Bulking Goals



  • jcranston13
    For men, numbers I see most often are to not bulk over 15%BF as it gets harder to drop past that point. It really all comes down to what you are comfortable with gaining.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Men can gain 12-20 pounds of muscle over the course of a year. Aim for .5 pounds a week, and plan to bulk for at least a year, possibly 2, depending on your starting point and how much muscle you want to add.

    Bit late for that for me, now.

    As of this morining: 185lbs...thats 19lbs on in the space of just under 2 months.

    I think I have added an inch to my waist and can no longer fit in 30" trousers. However, plenty of room in the 32s I have knocking about.

    Measuring your waist is the way to go.

    I'm 6'1" 200ish. For me 1/4" in the waist = 1 lb fat gain.

    I try to gain no more than an inch in the waist per bulk. I can cut 1" off the waist in 2 weeks with hard work, easily within 3 weeks.

    Does this work for women too? It would be tremendous if it did.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Last bulk I did was short and dirty.

    This next one will be long and lean hopefully a full year before I even think about cutting again. Taking it slow allows more time to make gains as opposed to stopping, readjusting, then spending a long time cutting.