Do we burn more calories in summer?



  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I tend to move more in the summer because there are so many more options for outside activities. Also, I feel more motivated to go out and do things when it is sunny as opposed to being overcast.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    yes, the closer the sun gets to the equator the more calories you burn …It is called "Equator Theory of Calorie Burning" As you get more sun, you get more vitamin D, and we all know that vitamin D is a "super vitamin" that boost metabolism, improves energy, and boosts immune system. It actually appears that you are suffering from over exposure to Vitamin D, so lock yourself in your house for a week and this should solve the problem. ….
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    It isn't just how much you eat, but what you eat. Raw Vegans maintain at 3000 calories of fruit while others on a less healthy diet can maintain at 1500. If you eat fruit to up your intake, you shouldn't gain weight so long as the extra 200 calories aren't fattening foods. 1600 sounds low for a metabolism but you are petit so that could be correct. Just make sure!

    this is not true. calories from fruit don't magically disappear or stop you from gaining weight if you eat more calories than you burn off. You can get fat overeating on fruit just as you can overeating on anything else. The difference between 500 calories of fruit and 500 calories of gummy bears* is that fruit also gives you fibre, vitamins and minerals. Gummy bears* only give you carbohydrate and nothing else, so if you tried to get all your calories from gummy bears and nothing else you'll get kwashiorkor, rickets, scurvy and other nutritional deficiency disease. But if you are eating more than you burn off, the excess is going to be stored as fat whether it comes from fruit or gummy bears or any other food.

    *to use any random example, nothing personal against gummy bears in moderation so long as you're getting all the nutrients your body needs as well!

    also, if raw vegans really need to eat twice as much food as non-raw-vegans to maintain their bodyweight, this suggests that they're not absorbing most of the nutrients they're eating and that's actually a very bad thing from a biological perspective, because malabsorption of nutrients is a sign of serious problems. Thriving people (and other animals) absorb their nutrients well and don't need to eat twice as much to get the same amount of nutrition. ..............But I suspect that what's really happening is that they're mistaken about how much they're eating and how much they're burning.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It isn't just how much you eat, but what you eat. Raw Vegans maintain at 3000 calories of fruit while others on a less healthy diet can maintain at 1500. If you eat fruit to up your intake, you shouldn't gain weight so long as the extra 200 calories aren't fattening foods. 1600 sounds low for a metabolism but you are petit so that could be correct. Just make sure!

    this is not true. calories from fruit don't magically disappear or stop you from gaining weight if you eat more calories than you burn off. You can get fat overeating on fruit just as you can overeating on anything else. The difference between 500 calories of fruit and 500 calories of gummy bears* is that fruit also gives you fibre, vitamins and minerals. Gummy bears* only give you carbohydrate and nothing else, so if you tried to get all your calories from gummy bears and nothing else you'll get kwashiorkor, rickets, scurvy and other nutritional deficiency disease. But if you are eating more than you burn off, the excess is going to be stored as fat whether it comes from fruit or gummy bears or any other food.

    *to use any random example, nothing personal against gummy bears in moderation so long as you're getting all the nutrients your body needs as well!

    also, if raw vegans really need to eat twice as much food as non-raw-vegans to maintain their bodyweight, this suggests that they're not absorbing most of the nutrients they're eating and that's actually a very bad thing from a biological perspective, because malabsorption of nutrients is a sign of serious problems. Thriving people (and other animals) absorb their nutrients well and don't need to eat twice as much to get the same amount of nutrition. ..............But I suspect that what's really happening is that they're mistaken about how much they're eating and how much they're burning.

    and neander for the win again!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It isn't just how much you eat, but what you eat. Raw Vegans maintain at 3000 calories of fruit while others on a less healthy diet can maintain at 1500. If you eat fruit to up your intake, you shouldn't gain weight so long as the extra 200 calories aren't fattening foods. 1600 sounds low for a metabolism but you are petit so that could be correct. Just make sure!

    As mentioned, iron could definitely be an issue. Another thing I noticed is how much sodium you eat. The ideal, as recommended by the American Heart Association, is to eat under 1500 mg. I usually eat 2000 mg but I sweat it out so it's fine. Sodium overload can lead to water weight gain, digestive problems, and those two things can leave you sluggish.

    so a raw vegan diet has some magical property that allows me to maintain at 3000 calories if my maintenance level is 2500????
    So fruit is negative calories?????
  • markjackson3979
    markjackson3979 Posts: 3 Member
    You have developed more lean muscle through your training which in turns burns more calories at rest.Ttry eating 200 -300 more calories a day, drink more water,and closely monitor your weight over a couple of weeks.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    First I would see a doctor--besides anemia there are other things; I have low thyroid. I have a friend whose female hormones were so messed up that she was exhausted and forgetful and getting worse (older than you!). Don't be scared silly of gaining weight--pursue your health first and then your weight will take care of itself.

    On the summer/winter thing--yes, if you are actually cold it takes some calories to keep warm. But your ability to gain weight also increases! Or at least this is true in cattle and chickens--feed efficiency is much greater in cold weather. The animals have to eat more to stay warm but also grow faster--enough faster that they actually gain more weight on the same feed than in hot weather. Personally, I notice that I can lose weight "better" meaning I feel better and lose weight more easily in the hottest part of the summer. It takes some calories for your body to deal with heat too, and heat suppresses appetite. But I doubt most folks actually are out in the weather enough for any of it to matter.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Actually winter here is more like summer for you guys :D:D:D you get the idea :D winter means 15-17 degree Celcius.. and summer hits 35-45 degrees :D
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member

    She already said in her original post that she loves water and drinks 3-4litres of water a day. I don't think she really needs to go even higher than that?

    Appoligies I missed that paragraph when I read but 3-4 litres whats that about 6-7 pints? If so then yes why not a little more especially if exercising and depending how hot the weather and what else is being drunk. That amount of water is roughly what is advised per day supposedly! (8 cups) if the op is exercising then she will want more for certain. And in hot weather this is more important. In the UK its not that hot but I will still drink 5+litres per day (including my hot drinks) and more if I am exercising (can get through 2litres in one gym session)

    um no - 4 liters of water is dang near 1 GALLON, or DOUBLE the (ridiculous) "advised amount per day"

    I agree the usual advice to drink 8 cups of plain water is silly, what is important is getting enough water but that can include plain water, soft drinks, tea, etc. However, 3-4 litres is not that much, especially if you are active. I'm sure on an average day I probably drink 3+ litres of drinks. I need even more if is hot and I have been outside e.g. going for a long run, gardening. After a 60 minute run in the sun I can drink 1 litre before I stop feeling thirsty!!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You have developed more lean muscle through your training which in turns burns more calories at rest.Ttry eating 200 -300 more calories a day, drink more water,and closely monitor your weight over a couple of weeks.

    Not - muscle at rest burns 6 calories per pound per day. Fat is 2 cal / lb / day.

    And there wasn't much muscle mass gain eating at maintenance for a woman. Serious lifting program and eating in surplus, maybe 1lb per 6-8 weeks.

    And muscle isn't a cut of beef, like lean or fat. You can't develop lean muscle, as opposed to fat muscle. Endurance cardio can make that used muscle fat as stores are put right there.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't burn more. I am less hungry and exercise more.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I've come to the conclusion that regardless of exercise cals, I burn more in the summer, maybe 100 per day more. But that makes sense seeing that the days are so short in winter and so long in summer where I am. I'm also happier in the summer, work one day less, and have to keep up with my nine year old boy who likes to live outside.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    I know when I was pregnant I was exhausted for my 2nd trimester...sister was exhausted through 1st and 2nd trimester...

    Or I would get iron levels checked...I can get anemic if I cycle...(I used depo to prevent it) and that makes me exhausted as well..

    B12 as well is another on to get checked...

    If that is fine then up your calories slowly 50-100calories a week until you "feel" better.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you've been maintaining at 1600, then you don't need to eat more. But you have to make healthier choices - more protein, more fruit and veggies.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Might not be a calorie thing at all.

    I'm useless throughout the summer, pretty much as soon as the temperature goes above 25c I'll be sluggish as a lizard...

    Others are the other way around.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Just the heat of summer makes me tired. But so does lack of iron. I an not sure exactly what you eat because some of your food is logged as recipies, but the food I do recognise are not providing a lot. I don't eat meat so. I check daily and if I don't get enough iron I take a supplement. I was tested last year and I was anemic.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I am worried about being anemic and I am going to get it tested. I was maintaining pretty well for past 2-3 months but yesterday was my weigh in day and I found I have lost 0.5 kg. So, I guess I do need to up my calories slightly.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member

    I know when I was pregnant I was exhausted for my 2nd trimester...sister was exhausted through 1st and 2nd trimester...

    Or I would get iron levels checked...I can get anemic if I cycle...(I used depo to prevent it) and that makes me exhausted as well..

    B12 as well is another on to get checked...

    If that is fine then up your calories slowly 50-100calories a week until you "feel" better.

    :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: I am in big trouble if I am pregnant.. LOL..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    You're 5 feet tall and weigh 100 lb. You live in India and don't drink water.
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    No it doesnt! And the same goes for wearing more layers when you exercise sweating more does not cause fat loss just water loss! In fact the opposite is true it is actually cold that has a slight effect on calories when you body is cold it has to use energy to keep you at a constant temperature so realistically it is winter where you should eat more.

    In summer if you do not rehydrate properly this could be the problem, being dehydrated will make you feel hungrier, tired and lethargic so try drinking more! Surprised no one has suggested this
    No one has suggested it because she said she drinks 3-4litres of water daily.