SAHM 9/27 to 10/3

nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Welcome! We are a SAHM's group that support each other through our weightloss journey and having one of the toughest, but the most rewarding jobs in the world! We welcome newcomers!:flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sorry ladies that I have been MIA! I have finally got what the everyone else in the family has...a yucky cold that zaps all of your energy!:grumble: :grumble: But I still have to bake bread, make zucchini relish and zucchini bread today....all before 3pm! HA!:laugh: :laugh:

    I didn't get to catch up on all of the posts yet...I will go back and read them!
  • Hi all you SAHM's. I'm currently a SAHM, unfortunately I return to work in January, but hopefully I can join you ladies on here :)

    My little boy is now 9 months old, so it's really about time I loose this extra lbs.
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I am a SAHM of 4 kids. I would love more friends and motivation :flowerforyou:
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member

    I'm glad I saw this post. I'm a SAHM to 3 boys - 6 yr old in school and 25 month old twins. I love the thought of having other SAHM to keep my on track, so easy to get caught up in our family and forget about ourself.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome new ladies! this is an amazing group! sometimes we're chatty and some weeks are quiet. chime in whenever you want.

    doin school. trying to get a lot in today as i feel like we've been slacking on math and writing.

    goal this week--drink water and log food.

    ladies--glad you liked the book recommendation. i also spent hours last night (time wasting? relaxing? crafting?) cutting and pasting 100 ideas instead of yelling to those index cards and onto the ring. i don't retain a lot of this info well, so having it right there to chk out when i'm mad (which is OFTEN) will help, i hope.

    enjoy your monday!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! Stacey said it perfectly, here here! :laugh:

    Stacey I checked it out online and I will def be getting that book! I tried the whole thing about independence. It worked with my 2 yo (boy).

    Nicole sorry to hear that you got the crud! Hope you get feeling better soon.

    Well this weekend (like I said in my last post) we went to a birthday party. Well when I walked into my sister J's house (she hasn't seen me for a few months) she said "WOW you look good, Katie". It felt great to have here say that. She is one that doesn't want to change her eating to help her lose weight because she says it is a diet not a lifestyle change. When my oldest sis (my inspiration for starting this journey) started her weight loss journey J gave her problems about it. So I did not expect the good comments from her. Also on Sunday I had 3 members of my church comment on how good I was looking. :happy: Boy does it feel good when people start noticing. Well I had been having a hard time logging my food before but I started fresh today and hope to keep it up. So if you ladies can keep me accountable that would be GREAT! I also want to start doing some strength training to tone up! So my goals for the week are to log EVERY thing I put in my mouth and to start the strength training.
  • Hi There! I'm a SAHM with a 6 year old in 1st grade and a 2 year old.

    It's funny because I just had to cut my workout short due to a complete, beyond exhaustion meltdown courtesy of Jacoby. =( That's why I was looking on the message boards. I've had a very hard time figuring out when to workout. Either he's begging me to do something with him, underfoot doing his own thing, sleeping (not a sound sleeper) or trying to Zumba with me. The last isn't really an issue other than I laugh so hard it's difficult to keep up. =)

    anyway... with that rant out there. HELLO! :happy:
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey, y'all! Welcome to all newcomers! :flowerforyou:

    Nicole, BOOO for being sick! I am just almost over "the crud" and really need to get back to working out. But if you push yourself too hard, you won't get better. I didn't do much all weekend, even to the point of making The Man get off his computer and discipline the kids. He got a new "Star Trek" game, and I swear he played it at least 20 hours between after work Friday and Sunday night. :grumble:

    Stacey, that book looks awesome, I am putting it on my wish list. That is such a clever idea with the keychain ring!

    Back to the job search, the one I looked at today was a big fat SCAM. So frustrating! Talk to you all later!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I hope everyone had at least on okay weekend, mine could have been better if my MIL didn't try to start war with me and my husband about church and we're being told that our 6 yr old daughter and 4 month old boy will grow up and go to jail bc they are on the wrong track and we are bad parents bc we don't go to church all the time like she does!!! :grumble: I'm sorry but where does it say you have to attend to a church "building" in order for God to decide if you're going to Heaven or not? According to my MIL it says that and thats why we're all going to hell and our kids will be in jail before they are adults themselves......the nerve of people!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Anyways, back to some more happy news. :smile: Both my husband and I lost at least a pound each this past week:smile::smile: :smile: Hubby's been having problems, but finally was able to lose something :flowerforyou:

    This week, I'm going to try to get together with my walking buddy and walk our riverwalk Tuesday and Thursday this week. And as long as the weather holds out, get the hubby out Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we're going to the club to celebrate a friend's birthday, but how sad is this, I'm 27 years old and this will be my first time to a club :blushing: This should be interesting. Well off to help my daughter with her homework and then make dinner. Will try to check in later tonight or tomorrow.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    barb--congrats on the loss

    nicole--sorry you're sick. hope you're feeling better tonight. get your rest ....zzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Nicole, sorry you are sick, I hope it ends soon.

    Blue, sorry about the mil troubles. I have been there. To clear up the scripture issue the Bible does say not to forsake the assembly(meaning corprate worship) but nowhere does it say not going to church will cause you to go to hell. I know plenty of people who never set foot in a church that are great people and I know some who went to church their entire childhood that are in trouble left and right. It isn't about church it is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (sorry, this one is a bit of a soapbox for me, dh is a pastor and has to deal with loads of fall out over misinterpreted scripture)

    You ladies have inspired me, I made 4 loaves of bread yesterday. Dh was thrilled. This week is busy, dd3 is turning 3 on Wednesday so I am making her cake tomorrow and cleaning the rest of the house to be ready for her party Wed night. Plus I have our very first brownie meeting as a leader tomorrow as well as soccer pictures. Wed morning after the older 2 leave for school a friend is coming to keep ds and I am taking dd to the zoo for the day. We live about 45 min from the St. Louis Zoo which is huge and free. Then Thur I get to get the house back in order to host a Bible study on spiritual gifts for the under 30 crowd at church as well as make another cake for my sil baby shower which is Sat along with 2 soccer games and a wedding. Oh and Thur night is soccer practice for dd1. I hope I just get to stay home all next week but I am sure something will come up. I keep thinking it will slow down eventually but about the time they are done with soccer it is time for all the holiday craziness to start!

    Hopefully I will have time to check in later this week but if not you all have a great week.

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am so annoyed...I typed this long book and then I just had problems iwth the internet...ugh! ANYWAY....hi...welcome to everyone new...thanks for the well wishes...and i will get back to you..I need to go can some more zucchini!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Jessica~I know how that is to have the little ones under foot while you are trying to workout it can be so aggravating. :grumble: That is why I won't exercise unless they are in bed or the older kids are home to help entertain the younger ones for me.

    Home~good luck on the job search.

    Blue~Good luck with the MIL. I can only handle mine in small doses.:laugh:

    Jenny~WOW woman you have been busy! I hope you get to stay home next week like you would like to.

    Nicole~there have been many times that I have done that and then it would not post and it is frustrating. Have fun with the zucchini. Today I am going to be getting some more tomatoes (from a local farm) so that I can make some more salsa. I know I am crazy. :laugh:

    Well my hubby finally talked me into doing the P90X workout with him last night. I SURVIVED but man my muscles are SO tired! I couldn't do the AB Ripper X though (my abs are shot, I wonder why? 7 kids later! :laugh: ). I figured that I would strengthen them by doing another ab exercise that I have and then work into that one (too frustrating for me to know that I can't do it). The hubby was excited to have me doing it with him. Anyways, my niece was born today (preterm 2 1/2 months early) at only 2 lbs. :frown: Mommy is doing good and she is doing better than they originally thought she would. What a trial that her parents are in for. Well got to go the ds just informed me it is potty time. :smile:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome to Amanda! What branch is your hubby in? Is he deployed right now? My hubby is in the Air Force :)

    Red ~ I haven't actually ran a half marathon yet, Nov will be my first one. I started the couch to 5k program 18 months ago and fell in love with running. After completing a 12k, I figured a half was my next step! So here I am LOL

    Welcome Angie! You can still chat with us even though you're working, we won't kick ya out :)

    Hi Dtcauley4!

    Welcome Suzanne! Congrats on your weight loss! 120? Wow!! I'm in awe! LOL

    Welcome Jessica! I love Zumba too, I think it's cute when my kids try to dance along with me

    Barb ~ Wow, that would totally upset me if my MIL said that. People like that give Christians a bad name, it's really a shame :(

    Katie ~ Wow, 2lbs?! Prayers to all of you. I can't imagine!

    Got a run in today, 5k in 28:12. the .6 uphill was hard, but it sure was nice going back down! ;) I have a playdate in an hour, I really should go clean! I'm still trying to find that strong connection here like I had at our last base. Hoping I can grow closer to a couple of the ladies, I really need my time with other mommies how just 'get' me, ya know? I've made a lot of friends since moving here, but I really need to find those few close ones soon!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies! Sounds like you all have been keeping pretty darn busy, especially YOU, Jenny! Dang, that is a lot to do...:smile:

    Katie~I think The Man is going to pick up Power 90 X for himself, and me, too. I am kind of nervous, as from the infomercials, it seems SUPER hardcore...I am not as in shape as I think I am. Prayers for your niece as well!

    Blue~good luck with your MIL. :flowerforyou: Chuch-going is a touchy subject with some people, I guess. That's something that The Man and I still argue sometimes about, is finding a church that we both can agree on. I am an old school Lutheran, and he's a non-denominational person who leans towards Southern Baptist. We had been going to church on post for months and it was great, then as soon as I leave to visit my folks for a few weeks, he decides to find a different church with NO input from me. It's not a bad church, but I'm not a big fan of "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs, know what I mean?

    katapple~you do enough running for the both of us! :laugh: I hope that you find some close friends soon!

    Nicole~you can can zucchini? Shoot, I just roast it in the oven! mmmm....roasted zucchini...(Homer Simpson drool....)

    Well guys, I have got to put laundry away, now that the girls are up from naps. I got my baby quilt done yesterday (yay) and mailed it off to our renters today. Scrubbed the living room and dining room floors with Murphy's, and even got in a Wii Fit workout! Go me! Y'all take care, now!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks everyone for your help and concerns!!

    So, last night turned out to be a HORRIBLE NIGHT!! :cry: :cry: :cry: My MIL, husband, and I got into it for 2 hours last night all because of the whole church thing on Sunday and on top of that, she told me how she really felt about me, called me trouble, and that I"m a bad person because I have changed her son, he has no relationship with her because of me. Oh yeah, and she told me to leave the house....but I'm still here, we supposedly made up for now, but I still cannot forget what she told me. :brokenheart: Last night, I ate because I was stressed so I went WAY over my calories for the day and didn't sleep well or anything else, and when I did fall asleep the only way I did was I cried myself to sleep. I can't wait to move out of their house next summer (long story, short version, we're fixing some mistakes from our teen years)

    Otherwise, some good news, my friend and I walked the riverwalk this morning in the nice cool fresh air, so that was 2.5 miles in for today :smile: Plus it was some good company after a night like last night.

    Hopefully everyone is having a good Tuesday, so far I am. Tomorrow is running errands and bill paying day :grumble:

    Thursday walking 2.5 miles again with my friend

    Friday-not sure yet, at this point...
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    oh, barb....that just S****

    a man must leave his home and cleave to his wife---or something like that, right? i'm so sorry you were in that tug of war. hope dh stood strong by your side. (((hugs))

    you ladies amaze me with all you get done in a day....whew! katie--hope mom and baby are doing ok. i can't even imagine.
    and katie--i know what you mean about good friends. i've been in LV 6 years now and am still looking for a couple more "friends of the heart."

    ds was at preK this morning and i got a lot done with dd2. it felt great to have so much go well in schooling w/her. and she was so proud of her smooth talking during our speech practice. in case you didn't know, she has a SIGNIFICANT stutter and we do speech practice sessions every day. i'm supposed to do it at least 2x/day. i'm good for 1.

    p90x is AWESOME. dh is on round 2. i was in "better" shape than him but had to work up to it myself. as for abs, katie, i could just do 1/4 of each of the exercises. and i cdn't do the CORE dvd at all. i had no core strength. it was fun to see dd1 instantly do planks, etc. that girl has serious muscle (how she came from my genes, i do not know!)

    zumba girls--i just ordered the dvd's. i'm excited to give it a try. i need a change of pace. :) what am i in for???

    ok. really should turn in.

    hope you all have a good night's rest and tomorrow starts and ends well!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Katie~Good luck with the close friends. I have as yet to find some close friends here and I have been living here for four years. :tongue: The close friends that I have I have had since before I moved here. One lives too far away to do anything with and the other I hardly do things with.

    Home~Yay on the baby quilt!

    Barb~100% agree with Stacey...leave the parents and cleave unto thy spouse (and yes there is a scripture to that affect if I remember right many). It is not right for her to treat you that way. I hope that all goes well and that you can get a place of your own soon. :flowerforyou: Living with family is hard. I have experienced that WAY too much! :laugh:

    Stacey~I struggled with doing the push ups but I did them but that ab one I could do only a few of the workouts and for me it was not worth the frustration of not being able to do the others. I will get there though. :happy:

    Just talked to my brother and he told me that Mom and baby are doing great. That the baby is a "fighter" very strong and that the nurses and Dr.s are impressed with how well she is doing. :happy: YAY!!! I was so worried about them yesterday that I didn't get much of anything done around the house. I am hoping that I will be able to get up to see them today or tomorrow. Looks like I will need to do some exercise during the day today instead of at night. Tomorrow and Friday me and a friend are going to be making salsa. I know AGAIN right?! :laugh: I found a place that we could buy tomatoes and peppers for really inexpensive! At least this time I will have some company in doing it. Well better to go, I have loads to do! Hope you are all having a great week and day!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Katie-Good luck on finding a close friend... i am still working on that and I have been here over a year.
    Oh Barb...that really does stink! ((hugs)) MIL's can be so mean some times! I would definitely let your hubbie handle her from now on.

    Home- congrats on the baby quilt...I haven't picked up my cross stitch lately:grumble:
    Stacey- Let me know how the Zumba video is...I need to get a new video since winter is coming up.:grumble:

    Katiem- YAY! on finding cheap produce to make salsa!:drinker:

    I got a ton of zucchini relish done I crashed though, fro mthe cold and being on my feet all day monday and tues...ugh! My body protested today and said no more!!! I am hoping that the cold will be gone by tomorrow though! I don't have time to be sick.:tongue:

    I know it's still early yet, but does anyone have any thoughts on what to make/bake for neighbors for Christmas?
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I've missed being on here! The last 2 weeks have been crazy with each child getting sick at separate times and then my son's birthday party this past Saturday, and then my parents coming in for a few days. My poor baby had strep and was home sick on his birthday. OK, my poor "baby"...he just turned 8. :noway:

    I did have a great run yesterday though. I actually ran 0.35 of a mile, which is the furthest I've ever run nonstop and is also half way to the kids' school! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Unfortunately, I can't work in a run today. I'm going to see what I can do tomorrow though.
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