Crystal Light



  • I drink the Crystal Light Iced Tea like it's going out of style - LOL
    It meets my water intake and taste great!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I use crystal light all the time, but dilute it. I make it according to the instructions, then when I fill my glass it is half Crystal Light and half water. I count it in my liquid totals for the day.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    I used to be obsessed with Crystal Light and Mio. I know it sounds strange to some, but I hate the way water tastes (ok haters, go ahead..."Water doesn't taste like anything!" :laugh: ).


    Water does so have taste. Blecch. I can deal with distilled water, but anything out of the tap is disgusting, and even Brita tastes metallic and funky.

    I'm trying hard to find ways water doesn't suck, so the next time I get admitted to the ER for dehydration (unrelated), it doesn't take 3 liters of saline to get me back up to par. ;)
  • cariorliz
    cariorliz Posts: 26 Member
    Tequila works well too....I am a big water drinker...I also add to a pitcher of water cucumbers or's refreshing...
  • catsandtats
    catsandtats Posts: 29 Member
    I think whether or not it's bad for you depends on how you feel about the debates about the healthfulness of the artificial sweeteners used in them.

    I used to keep a pitcher (a PITCHER I tell you!) of the pink stuff in my fridge years ago. I used Crystal Light to curb my cravings for something sweet to drink. It was my personal experience that having more Crystal Light actually made me want more Crystal Light...and wanting more Crystal Light actually made me want more sweet things that had a lot more calories than Crystal Light. So, I just cut it out entirely at one point as part of an overall attempt to wrangle in my runaway sweet tooth.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Is Crystal Light bad for you? I have been substituting it for soda for a little bit. If it's fine for you, are you getting the same benefits from it as you are water? It is just water with a little powder in it, so I'm just curious if I should be drinking water separately from the Crystal Light. Does that make sense?

    Thanks for any answers. :)


    I have worked for the last 35 years in Humanitarian Aid for various international organizations. We suggest for people to ingest any kind of zero-calorie or low calorie drink to promote health. Water and tea are the most drunk beverages worldwide for general hydration; after that it's all the rest. This does not include alcoholic beverages and no soft drinks...not even low cal. Luckily outside of the US and Mexico that is not a major problem.
    Since we have no potable water here and I don't want to buy into the expensive bottled water fad ( bottled water here is way more expensive than for example Coke ) I boil my water. It does have an unpleasant taste and I add a little bit of Lime Crystal Light, especially to water I drink to take medicines. Apart from that I drink tea, coffee in the morning and that's it. I have no problems with the sweetener and is has not hampered my weight loss. Other people's mileage might vary.
  • bluesky248
    bluesky248 Posts: 18 Member
    Funny, I just found some crystal lite packages in the drawer and was drinking some with my water when I logged on.

    I was a "diet coke" freak before and quit cold turkey last year...omg..what a headache! anyway, I try to steer clear of the artificial sweetners just because...I personally don't think they are good for you but once in a while is ok for me. I find it a refreshing change from my boring water today and a bit of a "sweet" kick is nice for a change. Like everything else in life, moderation is usually the key.

    good luck on your journey!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    I add (1) packet of Crystal Light to 32 oz of water - otherwise it tastes too sweet to me. I also add lemon juice to my water.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Hey! I use those Crystal Light squirt bottles, put a little bit in my water. I feel it's the same thing as physically drinking water, it's just a little flavor spike. The artificial sweetner has some long term effects, but honestly, it tastes good, and once a day can't hurt too much. I'll find out later in life, I suppose.
  • Obscuring
    Obscuring Posts: 51 Member
    Water with fruit! I thought it sounded gross until I tried it. I just put some of the frozen berries I have in water and it makes it slightly sweet and very refreshing! Since they are frozen my water stays cool for longer also! It's a good alternative if you have tried lemons and cucumber water and they have gotten boring! ;3
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    They brought back their PURE brand. So it doesn't have the aspartame in it. I bought a couple boxes of those the other week. But I have only used two packets.

    To me it is more of a thing, when I crave something other than water. I prefer just water most of the time now, but I like having an option instead of grabbing a soda.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Its better than soda. Im going to drink it more to reduce the amount of diet soda i drink
  • It should be fine only 10 calories and its mostly water. Although I still drink water separately from crystal light just to make sure I am getting all my 8 cups of H2o plus whatever else from crystal light.
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    Crystal Light & MIO seems to be the best :)

    Beats pure sugar juice ... :)
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    i drink at least an entire half gallon at work, sometimes a gallon on hot days. its better then drinking the equivalent in soda, sometimes i'll drink half gallon of crystal light, second half of water, but i get tired of drinking plain water. crystal light and the off brands are 40 calories/half gallon i'll take it.
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm going to try to revive this thread before posting a new one. So here goes....

    When is water not watery enough to be logged as water. Is water with Crystal Light, tea, lemon water, or water with mio still water in your diary? Just curious. I don't want to be kidding myself. I just went cold turkey on sodas. I bothered to look and see how many calories I was drinking each day and came to the conclusion that I could lose at least my left cheek and right arm flapper if I stopped drinking it completely. But I got bored with plain ole water after 10 days. So now I'm drinking half my 8 glasses as plain ole water and the rest as one of the above variations. I know there's a debate about artificial sweeteners but I'm not going to worry about that right now. One goal at a time.

    So, is it water or is it not? A doc said to me once that if your body has to do anything to it to process it, its not water. Thoughts?
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    After drinking CL for about a week I had really bad acid reflux. I was in my early 20s and never even heard of acid reflux. You may get the same side effect, maybe not.
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    My husband noticed over the weekend that my breath is really atrocious. I think I need to only drink the Crystal Light after I've had enough water for the day. I don't think I could possibly be in ketosis so it has to be because I slacked of on the water.

    Back to the drawing board.
  • jtkatch
    jtkatch Posts: 186 Member

    I know it flavours your water so you end up drinking more water which is very important in the weight loss journey. But aspertame is terrible terrible terrible. It actaully crosses the blood brain barrier and can cause MS like symptoms if you drink ALOT of it like it did a few years ago. I drank close to 4 litles of water a day becasue I lived in hot weather, and I started getting numbnes in my legs!! scred the *kitten* out of me. I stopped drinking the crytal light and the symptoms resvered thank good ness.

    Asperthame is an artificial sweetner that tricks the body in wanting more sweet foods and then you are always going to want more.

    now I drink water mixed in a with a bit of cocnut water, or lemons or mint, or even a bit of cranberry juice that has only 10 calories per cup!!! I mix a bit of that jut enough to flavour my water and <I can have that a few times a day.

    Stay away from anything aspertame...even diet soft drinks...through the shipping process the bottles get SSSOOO hot the chemical make up of aspertame changes into cancer causing agents such as phemaldehyde!! UUgghh

    Hope this information helps you decide about crital light.

    I also sometimes for a treat drink ZEVIA, a stevia sweetend soft drink with no added colourings.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    I have to say, when it comes to low-cal, summertime drinking, crystal light makes an excellent mixer for vodka!

    Love the Mojito Crystal Light with vodka. YUM!

    of course, I wrote my reply BEFORE reading the above post!!! Still delish in moderation.