SAHM 9/27 to 10/3



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~Being sick sucks rocks! Hope you get feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Amypyr~Way to go on the running. It feels great when you can accomplish things like that. I tried to run home from the kids school today but weak bladder from having children = result I didn't want. :laugh: So I had to settle for walking fast.

    TOM must be on it's way because I feel so weepy today. :tongue: I was hoping to be able to go see the niece and parents tonight but plans have to change. The hubby and I have to go to a financial seminar so that we can learn somethings to help out our situation. Didn't know that it was tonight until this morning. So hopefully we can go to the hospital tomorrow to see her. I got a TON of clothes for her and I am excited to give them to the parents. I hope they like them. I also was able to get a swing and bath chair for them too. Well I best be going I need to get to folding the clothes (I washed them) for her and put them in a bag.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Nicole, Stacy, and Katie-First of, thank you. Second, I should clarify, it was my MIL and Me/Hubby (as a team) fighting with her for like 2 hours on Monday night. AND to top things off, she's acting like NOTHING EVER HAPPENED!?!?!?! :huh:

    Anyways, I'll so be looking forward to next summer, just keep us in your prayers.....things are slowly getting better for hubby and I.

    Next, Tuesday-Today has been better. Tuesday I went walking with my friend like I said earlier, Wednesday was out paying bills and running errands ugh! and today, went walking again. So for the week, that's 5 miles :happy:

    What are your ladies' plans for the weekend?

    Mine, Saturday going to dinner with some friends (kids free!!) and then going clubbing (my first time, lol) and Sunday taking the kids to the apple festival.

    Might be on later to check in with everyone.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Blue~maybe she is embarassed and wants to forget about it? It's wonderful to hear that your hubby was fighting on your team though, go hubby! You are definitely going to be in my prayers. I have lived with the in-laws before too, so I know how difficult it can be. And yay for you going out to the club! That's awesome!

    Nicole~hope you get to feeling better soon! Even something as simple as a cold can just knock you down, can't it? Perhaps you should take it easy (maybe sit on the couch and work on your cross-stitch?)...yeah right, us SAHM's can't just 'take it easy'! :smile: About what to make the neighbors for Christmas, you can't go wrong with homemade bread!

    Amy~that's great on the running! You must have such a sense of accomplishment!

    Well, y'all, I am up early to bake cookies for The Man's co-workers. The house smells SOOOO yummy! And I tweaked the recipe so it is a little bit healthier than the original. Who puts 2 whole cups of sugar in a batch of oatmeal cranraisin cookies?:huh: Not me. You can cut it down by half and no one will be the wiser. Got to pay the rent today, because it's PAYDAY!! WOO! Going to the gym for some muscle failure, cleaning the den, making stromboli for supper, doing a Wii Fit workout, and if I have time, working on younger daughter's Christmas stocking. Because, you know, Christmas is coming. Older daughter has been asking to go on big girl adventures to the mall, so we might do that this weekend.

    Oh, and the Wii Fit says I am NORMAL. I am thrilled!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Stacey~I struggled with doing the push ups but I did them but that ab one I could do only a few of the workouts and for me it was not worth the frustration of not being able to do the others. I will get there though. :happy:

    FORGOT IMPORTANT TIP!! DO NOT WEAR SHOES WHEN DOING AB RIPPER!!! you'd be surprised but it makes a HUGE difference and it's one of the things everyone posts about. so try it again that way and see if you can even do 1 more! :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~That is funny that you say it's easier with shoes off because that is what the hubby told me too. I didn't have my shoes on! :grumble: I don't like to do ab workouts with them on if I can get away with it. On my Turbo Jam Ab Jam I have to wear shoes at least for the first half because you are doing stuff standing. Kind of dancy moves (I am not one to dance with no shoes).

    Barb~Glad that the hubby was on your side of the fight with MIL. Way to go on the walking and sounds like you have a busy weekend. As for me this weekend I am going to be playing "single" mom to 7 (9 yrs - 1 yrs)! :noway: The hubby has a business trip and is leaving early Saturday morning and not coming home until Monday night. :sad: I am also going to be making more salsa today and then on Saturday and Sunday I will be spending the Morning to the afternoon watching/listening to General Conference (church broadcast). Which ought to be fun with out the hubby to help calm the kids. But I am sure I will survive.

    Home~Way to go on the normal on the Wii fit! Last time I baked cookies (over 4 doz) they were gone in like 3 days. :noway: Yeah the family helped but I am not going to lie I ate a TON of them! I know that cookies are my weakness. :laugh:

    Well I better get going I have quite a bit to get done today. Hope you all have a good day/weekend! I will try to check back in sometime over the weekend but depends on if the kids "eat me alive". :laugh:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes on the friend finding! That's one thing I can be thankful for, is the military support no matter where I move. It does make it easier to find friends :)

    Plans for the weekend, if it's not raining tomorrow I really want to go to the dairy farm for the Harvest fest and have homemade pumpkin ice cream LOL Other than that, not a whole lot!

    I am down 3.5lbs since I rejoined last week! LOL And it's even that TOM. I guess it does actually work out to track your food every once and a while ;) I'm still struggling to get below 140 though. My goal has always been 135, and I get to 142 and it stops, then I get discouraged after a few weeks, and then I gain a few pounds, and then I lose it...never ending battle here! LOL

    sorry this is short and sweet, but the youngest just woke up and we gotta hit the grocery store!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lots of good reporting, girls!! nicole, sorry you're still sick. take the rest. as for gifts, i downloaded a pdf 18 pgs of gifts in a jar. pm me with your email, and i can send it to you as an attachment. i don't know what website i got it from....

    or go to big lots/dollar store etc and get a basket/bucket and fill it with little somethings--soaps, hand towels, fancy nuts/crackers/chocolate, tea, dish towel, and pretty ribbon, magazine, small coffee table book....

    home, that's so nice of you to bake for others. and serious workout schedule. wowza.

    katiem--hang in there. as for church broadcast, do they record it for you to download later??? i can't imagine a wknd with 7 kids by myself. can't even handle the BOY right now.
    man, he is MISCHIEF!!! just took taco shell from "locked" pantry, used it as a car, and then crumbled it all up in the carpet. can you say BORED???!!!!

    off to give them my attn. hope you all have a great friday!

    oh--amy--great on the running!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I haven't gotten a run in today but I'm hoping for tomorrow. I don't want to go too long without running after having such a great run on Wednesday.

    Katiem - I can't imagine 7 kids by myself. It gets difficult enough with just my 2 around this time of the year. Next weekend is the beginning of the Renaissance Festival. DH has been working the Renaissance Festival in Safety Services for the past 5 years. That means working his regular job Mon-Fri and then the Renaissance Festival Sat & Sun for 7 weeks. He usually takes off 1 weekend during the festival. This year he's planning on working only 4 of the 7 weekends. The kids become quite a handful ... OK, little terrors... by the end of the time.

    Katie - Congrats on the weight loss!

    Stacey - How are your daughter's fingers?

    Went to my son's 8 yr check up today. I loved it when he proudly told the doctor that he is now eating salads. He told her that he doesn't really like them much, but that they're starting to become pretty good. :laugh:

    Gotta go. I need to take stock of what I have so I can make out my list for the Farmers Market in the morning. :happy:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I am SUPER excited tonight. I went shopping for a new outfit for tomorrow night and actually bought two cute tops at the Deb store in the mall, which I haven't bought anything from there since I was a senior in high school and then my jeans I bought, I was able to fit into a pant size smaller :happy:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

    Thanks, Home. I'm glad hubby stuck by me too (esp if he knows what's good for him, lol)

    Take care ladies!! I'm out.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    zumba girls--will i get these moves ever??? i just did the basic dvd--whew! that's a lot of moves to learn!! but it looks fun and i so need a change.

    who else zumbas??

    and congrats rose on the jeans!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Katie~Way to go on the loss!

    Amypyr~I am having troubles with the prospects of it as well. It's only been 6 hours since he left and the kids are already asking where he is and when he is coming home. Good luck with the Renaissance Festival. Loved the comment about your son's checkup me and a friend got a good laugh!

    Barb~ that is awesome about the smaller size way to go!

    Stacey~Yes they do have it where you can listen/watch it later. However I feel lost if I don't listen or watch while it is going on. I do plan on going back and really be able to take in what is being taught though. As for zumba if it is anything like the dance videos that I have it should get easier with each time that you do the workout video. I have not done zumba but I had thought about it since I hear how fun it is.

    Well I got all my salsa made for this season. I wonder how long it is going to last us. I am hoping for the full year. I was able to go see my niece and her parents last night. She is soooooo tiny but very beautiful! I loved being there when they did her vitals and changed her diaper. She got so mad and her cry still was not very loud. I plan on taking the kids on a walk later to help them be able to get through the weekend. A friend of mine called me this morning and asked if I would like for her to come over tomorrow and help me out with the kids and keep me company. Which is kind of a shock because she hasn't been wanting to do anything with me lately. But hey I will take it if she is willing to hang out with me. Well got to go. Hope everyone's weekend is great!
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Hey ladies! I am a SAHM mom of two precious children, dd who is 3 and ds who just turned 1 year! I am trying to loose about 25 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight before my first child. I have no will power really need support from other going through it right along with me. Hope to really stick to it this time! Can't wait to get to know everyone and lose this weight once and for all!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome april! this is a great group. and i'm rt there w/ you re: willpower. follow thru is not my strong suit. 7# is a great start so feel free to jump in the conversation anytime.

    katiem--so would take up friend on that offer! hang in there.
    and glad you got to see your new niece. :)

    well, i did something BOLD for me today---i had a color rinse for my hair. i have so much gray (i'm 39) and my hair has lost a lot of color and shine since living in Vegas. i think it looks great--darker and shiny again!! we were going for cinnamon highlights. once upon a time, i really looked like the little irish girl with pale skin, freckles, auburn hair and green eyes. so i'm excited to have some of that look back! i can't wash it till MONDAY morning, so that means no workout tomorrow. i get too sweaty. but monday--zumba here i come!

    off to play one last game with little ones.
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Stacey - Thanks for the welcome! I don't follow through too well at all...I have started to lose this weight several times, lost abot 5 lbs then hit a plateau of something and just stopped. I could always get to about 150 and then nada....but today I think I may have broke through!!! I can tell a difference in the fit of my clothes and by the scale I am now actually below 150!!! I try not to weigh any more than once a week but I just couldn't help it this morning! YAY!!! That gives me GREAT motivation to keep going!

    So glad to be a part of this group! Will hopefully be able to check in often....
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome April! This group has given me sometime to be able to connect with other SAHM's. It has been great!

    Stacey~Isn't it nice to do stuff for yourself? Too many times as moms forget about ourselves.

    I am hoping that today flies by (yesterday dragged). I noticed that we all did better when we kept ourselves busy than when we didn't have anything to do. So I am going to try to fill our day with activities so that we can stay busy. We were able to start off the day with talking to the hubby/dad on the phone and I think that is going to help all of us out. It was cute/heart breaking when my 1 yo was asking for daddy this morning. Which is why I called him. 1 yo kept chanting dada and looking around. He knows that in the morning daddy is there. So he was trying to find him since he hasn't seen him since Friday night. Well best be going our "church" will be starting soon (listening to general conf on the radio).
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Hey girls! I was just curious who all drinks their water "straight". Drinking my 8+ glasses a day has been a work in progress for me due to the fact I don't like water all that much. I have started to really aquire a taste for it but I am still "spiking" about half of mine with crystal light. Anyone else do this and what are your thoughts on adding stuff to your think it should be mostly pure water?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    April~I mostly drink my straight but I do occasionally drink it with crystal light on the go packets. That is only when I just don't feel like drink water. For me I would like to drink most of mine plain though. Sometimes it is hard for me to get in all of my water.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks Ladies :) If you want to see my whole outfit, I'll post a pic under my profile and you can check it out. I posted one of me and my hubby from Saturday night. We had a blast at the club! And my mom is going to watch the kids every other month so that me and hubby can go out like that again. I of course, had just a little too much and was gone, lol, hubby got buzzed, but sobered up before driving us home. Sunday, we picked up the kids and went to the Apple Fest and had some good old family fun and togetherness. :drinker: :laugh: :blushing:

    Today, back to the normal week, ugh! Laundry this morning, took hubby to the dentist to have his filling looked at, had lunch with hubby, and back home.

    Forgot to weigh in this morning, so I'll do that first thing tomorrow morning...Have a good day ladies! And welcome to all the new comers.
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