But I don't like <insert name of food here> !!!



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member

    now that is just plain w.r.o.n.g.

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    If you don't like the way you look/feel/are living, you're gonna have to change something! And obviously, if you're not eating lots of vegetables, because you hate them, well, then maybe eating vegetables will get you where you want to go.

    too right! preach it sista!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    now that is just plain w.r.o.n.g.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    No matter how onions are prepared, they are always gross.

    Yes, my daughter can totally relate to that statement & can spot a bit o onion no matter how I use em
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Not liking a food now because you didn't like it as a child isn't always the case, but it DOES happen :tongue: I loved vegetables even as a kid...still do...but the one I hated was asparagus. I had not tried it since I was a teen, I think? Well, I decided to try it again a few weeks ago and now I love it :love:
    My childhood one was...lima beans

    lima beans + Catholic school:sick: + mean nuns:noway: = recovering catholic that hates lima beans

    But I will try them again:tongue: , that will be my goal, after reading this thread.

    I will not try them on a tray, not in a school, not with a nun:grumble: for that will be no FUN:sick: :grumble:

    It really is amazing how certain behaviors that happened to you when very young stick with you to keep you from doing something.....it was the issue before and after the lima beans in my situation....only fellow Recovering catholics could possibly grasp the magnitude of this!:smokin::frown:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Not liking a food now because you didn't like it as a child isn't always the case, but it DOES happen :tongue: I loved vegetables even as a kid...still do...but the one I hated was asparagus. I had not tried it since I was a teen, I think? Well, I decided to try it again a few weeks ago and now I love it :love:
    My childhood one was...lima beans

    lima beans + Catholic school:sick: + mean nuns:noway: = recovering catholic that hates lima beans

    But I will try them again:tongue: , that will be my goal, after reading this thread.

    I will not try them on a tray, not in a school, not with a nun:grumble: for that will be no FUN:sick: :grumble:

    It really is amazing how certain behaviors that happened to you when very young stick with you to keep you from doing something.....it was the issue before and after the lima beans in my situation....only fellow Recovering catholics could possibly grasp the magnitude of this!:smokin:

    :laugh: You crack me up. Good luck with the lima beans! They're a great source of potassium!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Lima beans are great!!! I love the Fordhook ones, but the baby lima beans can be soooo delicious too!

    One thing I never ate before I started this get fit lifestyle was brussel sprouts, and by golly I LOVE them now. Heh. Spinach too. Never even wanted to try it before, now it's a staple in my diet.

    Kale I like too, but only in soups. And I like swiss chard, but it takes a bit of prep, so I don't eat it as often as I should.

    Good luck with the limas!!!
  • Ahmed20OD
    I agree it's mostly mental and about what you tell yourself is what you are going to be/do...
    You shouldn't be picky if you want to be healthy..

    but is't really that healthy food isn't "tasty"?

    Well, I know some moments when I ate smth and someone will ask me how is it? and my answer will be is that it's one of those food that you eat only because it's healthy...

    well the only food I still hate is eggplant...I think I can leave out one food from the universe menu!!!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I will never eat another brussel sprout! And you can't make me! :-P LOL! :-)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I agree it's mostly mental and about what you tell yourself is what you are going to be/do...
    You shouldn't be picky if you want to be healthy..

    but is't really that healthy food isn't "tasty"?

    Well, I know some moments when I ate smth and someone will ask me how is it? and my answer will be is that it's one of those food that you eat only because it's healthy...

    well the only food I still hate is eggplant...I think I can leave out one food from the universe menu!!!
    I eat healthy and I love it! I don't find healthy food non tasty... I'm not sure I understand the post:flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Lima beans are great!!! I love the Fordhook ones, but the baby lima beans can be soooo delicious too!

    One thing I never ate before I started this get fit lifestyle was brussel sprouts, and by golly I LOVE them now. Heh. Spinach too. Never even wanted to try it before, now it's a staple in my diet.

    Kale I like too, but only in soups. And I like swiss chard, but it takes a bit of prep, so I don't eat it as often as I should.

    Good luck with the limas!!!
    oh! How do you make them? Do you simply eat them plain or do you cook them along with other foods (I mean what have you tried that you've enjoyed:flowerforyou: )

    Thanks for any ideas, I really would like to get past this silly lima bean deal...I mean it has been over 40+ years now:blushing: :laugh:
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    ... but I HATE ... FISH!

    Not that I totally hate it, but any type of seafood gives me migraines. Especially shrimp. The stronger the fishy smell, the worse the migraine. SO.... I stay away from fish.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Lima beans are great!!! I love the Fordhook ones, but the baby lima beans can be soooo delicious too!

    One thing I never ate before I started this get fit lifestyle was brussel sprouts, and by golly I LOVE them now. Heh. Spinach too. Never even wanted to try it before, now it's a staple in my diet.

    Kale I like too, but only in soups. And I like swiss chard, but it takes a bit of prep, so I don't eat it as often as I should.

    Good luck with the limas!!!
    oh! How do you make them? Do you simply eat them plain or do you cook them along with other foods (I mean what have you tried that you've enjoyed:flowerforyou: )

    Thanks for any ideas, I really would like to get past this silly lima bean deal...I mean it has been over 40+ years now:blushing: :laugh:

    I cook them in water (boil) or nuke them in the microwave. I buy frozen ones and follow the directions on the box/bag. Usually I only put some sea salt on them once they're done, but OCCASIONALLY, ahem, I will put a smidge of butter on them. Woo!

    The Fordhooks are big and mushy and so satisfying. MmMmMMmmmmMMmMmMMMMMM!!!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Yeah, lima beans, um, no thanks. Although I admit I haven't had them in years, so I'd be willing to try them again. On the other hand, I love lots of other veggies - broccoli, green beans, peas, etc., so I'm pretty confident I can get my nutrients without lima beans, if it comes to that.

    Now spinach is an interesting one. Growing up, my mom would dump one of those frozen packages of spinach into boiling water and then dump it on my plate and make me eat it. It was limp, bitter, and tasteless. To this day, I hate cooked spinach. But a few years ago I tried raw fresh spinach in a salad and loved it! You just never know.

    One thing I don't like at all is any seafood. I have tried many kinds, cooked many ways. I can choke down mahi mahi, and I can eat tuna if it's drowned in mayo. For me, it's mainly the smell of fish. It literally makes me nauseaus. I still haven't found a healthy way to eat seafood, and I really wish I could, since it's so good for you. I do take a couple of fish oil pills a day, so does that count? :laugh:

    I'm always willing to try something at least once. I owe my body that.
  • endurowoman
    endurowoman Posts: 23 Member

    Boy is that the truth! Many people refuse to even try anything new if they think they hate it. I haven't seen to many folks stick their noses up at pastries. How many times have you heard, "I can't eat donuts they make my skin crawl." or, " I ate an eclair once and it made me sick." It's always the vegetables or sometimes fruits that get the bad rap.

    Your post reminded me of a book I read called, "The Monster Who Ate My Peas" , the little boy wouldn't eat peas no matter what and his mom told him no dessert. I don't want to ruin it for you but it is a great read aloud and the illustrations are wonderful. The lesson being to try things just like you said.
  • Vegebel
    celery! But MOM! I HATE CELERY!
    I still eat it on a regular basis with peanut butter (protein + fiber= win)
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I will eat anything except tofu, mushrooms, peas and beets. So don't make me a tofu-mushroom-pea-beet wrap please! :laugh:
  • vauleese
    I used to not like Soy Milk (hadn't even tried it BTW) but I did and now I like it! However my tried it and still dont like it list includes:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I will eat anything except tofu, mushrooms, peas and beets. So don't make me a tofu-mushroom-pea-beet wrap please! :laugh:
    I've not tried beets likely the only reason is lack of knowing how to cook with them :( I picked up my CSA veggie box today had a nice big pretty bundle of them and traded them with someone else.:frown: I knew it was likely I wouldn't get them eaten this week.

    Anyone that can teach me some beet tricks will be my hero forever!

    I'm more than willing to learn to try new things, some I simple have no clue about though when I get them in my veggie box. Things like Kale, Chard, well even sweet potatoes which I have 6 large ones now sitting on my counter (but I'm learning from friends on here how wonderful these are, just need to try them now). The things that come to mind with Sweet Potatoes is marshmallows from being young and that's how they were prepared. Sure we ate the marshmallows offa the top back then but I'd rather not put marshmallows on mine now. :laugh: Rutabaga's sp?) wow, so many new veggies to me this Summer it was amazing how many I'd never tasted before, heard of them? Yes, but never been exposed to them and I thought I was eating quite a variety of veggies, there are sooooo many wonderful veggies and fruits out there to try, I had no idea:drinker:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Boy is that the truth! Many people refuse to even try anything new if they think they hate it. I haven't seen to many folks stick their noses up at pastries. How many times have you heard, "I can't eat donuts they make my skin crawl." or, " I ate an eclair once and it made me sick." It's always the vegetables or sometimes fruits that get the bad rap.

    Your post reminded me of a book I read called, "The Monster Who Ate My Peas" , the little boy wouldn't eat peas no matter what and his mom told him no dessert. I don't want to ruin it for you but it is a great read aloud and the illustrations are wonderful. The lesson being to try things just like you said.
    :laugh: Great post, so many truths! Definitely gonna check out the library tomorrow and sit down and read that book, sounds wonderful!

    Thank you:flowerforyou: :laugh: