what % of your bodyweight do you squat?



  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    I started out doing StrongLifts, and was squatting just the empty bar -- so around 30% of my bodyweight, but to be honest, that didn't feel heavy, but I doubt I could have squatted my bodyweight if my life depended on it. Now, about a year later, I'm doing about 145% of my bodyweight. And I'm 25lbs heavier. And yes, there have been setbacks along the way. Weeks off because of vacation, flu, etc. I did switch to Starting Strength, and have now progressed onto the Texas Method -- we'll see how that goes.
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    65% with my Stronglifts working sets, so still got a way to go!
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Currently 113% of my bw - started out with just the bar
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    started two weeks ago with SL and squat about 51% of my BW now
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    >BW for reps. I use Squat Stands (no Power/Squat Rack) so for safety reasons I have never attempted to see what my 1RM is.
  • Harrisonsauntie2005
    Harrisonsauntie2005 Posts: 215 Member
    85% for my RPM
    Maybe 66% for working..

    My goal is 150% of weight at goal weight which is 9 stone so...goal BS of 85kg, currently squatting 58kg!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    working weights or 1 RPM??

    Jo, you're my go-to when it comes to questions. When they say "I squatted 110% of my body weight" do they mean that a 150lb person squatted with 265lbs on their shoulders? Is that free-holding the barbells or the "good morning" machine? (Is my math off?)

    100% body weight would be 150 lbs
    110% of body weight would be 165
    its' easier to say I squat body weight- or 1.5BW or 2xBW- I don't know many people who do the percentage of their body weight after they get to 100 or 1.5. Most people just say what they squat - or go to 1.5bw.

    percentages really are more applicable for under body weight lifts.

    And typically when people say they are squatting weights like this- is a barbell on a squat rack or power cage- not with a machine (I think this is the only forum I'm on where it's not automatically assumed- or they have to add 50 lbs plus the bar.... that's kind of a given)
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    >BW for reps. I use Squat Stands (no Power/Squat Rack) so for safety reasons I have never attempted to see what my 1RM is.

    This is my problem too....I think I have stalled out here because of the risk with using the stands....could probably do more quite easily.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    After about 6 months of regular weight lifting, I am up to 210 lb., about 135% of my body weight. I was happy to squat over 200 lb. - my new goal is 200% of my body weight!