But I don't like <insert name of food here> !!!



  • stringcheeze
    I'm fortunate -- or perhaps unfortunate, that's what got me into this situation in the first place -- to have yet meet a food I didn't like. :wink: I blame that on my mother who had the rule that we had to try at least a spoonful of whatever we found questionable before leaving the table.

    Well, except for anchovies -- every time I try them again, I'm reminded why I couldn't get through one the last time.

    You're completely right; foods we didn't like as a kid and keep stigma over can cloud our judgement as adults. Taste buds change throughout your life -- give baby spinach a try if you don't like regular spinach. If you don't like butternut squash, give sweet dumpling squash a try. And don't write it off immediately either; maybe try a different prep method.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I can understand one point in accountant_boy's argument though, I have been trying new healthy things also and having to try them severla times until I find that I do like them. ie carrots.... I never liked them before and now find that I love them.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    oh! I tried skinny cow ice cream products - yucky!!

    I managed to find ice cream that have the same cals as skinny cow and still yummy! Or I go to Mc D's and get a small ice cream cone and it's only 150cals!! =)
  • FlashBang
    I have discovered avocados are not just for guacamole. Love them on everything. This morning we only had 4 oz of milk and I needed 8 for my post workout drink. We had some buttermilk left over from a cake we made so I finished it off with that and some Ovaltine. It was terrible, will never do that again! But is was worth a shot.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I have found my fitness pal very useful and everybody on here has been very friendly but to be honest I cannot believe you are trying to be little people but me in particular from another post. Yes I am an adult and yes I make my own choice and if I do not like any other lettuce than Iceberg than I shall not eat it no matter what the nutritional information is on spinach and I don’t want to retrain my tastebuds I eat what I like and don’t eat what I don’t like. If I start eating the food I don’t like for the sake of losing weight and becoming healthy I wouldn’t last very long. My food is working for me and I am losing weight. I have eaten iceburg lettuce almost every working day for the last 4months and it has no effect on your life I do not take kindly to being told what I can and cannot eat just because you think you know best.

    I'm sorry you felt I was singling you out. I wasn't. If I wanted to, I would've responded on the other post - but I didn't want to do that, so I started a new thread, and I made it pretty general. You're not the only one who has said they only like iceberg lettuce.
  • sallyLunn
    I'll eat a banana if I have to, but I don't like them.
    I'll eat yogurt if I have to, but I don't like it.

    The fact is, I'll eat anything if I have to but left to my own devices, I will choose foods I enjoy.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Just to clarify - I'm not saying that people should force themselves to eat foods they hate, I'm just saying that people need to open their minds and give a variety of foods a fair chance. Too many people seriously limit what they eat because they're either afraid to try new things or they've just always thought they hated something. It's why so many people don't eat enough veggies - they get bored of the few they do eat and end up not eating enough. Many people hate things as a kid, and learn they love them as an adult.

    Try something new every week, and before you write something off, try a different preparation method - it really can make a huge difference. I hate cooked carrots by themselves, but as part of stew/soup, I don't even notice them.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I would love to eat cantaloupe and fish, but I can't get it down. I can't even stomach tuna anymore. It's so good for you and low in calories. I'd love some suggestions if you have any!
  • KPaden1221
    i can honestly say i HATE i mean HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE Tomatoes, Fish, and Broccoli!!! I've tried them all a MILLION different ways and just cannot do it!!!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I don't like most cooked veggies. I have tried a lot but just don't like them. I have to disagree that being an adult doesn't mean that I have to eat cooked veggies because they are good for me. I can still eat healthy without having to gag on a cooked broccoli. Just the smell of cooked broccoli is disgusting. I will eat it raw though!

    I have become more open with trying things, but I will not eat things that I don't like simply because they are healthy.

    Sorry if you misunderstood my post - I wasn't saying you have to eat veggies a certain way to be an adult... You've found the way that you prefer your veggies - I don't see anything 'non-adult' about that! :flowerforyou: This is an example of preparation making a difference - you don't like cooked veggies, but you'll eat them raw. As long as you're eating them, that's all that really matters!

    What I don't get is people who eat almost no veggies because they say they don't like any of them. There are A LOT of veggies out there, but too many people just equate veggies to whatever they were raised on. If they were to try different cooking methods (or eating them raw!) maybe they would find that there were quite a few veggies they actually liked. No one's going to like all of them, but some things (like veggies) are so important to our health that we HAVE to find ways to fit them into our diets.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I hate brown rice. I'm not a huge fan of any rice, since I think of it as just a filler. But I truly hate brown rice, and it ticks me off to see people act like it's so important to eat brown rice.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I LOVE eggplant! I was the weird kid who ate all those vegetables but wouldn't touch fruit! Though my excuse is that they literally make me ill (Seriously, half an apple makes me vomit). So it's not a matter of retraining tastebuds it's more like my pancreas super overproduces insulin when I eat sugars. D:

    Yikes! Don't blame you for not eating fruit. Obviously if you have an allergy or some other bad reaction like this to food, I'm not saying you should eat it anyways... this post is more for people who are unwilling to try new things to give different foods a real chance.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The problem is I love all food, it's the "exersise" I hate!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    So true! And honestly, if you don't like it, MAKE IT A DIFFERENT way. Spices and seasonings can change the taste of anything drastically with JUST a tiny dash. I've always hated salmon in sashimi but I broiled it in a sauce and loved it, and then I broiled it with sea salt & dill weed and LOVED it. Seriously...any thing tastes good in a healthy pasta with a couple veggies and a sauce or even just some seasoning.

    I've learned to love asparagus, greek yogurt (granola anyone?, pecans (WHO KNEW? I've hated them my whole life), feta cheese, goat cheese (I was forced to drink goat milk as a child and could only drink it with strawberry syrup 'cause I hated the taste, so imagine my surprise when I fell in love with goat cheese!), and spinach. Spinach is probably the most surprising but I know why I didn't like it and love it now. My mom always made canned or frozen but never seasoned it. I sautee mine with chicken and steak seasoning and it's fabulous! Also...really good in pasta. lol!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I am willing to try anything lol...however if I try it and don't like it, I probably will never touch it again.
    I tried ground turkey in some hamburger helper (since someone had told me that it makes it better and the hamburger helper covers the flavor) I had tried turkey burgers and didn't take more than a couple bites so I attempted it again since everyone said its so healthy...Nope didn't taste good at all lol
    Yogurt is the same way I have tried different kinds different ways and I just don't like it lol..

    But like I said I am willing to try new things from time to time.
  • stringcheeze
    The problem is I love all food, it's the "exersise" I hate!

    Amen! :drinker: I'm still working on the "eat yourself thin" plan. :bigsmile:
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    my rule is that I have to try something 7 times before i completely disregard it. (that's on seven different occasions, not seven bites :happy: ) I haven't really found anything I can't stand...i'm not a big fan of sweet things, but I think that's a good thing..
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    You're absolutely right. Also, as we get older and our lifestyles and experiences change/differ, we might rethink some foods that we thought tasted bad!
  • JennaGermain
    I HATE bananas!! I've tried to force myself to eat them but the moment the taste hits me the gag reflex kicks in.

    I'm willing to try most things at least once or twice (except anchovies, monkey brains, haggis...other regional dishes of creatures or parts I don't think I should eat, like tarantulas...EEEEWWW!!!)

    However, I find that if I have an extreme reaction like I do w/ bananas, I can't even get my tastebuds to experience it enough to try & develop a taste for it. That usually only works on something I don't really care for but also don't really object to. Like cheese sticks. I always thought "Ew, this is so blah, why is everyone insisting I must eat this as a snack" but then I tried one more time & started w/ a less healthy version instead of starting right w/ the fat-free & I was like "Now this, I can do" and am gradually going from full fat to light & then we'll see.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I don't like most cooked veggies. I have tried a lot but just don't like them. I have to disagree that being an adult doesn't mean that I have to eat cooked veggies because they are good for me. I can still eat healthy without having to gag on a cooked broccoli. Just the smell of cooked broccoli is disgusting. I will eat it raw though!

    I have become more open with trying things, but I will not eat things that I don't like simply because they are healthy.

    Sorry if you misunderstood my post - I wasn't saying you have to eat veggies a certain way to be an adult... You've found the way that you prefer your veggies - I don't see anything 'non-adult' about that! :flowerforyou: This is an example of preparation making a difference - you don't like cooked veggies, but you'll eat them raw. As long as you're eating them, that's all that really matters!

    What I don't get is people who eat almost no veggies because they say they don't like any of them. There are A LOT of veggies out there, but too many people just equate veggies to whatever they were raised on. If they were to try different cooking methods (or eating them raw!) maybe they would find that there were quite a few veggies they actually liked. No one's going to like all of them, but some things (like veggies) are so important to our health that we HAVE to find ways to fit them into our diets.

    Eh, its all good. I've always had a hard time trying new things because there are certain things I don't like. Soup is a great wat to incorporate a lot of veggies because they absorb the tastes you do like. I can't do celery though, I might if they were finely chopped like pp has stated.

    I like most veggies raw. My problem is keeping away from the dip. But, if I replace dip with something like salsa - its much better, although maybe higher in sodium. I can do vinegar splashed on most veggies too and that adds nothing but goodness really.

    My next conquest is squash, just have to figure that one out. I fear I have to add things that aren't as good for you, like parmesan cheese or butter, but we'll see. The jury is out...but I'll try.

    Mustard is something that will never get another try for me, not that its important anyway.