooden fence. How much harder would a door be? It would take so many and so much pushing, all from weak zombies who are easily distracted.

    And I don't know about you but I've got three steps leading up to my doorway. Those three simple steps make it virtually impossible for a horde of zombies to try and bust in.

    I noticed a trend in recent zombie movies/shows. They skip over the outbreak. It's common for someone to wake up in a hospital and the zombies have already taken over. That always bothered me, because to me the outbreak was the most exciting part. It wasn't until I realized "Oh! They skip over the outbreak because really it wouldn't be hard to contain."

    Your move, cupcake :wink:


    That's all. ;)
  • Loss4TheWin
    Loss4TheWin Posts: 249
    I'm very good at being quiet and decent at hiding. I have no intentions of engaging a violent, contagiously infected human - I'll wait for the authorities to help or the infected person's body to give out.

    I'd be lying if I said the thought of some type of plague didn't cross my mind when choosing my home. It's not perfect, but I feel good about it - 3rd floor condo, secured access (requires unit to buzz a person in), narrow windows on the bottom floors, wooden stairs that could be broken down and removed with a hammer/axe, metal doors, roof access. I have a polypropylene bat if worse comes to worse - near silent, lightweight to reduce fatigue, durable.

    Unless we're talking some kind of magic curse, the body of an infected person will die - either decompose past the ability to move or run out of fuel and lose ability to animate. I'll wait it out.
  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    I'm one of those dark horses.....

    everytime an emergency happens, somehow, someway, I end up being the person that pulls *kitten* together and makes things happen....

    I excel at chaos.....it makes me .....calm.
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    I'm a medical professional and work best under pressure. Years of fencing experience, so I'm pretty darn useful with a sword. I can cook and knit anything you want.
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    I actually have pretty mad skills....no nunchuck skills but I don't think that detracts too much from my worth :laugh: Seriously, I may live in the city now but I was raised a country gal so I can fish, hunt (gun, bow, cross-bow), trap it, fix it all and cook it up real nice and tasty. I have wilderness survival training and losing all this weight has made my endurance pretty darn good. Being out in the country you learn how to come up with alot of things Macgyver style to solve problems. I have some medical first aid training and can sew pretty well. I'm not easily grossed out.

    The only negative I can think of (which could be a plus to other like-minded individuals) is that you don't want me to be in charge of the kids. I have a low tolerance anyways. If you cannot carry your weight in the situation then you're going to be the first to go. This would not be a no man left behind situation. I'm pretty practical minded and level headed, so usefulness would be key in any group I was with. I'm loyal and a team player, but that only goes so far in a survival situation.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Not to hijack the thread, but what I don't get about Zombie outbreaks is:

    1) There's always a group of survivors who have 'immunity' to whatever caused the initial outbreak
    2) This immunity is rendered moot whenever a survivor is attacked and bitten

    Now, I can understand a survivor being torn to bits in zombie brain-lust, but what I just don't get is how a survivor can be turned.

    Can someone explain the epidemiology?

    Typically the virus is transferred by bites or other contact with contaminated blood, rarely is it airborne. There's a Patient Zero who infects those around him, who infect those around them, etc.

    So when your precious loved ones start to turn, don't get all sentimental. I've explained to my own daughter since she was 4 years old, "Daddy loves you with all his heart, but if you ever become a zombie I will not hesitate to stab you in the brain." She's always been very patient with me and just rolls her eyes and says, "Yes daddy."

    :laugh: I laugh because my husband and I do that with each other, and will be saying the same thing to our girls once they're old enough to get it. (they're 2 and 8mo) Just in case...
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I am calm and collected no matter what the situation. I've always got my *kitten* together enough to logically think things through.

    I proved it this weekend while trying to get my 60something parents through a trip to IKEA.