


  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi, I have way over 100 lbs to lose, you can always 'friend' me if you like. 'll always be there for motivation and in the joy of your successes :D xx We can all do this, its Our story, we just need to write it :D
  • allunits
    allunits Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, not eating while watching tv should be a great rule because I LOVE to do those 2 together, mainly because of how much focusing on the tv justifies not focusing on food.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Hi there,
    Yes... definitely one day at a time. I lost quite a lot of weight with MFP. Due to some personal stuff some of it has crept back on and so I'm here again because I know that this works really well.

    Set yourself little goals and challenges with "non-food" rewards. Maybe cut out snacking or eating after 7pm or going for 20 minute walks or something that's attainable. Making small changes works. I find that keeping track of food on this is a great way to see everything I'm consuming and the support here is fantastic.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like a supportive friend!
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I think you are on the right track, starting with keeping a food diary! I'm an emotional eater too, and I worry about not reaching my goals a lot as well... If you want, you could add me as a friend and we could help cheer each other on (I need someone to click like when I remember to add to my food diary or take a walk, so if anyone else wants to add me as a friend that would be great!!!!)

    Since you are training to be a psychotherapist, there are two books you might enjoy, the Beck Diet Solution by Judith Beck, and Breaking the Pattern by Charles Platkin. They both got me thinking about why I do what I do, and they use proven methods to help change behavior.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I tell everyone to start by reading these two threads, helps get rid of some of the misinformation that you'll find on MFP and elsewhere. Have faith in yourself, you can do this! Write down a list of reasons why you want to do this, set an ultimate goal with small goals leading up to it. Buy yourself some cute workout clothes, I always feel better when I look good! And just do it!

    Start with these two threads:

    It won't always be easy, but the end result will be very worth it! When you're feeling discouraged, check out the success stories, that'll help get you going again! Best of luck to you! If you want to add me as a friend, feel free. I log everyday. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying my best and so far, I'm happy with my results. Half to way to my goal!
  • allunits
    allunits Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks so much! Ill check those books out. And I want to add you guys as friends, but I don't know how yet!
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    You got this!

    The difference from all the other times and this time... Your doing this for life.

    That is what is helping me this time around. I had to realize that even when I hit my ideal number... I can't quit, my journey is not over, in fact I hate to say, I heard it gets harder. Once I changed my mindset to, "this is for life" It became more manageable. I need to exercise for life, I need to eat healthy foods for life and the faster I got used to that, the easier it became, for me anyways.

    I didn't set a time limit for my weight loss. I just told myself, 2014 is all about health and that's my focus this year.

    I also agree with the others, slow and steady wins the race. :)