Gave birth almost three weeks ago and only lost 10lbs!?



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough. Don't restrict. Your body is in a state of flux... why wack out your own hormones, compromise your breastfeeding? What your age, height, weight, etc? Find your maintenance and eat at that. Your nursing will create a deficit for you, and any exercise you do will add to that deficit. Be nice to yourself!
  • amyc115
    amyc115 Posts: 32 Member
    You shouldn't be dieting during your postpartum period because your body needs to repair itself. You also need to eat enough to sustain nursing. Your body has gone into starvation mode and is holding onto everything it can because it's not bringing in enough to sustain itself. Let yourself eat and heal. I had a baby 2 months ago. He was 9lbs and I gained about 35 pounds during the pregnancy. I had lost all but 5 lbs of baby weight during my 6 week postpartum period without a deficit. Worry about your weight later. Let your nursing do your work.
  • Thirdandbird
    Thirdandbird Posts: 5 Member
    It could be water retention. Happened to me as well. My baby is three months and for the first month my maternity clothes would not fit. I had a C section though and had a lot of water retention/bloat. Then 22 pounds just dropped off. My baby was 9 pounds. I'm also breast feeding so no dieting. Just trying to eat healthy foods like lean protein, veggies, nuts, fruits, grain and lots of water. the weight is coming off but very slowly. Maybe 1/2 a pound a week and sometimes nothing. I'm working on toning up right now and not worried about the weight. Give it time.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I agree with Thirdandbird.
    Also do you have access to a juicer? Juice Italian parsley (wrap it in a lettuce leaf to juice it), romaine lettuce, celery and a fuji apple(for flavor and sweetness). This juice is a gentle natural diuretic.

    Do you take red rasperry leaf tea? It's a general tonic for women and especially related to the issues of pregnancy. RASPBERRY.aspx?activeIngredientId=309&activeIngredientName=RED RASPBERRY