I hope no one was watching....



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Unfortunately, for most of my embarrassing moments people were definitely watching.

    I grew up showing horses, and I had one horse who liked to remind me he was in charge. He would routinely toss me in the show pen...there was the one time I almost landed right on top of the judge. The worst was the time I caught my shirt on the horn, and suddenly I found myself on the ground with my shirt ripped open top to bottom.

    After dealing with all that, tripping over the ground is the least of my worries!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    i also sent a brown noser reply to a co-worker that had sucked up to his boss in an email, only to hear him shout out to me from his office, "why did you reply to all?" - - and then the flush came over me...

    This is one of my fears also. I check and double check all the time. Mostly because I had it happen to me at work one time the opposite way. I sent out a note (FYI) to all of my team mates of something that I had learned that day and one of my teammates... who apparently didn't like me. Replied... "doesn't she know she is always the last to know anything" I can only assume she meant to forward that to another team member - who I guess didn't like me either.... lol, I responded "Don't you know you need to forward, not reply" LOL....
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I sent an email to my boss that was supposed to go to my mother about dinner that night. We're not allowed to send personal emails. Was glad I didn't get fired.

    At another job, the bathrooms were individual bathrooms with very heavy large doors that locked on their own. I went in, door locked behind me, and refused to unlock. I worked in a call center so it took a while for anyone to hear me yelling. I was in there for a good hour before the landlord finally showed up and let me out. They tried credit cards and butter knives before calling the landlord. I heard my boss tell someone that she hoped I wasn't closterphobic (forgive my spelling), I yelled through the door "We'll find out won't we?" When I got out, I had a sign on my computer that said "Welcome back, now get back to work".
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Wiping out on the ice. LOVE when that happens.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    This happened to a friend of mine, and that's honestly true, it wasn't me. I'd own up if it was, because it's so funny I had to share.

    She took her daughter to a Christmas fayre at the local church and they had some real reindeer. My friend was wearing a faux fur coat and the lead reindeer obviously thought she was a sexy lady reindeer. He mounted her. Hooves on her shoulders, panting in her ear, the whole works.

    Her husband was laughing so hard he didn't bother to help her escape and her daughter wanted to know what the pink thing sticking out of the reindeer's belly was......

    OMG I can't stop laughing...:laugh:
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I'm still laughing over the skirt tucked into her knickers! I do stupid shniz all the time, and sometimes I say stupid shniz (my FL can vouch for that). You know that joke about the boyfriend who tells his girlfriend it's not very ladylike when she burps, and she says neither is putting your D in my mouth, but you don't complain about that! Imagine sitting at a dinner table with your extended family, you burp, and your uncle tells you that's not very ladylike. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I wanted to vomit. I couldn't believe I said it, but he, and everyone else, was laughing hysterically, thank goodness!

    ^^ just snorted my coffee

    +a million
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    This happened to a friend of mine, and that's honestly true, it wasn't me. I'd own up if it was, because it's so funny I had to share.

    She took her daughter to a Christmas fayre at the local church and they had some real reindeer. My friend was wearing a faux fur coat and the lead reindeer obviously thought she was a sexy lady reindeer. He mounted her. Hooves on her shoulders, panting in her ear, the whole works.

    Her husband was laughing so hard he didn't bother to help her escape and her daughter wanted to know what the pink thing sticking out of the reindeer's belly was......

  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    Any good Whovian knows that when you trip over "nothing" you are tripping over a Silence corpse. b (^_^) Geek out complete. If you know what I'm talking about feel free to friend me. :drinker:

    So I use to do stupid things like falling or tripping all the time. I usually did them pretty gracefully though and never really actually fell. Like the time I tripped on ice while carrying presents and I ended up just sitting down in slow motion on the ice. I was with a manager from my work and he made a comment that went something like "wow, that was the most graceful fall I've ever seen".

    I later discovered that all of this falling was because I have hyper flexibility (yup, it is a thing) so my joints are super bendy. I was also walking too heavily to the outside edge of my feet (getting custom fit Brooks stability running shoes fixed this!). So once I had worn down the outside edge of my shoes my ankles would just go with the flow and roll on me all the time. I am pretty sure that I looked like I was drunk for most of my early 20s. I'd like to report that, while still hyper flexible, my ankles are stronger now and I have also corrected my foot positioning when I run and walk.

    As for other embarrassing things I will commonly say something not realizing how what I said could be taken. Once I realize that everyone is looking at me and rethink it I usually turn bright red in embarrassment. I don't live in the gutter people, I have to think about things before I realize that they can be taken in a dirty way. Also I can't lie because I turn bright red.

    I can be a bit naïve sometimes. My last ex told me that something I had done made him want to "jump my bones" and I was like "What the heck does that mean?" That really set him laughing. Once I thought about it I did know what it meant but it took me a minute. (>_<)

    I laugh at myself on the regular. I think you have to be able to laugh at yourself or life is no fun. :laugh:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Back in high school my then boyfriend and I went to the grocery store for his mom. He said that his mom had "frununda cheese" on the list. I had NO idea what this meant, but apparently it means cheese from under a guy's balls. Gross, I know. So I went to look for it and since I didn't see it I asked the dairy manager where he kept his frumunda cheese. My bf was hidden in the next aisle laughing hysterically. The dairy manager just looked at me funny and said "Miss, I don't know what you're talking about." My bf finally told me what it was but I have never heard of that before!
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I do embarrassing things ALL the time, both saying stupid crap and falling/tripping on nothing, but one incident comes to mind...

    When I was in high school one night I was hanging out with a bunch of friends, both male and female, at a local public park. The park had a public washroom, so at one point I and a couple of my girl friends went to use the facilities. The stall I was using had a door that wouldn't lock, which I hate, but I figured I'd only be a second and it was just me and my friends so no big deal.

    Then, just for a laugh a couple of our guy friends opened the main bathroom door and acted like they were going to come in. Well I panicked, and forgetting that the stall door opened outward, put my hand up to hold the door closed. The result was that I basically flung the door open and gave them a full view of me sitting on the can peeing lol. They knew I embarrassed easily so didn't give me too much of a hard time about it, but to this day, almost 20 years later I still cringe thinking about it LOL
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    Oh jeez. At my old job, I had to be the receptionist from time to time, and once I had to call someones name over the intercom. Simple name, Elizabeth. For some reason I completely stuttered it all, and eventually just had to hang up. It was so humiliating haha. I also once mispronounced the CEO's last name over intercom. The annoying part was all the emails and calls poking fun at me.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Some girlfriends and I decided to go clubbing and for some ungodly reason, I choose to wear white skinny jeans. We stopped at a little cafe to pick up another friend as her shift was ending just in time for her to join us and I thought I needed an espresso. The little cup was crazy hot and my fingers just said "Nope." I dropped it right on my crotch, making this dark brown stain. I wiped it up as much as I could and it didn't seem too terribly apparent, so I decided whatever, it's all good. Everyone reassured me that no one would notice at the club because it's so dark... WRONG. Black lights. My pants glowed in the dark... except for the gross brownish stain on my crotch. I bailed the eff out of there fast. FML.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I walked into the sliding glass door. The door was scratched, and it was smoky outside since my dad was grilling. :blushing:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Too many to mention & wouldn't know where to start ....... most of them have to do with spilling stuff, I'm so clumsy !

  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Well, for this one I knew everyone was watching...I was in HS giving a presentation in front of the class and I accidentally said pregnancy instead of presidency. Everyone, including the teacher, started laughing...my teacher was laughing so hard he had tears. I was so red the entire time I was reading, and every time my teacher ribbed on me "So, how did the pregnancy go? Did the president ever make it to his third term?"

    This one is really weird, it just happened yesterday. So my daughter and I were in the car, taking her friend home. We both had handfuls of green beans that we were eating (I know that seems like the weird part, but bear with me). I started making fun of them doing that whole "two fingers over the eyes" thing that all the teenagers are doing in their selfies now by putting two green beans over my eye. Well, the second time I did it, one of the green beans hit me in the eye and my daughter's friend said "Did you just hit yourself in the eye with a green bean?" And I was like "...no, I was using it to massage my face" and rubbed the green bean on my cheek. Well, apparently the kid in the next car was watching the whole thing and when I turned around he was laughing so hard. Then we all started laughing, but in my head I was thinking "this is the weirdest story ever".
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    Alllll the time.

    Just last week I was training with my trainer and somehow my shoe managed to fall off of me and fly across the gym. Yeah, everyone saw it :/
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    When I was a teenager I had to use my dad's 10-speed cuz my BMX bike was broken. Anyways, I was riding on a path through a park when I saw a couple girls up ahead, walking towards me. So I decided to be cool and ride the bike with no hands which I easily did all the time. After I passed by them I decided to look back to check them out when all of a sudden the tire turned on the bike and I fell flat on my face. Not sure if they had actually looked back and seen me fall but it was still very embarrassing nonetheless
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Stuff happens all the time to me, but the two worst happened when I was in my teens.
    I was working at a grocery store and my shift was over. My dad and little sister had stopped to pick me up and were in the car outside. I waved at them and than slipped in a puddle of water and crashed to the floor, on my back, with my feet in the air.

    I knew I was fine cause as soon as I heard the cashiers and baggers laughing at me, I ran out the door, only to have my little sister cracking up at me the whole way home. She said, "One minute you were there, waving, and suddenly you disappeared and than all I saw was your shoes."

    The other was worse. I had one of those early 90's peasant shirts with the double ruffle on it, and buttons all the way down the front. I have always been large chested and button down shirts are never smart clothing choices for me, but I wore it all the time. I was wearing it at church and in the second to front row and leaned over to get something from my bag and half the buttons popped open and I had to try and discreetly re-button my blouse without anyone around me seeing what happened. I never wore that shirt after that.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    This happened to a friend of mine, and that's honestly true, it wasn't me. I'd own up if it was, because it's so funny I had to share.

    She took her daughter to a Christmas fayre at the local church and they had some real reindeer. My friend was wearing a faux fur coat and the lead reindeer obviously thought she was a sexy lady reindeer. He mounted her. Hooves on her shoulders, panting in her ear, the whole works.

    Her husband was laughing so hard he didn't bother to help her escape and her daughter wanted to know what the pink thing sticking out of the reindeer's belly was......

    Can't.... breathe..... laughing so hard. This is GOLD!!!
  • Phenylethylamine_Phreak
    Phenylethylamine_Phreak Posts: 2,211 Member
    this just in!

    Was walking to then changing room today and was passing the water fountain in front of about 30 cardio machines, 3/4 occupied when I spotted my friend Christina filling up her water bottle. So with ear buds blasting and being very cool, I gently slapped her with my towel in the shoulder as I went by, being cool, not turning to say hi, but giving her a backhanded wave.
    Suddenly Dr Dre in my ears is cut by a "HEY" and I turn around and hear, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR"

    Well, it wasn't Christina but her pissed off Doppelganger that I had never seen before. I rushed back, totally red in the face to apologize and explain, and yes, EVERYONE was watching.

    So cool.....:blushing: