I'm so freaked out...



  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    This has happened to me, and I like the advice that I have just read on this forum! I agree with everything. I was even put on BC to help bring my period back. I also had to start eating more, but I was severely underweight, so I am now maintaining a weight that is good for me.

    I would also incorporate strength training into your workouts. You won't get bulky, but you'll look good, you'll be working out and it will help to strengthen your bones, so you won't get osteoporosis as I did from not having my period and not having enough calcium.

    Yes, some days it's super hard to eat more, but remember, food is fuel and it's good for you.

    P.S I would stay away from the scale at first. Give it a month, them weigh yourself. I once weighed myself everyday for over a year, it's just not necessary and can be so upsetting.

    Thank you so much! One question, though - did your period came back?

    My period came back with the help of eating more and my birth control pills I was put on specifically for brining my period back. I was without my period for about 10 months

    Wow, thanks! That's a relief
  • KerrymBurgess
    KerrymBurgess Posts: 29 Member
    I had the same problem as you, lost weight on 1200 a day for 18 months working out 5 days a week. I was so happy but then my preiods stopped and I knew I needed to re-think my diet. I realised I wasn't actually eating any fat of any type which apparently can affect your cycle.

    I revamped my diet to include some healthy fats and upped my calories to 1400. I did put on a couple of kg's but I lost inches because now that I'm fueling my body properly, when I work out I'm toning up. I'm now very happy with my body shape and feel more energised and healthy, so I don't worry about the scales anymore!! I've been where you are and it's scary but honestly it'll be ok, all the best!
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Try adding muscle. The scale will go up, but your appearance will look better. 15-20 lbs of muscle will get you that toned look.

    Eat slightly above maintenance and lift some heavy weights.


    Check out that girls story if you need some inspiration.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....

  • you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....


    I wasn't trying to offend anybody, in my opinion the tone was quite attacking and wasn't helpful to somebody who is reaching out for help on a sensitive subject.

    Telling somebody they have an eating disorsder and that they need counselling is very presumptuous and she has been to see the doctor already. If the doctor had any serious concerns they would have said or made a referral.

    Let's just try and be supportive.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....


    I wasn't trying to offend anybody, in my opinion the tone was quite attacking and wasn't helpful to somebody who is reaching out for help on a sensitive subject.

    Telling somebody they have an eating disorsder and that they need counselling is very presumptuous and she has been to see the doctor already. If the doctor had any serious concerns they would have said or made a referral.

    Let's just try and be supportive.

    you can't tell tone by reading text. You inferred attacking tone.

    This young woman has a BMI of 17...is underweight and isn't having a period...and is afraid of upping calories and of being fat...and has admitted to binging on 18,000 calories all signs of an eating disorder...

    As for doctors making referrals you don't know that...my understanding is that in the UK it costs a lot for that sort of help and those referrals aren't handed out willy nilly...and since we have no idea where she is from...you assume much and are missing my point.
  • you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....


    I wasn't trying to offend anybody, in my opinion the tone was quite attacking and wasn't helpful to somebody who is reaching out for help on a sensitive subject.

    Telling somebody they have an eating disorsder and that they need counselling is very presumptuous and she has been to see the doctor already. If the doctor had any serious concerns they would have said or made a referral.

    Let's just try and be supportive.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....


    I wasn't trying to offend anybody, in my opinion the tone was quite attacking and wasn't helpful to somebody who is reaching out for help on a sensitive subject.

    Telling somebody they have an eating disorsder and that they need counselling is very presumptuous and she has been to see the doctor already. If the doctor had any serious concerns they would have said or made a referral.

    Let's just try and be supportive.

    Thank you so much!
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....


    I wasn't trying to offend anybody, in my opinion the tone was quite attacking and wasn't helpful to somebody who is reaching out for help on a sensitive subject.

    Telling somebody they have an eating disorsder and that they need counselling is very presumptuous and she has been to see the doctor already. If the doctor had any serious concerns they would have said or made a referral.

    Let's just try and be supportive.

    you can't tell tone by reading text. You inferred attacking tone.

    This young woman has a BMI of 17...is underweight and isn't having a period...and is afraid of upping calories and of being fat...and has admitted to binging on 18,000 calories all signs of an eating disorder...

    As for doctors making referrals you don't know that...my understanding is that in the UK it costs a lot for that sort of help and those referrals aren't handed out willy nilly...and since we have no idea where she is from...you assume much and are missing my point.

    Wait, what?! 18,000 calories binge? I've NEVER EVER said that I have binged on 18,000 calories, last week I posted on a topic in the community where some girl said that she binged on these calories. I never had binges more than 2000/3000 calories I can't even call that a binge... LOL
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    To answer your question on how to eat more calories - eat meals with/snack on healthy high calorie foods like:

    Almond/Peanut Butters (on triscuits, apples, bananas...)
    Full fat dairy products
    Use olive oil for cooking
    Dark Chocolate
    Protein Shakes can be good suppliments as well (make with almond milk and fruit, yum)

    There are lots more and you can eat a good portion of them, increase your calories without feeling stuffed. Agree with others that you should probably gain weight to be healthier, follow your doctors orders :flowerforyou:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Wait, what?! 18,000 calories binge? I've NEVER EVER said that I have binged on 18,000 calories, last week I posted on a topic in the community where some girl said that she binged on these calories. I never had binges more than 2000/3000 calories I can't even call that a binge... LOL

    my mistake re the binge of 18000 but I still stand by what I have said.

    You are underweight...not having a period and scared to raise calories...and have lost 1lb a week since December...even been told by a doctor to eat more...are afraid of being fat...and the more you lose the more you want to lose....

    All signs of an ED. Maybe the early stages but still all signs.

    I am not attacking you just suggesting you seek professional councilling about your fears etc prior to letting them take hold and really do damage.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm just starting to maintain my weight. I'm 19 years old, female, 165cm/50-51kg. I finally admited myself that I'm eating too little (1200 calories, plus 4 times a week workouts) Yesterday I saw a doctor (because my period stopped since two months) He said everything was fine, but that I need to stop losing weight (and that I even need to gain some), then the things will go back to normal. I don't want to gain anymore weight, I calculated my TDEE and it said for maintaince I need to eat 1700 calories, but that seems like a lot (to me right now). How do I do that, without gaining weight - but just maintaining my current? I need help, some advices. Please, don't judge me. I don't really need this, I'm so embarrased by posting this topic because I realize I have a problem, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get better :(

    You will gain weight. It's normal and healthy. When you go on maintenance, your body will replenish its glycogen store (something it used up while you were on a deficit) and this includes some water weight. Between the two of them (water & glycogen) a body will gain anywhere from 3-10 lbs (that seems to be the weight range announced). You will gain this weight. It's inevitable and you won't see it but it will be on the scale. Every body is different, so you won't know what you're levels are until you gain them and then level out.
    Eating at your maintenance level is necessary (and scary at times, if you're watching the scale). Don't weigh yourself as often and don't worry about the first few pounds. Wait until your weight levels off (this may take a month or two; be patient) and then decide, with your doctor, what the next move is for you.
    You could stand to gain some weight. You want a normal, active life. Not one focussed on deficit eating in order to maintain an underweight body. Enjoy life and that includes a healthy diet, a satisfied stomach and a good number of calories.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    THIS. If you fall below a certain body fat %, your periods stop because your body knows that it is unhealthy and stop functions that are not vital like your period.

    I will no longer give input on anyone losing weight unless they state their weight and height and they seem healthy.

    PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! don't encourage people to loose weight unless you know their stats. Thank you for your consideration.

    We need to learn to love our bodies, feed them nutritious foods, and exercise them as though we THRIVE in them until age 100. Please care for your health like you would care for a beloved.
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hi OP...

    I'm happy that you have spoken to a doctor about your issue.
    Please heed his advice in gaining weight. You don't have to be below a healthy weight to be attractive, I promise.
    On average, an adolescent girl starts her period at about 110 lbs.because at that weight, her body fat percentage is at about the minimum amount to be able to support reproduction.
    For an adolescent girl, that's fine. For an adult woman of your height, etc. that is NOT fine. I am not being unkind here... you no longer have a child's body. Please treat yourself as the adult that you are, and don't try to force yourself to be in an adolescent's body.
    I'm very happy to hear that you are adding calories to your daily intake. I hope that you are also eating back whatever calories that you lose when you exercise. It's important that you do that.
    I don't know how many products labeled "low fat / calories" that you currently eat, but I'll bet it's plenty considering you were at 1200 calories.
    Stop buying those products and instead eat the full-fat / calories version. You'll probably make a big difference right there.
    Like others have said, adding higher calorie foods like nuts, etc. is also a good idea.

    TL;DR: Do what your doctor told you to do. Gain weight. If you can't make yourself do that on your own, you really should seek additional help because that behavior simply isn't healthy.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    I'm just starting to maintain my weight. I'm 19 years old, female, 165cm/50-51kg. I finally admited myself that I'm eating too little (1200 calories, plus 4 times a week workouts) Yesterday I saw a doctor (because my period stopped since two months) He said everything was fine, but that I need to stop losing weight (and that I even need to gain some), then the things will go back to normal. I don't want to gain anymore weight, I calculated my TDEE and it said for maintaince I need to eat 1700 calories, but that seems like a lot (to me right now). How do I do that, without gaining weight - but just maintaining my current? I need help, some advices. Please, don't judge me. I don't really need this, I'm so embarrased by posting this topic because I realize I have a problem, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get better :(

    OP, you really are asking for approval to ignore your doctor. Read your post. According to your own report, your doctor would like you to gain some weight to ensure regular hormonal cycles. You say you don't want to do it and then ask a group of strangers how to maintain your current weight, which is unhealthy according to your own report. This is not a reasonable mindset and not good for your body.

    Please see a registered dietician. Staying underweight can have serious helth consequences. Your hormonal cycles are already compromised. Poor circulation, fatigue, bone loss and muscle atrophy are not far behind. You can fix this now if you approach the situation honestly.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I'm just starting to maintain my weight. I'm 19 years old, female, 165cm/50-51kg. I finally admited myself that I'm eating too little (1200 calories, plus 4 times a week workouts) Yesterday I saw a doctor (because my period stopped since two months) He said everything was fine, but that I need to stop losing weight (and that I even need to gain some), then the things will go back to normal. I don't want to gain anymore weight, I calculated my TDEE and it said for maintaince I need to eat 1700 calories, but that seems like a lot (to me right now). How do I do that, without gaining weight - but just maintaining my current? I need help, some advices. Please, don't judge me. I don't really need this, I'm so embarrased by posting this topic because I realize I have a problem, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get better :(

    If you have been doing 1200 calories and your target should be ~1700
    Then I would up my calories to ~1400 - 1500 initially.
    Do that for a month see where you are.

    Then up again by another 200 or so calories....and watch for a month
    See how it goes.

    Be careful you don't give yourself an ED....
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Yes, telling someone to seek counseling is not helpful, just offensive. She's already under the care of a physician, if she needs a referral to a specialist I'm sure the physician can handle that or call it if necessary.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Also, she weighs 112 lb and is approx 5'3".

    That is not even remotely under weight and is in the healthy range.

    Stop hating.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Also, she weighs 112 lb and is approx 5'3".

    That is not even remotely under weight and is in the healthy range.

    Stop hating.

    The OP reported herself that her doctor has advised her to gain weight to correct physiological problems. Taking the OP at her own word is not "hating". She is not at a healthy weight right now according to her own report on her doctor's findings. That is important information for her on going health.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Yes, telling someone to seek counseling is not helpful, just offensive. She's already under the care of a physician, if she needs a referral to a specialist I'm sure the physician can handle that or call it if necessary.

    Also, she weighs 112 lb and is approx 5'3".

    That is not even remotely under weight and is in the healthy range.

    Stop hating.

    No-one is hating, just the opposite I think.
    Her physician may refer her to a specialist if she discloses to them what she has disclosed here. Also, the Doctor is telling her to gain, not maintain. On one hand your saying leave her alone she has a doctor, while at the same time saying to ignore her Doctor she is healthy as is (as if you know her better than her physician). Epitome of unhelpful.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I am slightly taller than you (by 2 cm) and was 52-53 kilos at your age. I was slightly underweight, but it was mostly from exercising (tons of aerobics and cardio) not from eating too little. While at the time I did not consider myself too thin, honestly, looking at photos now, I think I would have looked better if I had a little bit more fat on me.
    So, from my personal experience, you could definitely gain a few kilos or worst case maintain your weight, but you definitely need to be eating way more than you do. If you check here: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/, your tdee is 1800, which sounds reasonable. If you feel you really need to lose more, it is time to get an appointment with a counsellor, before this ends up becoming an eating disorder. Listen to your body and your dr. Eat more, and focus on building your strength, not losing more weight.