How are you guys burning 500+ calories



  • catherinemaxwell566
    This is not true...who told you that being obese makes you burn more then a thin person??? smh

    Ok this is about the dumbest thing I've read on MFP in a long while. SMH.

    Nearly the dumbest, heard someone recommend the 2,4,6,8 diet recently. How can someone not appreciate that carrying an extra 100lbs on you at all times makes ur body work a little harder?

    ...lmao I must know what the 2 4 6 8 diet is.

    200 cals one day, 400 cals next, 600.. etc etc then repeat lol beyond ridiculous.. its stavation
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I just spent 1hr 46min hiking/walking and jogging 7 miles. My Nike+ says I burned 1037 calories, I'm only logging 75%, so 778 calories. Now I'm going to walk to the gym, do some strength training for another 150-200 calories.

    ETA: And yeah, I'm bragging. :wink:
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Firstly yes if you weigh more you will burn more because you are carrying more weight. That should be obvious to whoever said its not the case. It's the reason why bigger people get a bigger calorie allowance.

    Like the 2nd or 3rd poster I also use the elliptical which is great for burning a lot of cals. I compared MFP to my Jawbone's exercise count and the numbers are identical so I just go with what MFP says but I don't eat them back as I use my exercise to create a deficit. I hope this makes sense to you.

    Currently I weight 147 pounds and one hour on my elliptical (on max resistance) burns at least 600 calories whereas if I did an hour of yoga it would burn only 150.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I burned 900 calories this morning, from 90 minutes of running (15km total).
  • mcafeekevin
    mcafeekevin Posts: 46 Member
    5 Pages deep and we are still talking about the "This is not true...who told you that being obese makes you burn more then a thin person??? smh "???

    Unfortunately for the girl who said this, as amazing as your *kitten* looks in your picture, Einstein settled this argument long ago.

    Mass * Speed(Squared) = Energy. As an engineer I use this formula pretty often, and will vouch for its 100% correctness. Assuming the exact same exercise and exact same speed the Mass will cause there to be more energy involved. While there are other variables they are not significant enough to change the outcome. Higher metabolism and more muscle in the fit person will actually help the more fit person be a more efficient calorie burning machine, it is just not enough to tip the energy scale in their favor though when talking about someone who is obese.

    BUT, this does ASSUME same speed and same exercise. To the girl with awesome abs credit, the more fit person is able to use more energy by doing it faster or including more exercise (keep core tight, add external weight,...). So a more fit person can most certainly burn more calories in the same amount of time.

    So someone significantly larger (we are talking about obese) will NEED more energy to perform the same thing, but someone more fit can perform more and burn just as much.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Einstein settled this argument long ago.

    It was actually known about a few hundred years earlier, being pedantic!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    This is not true...who told you that being obese makes you burn more then a thin person??? smh


    because wearing a weight vest says so.

    man- physics and gravity- NOT someone's strong suit in school it seems. <whistles to self>
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    I can burn 500 calories with one hour of super intense exercise,
    or in two hours of moderate exercise.

    Unless you're only doing 5 minutes of exercise, you must be burning more than 30 cals.

    I agree....I walk (slow-moderate pace) for about 20-30 mins and burn between 100-140. Not sure what you are doing to only burn 30....
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    By being really fat.
  • Bbearhug
    Bbearhug Posts: 20 Member
    Personally it's because I weigh so much I can burn more with less effort than someone who 150 pounds. When I first started I would walk on the treadmill on an incline. It would get my heart up to the same pace as running 6mph but I could do it longer!
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I go by my HRM....and in between every set I do 30 sec cardio intervals then a 15 sec break then repeat on every exercise I do. My DR recommended the HRM to watch my HR in general due to other problems with my asthma medication. My workout varies from 60 mins up to 120 and when I am finished I am drenched. Also my workouts are weight lifting with the cardio (burpees, squat thrust, mountain climbers, squat jumps, high knees, air frogs* etc etc)
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I burn 500 just walking - if I get my 10k steps in I've usually burnt 500 easily, though it takes about an hour and a half at normal walking speed. An hour of Zumba is around 650-800 depending on the intensity, and a 6.5 mile (relatively slow) run yesterday netted me 1100, per my HRM. (Of course, I am both very tall and very heavy, so that makes it easier to achieve impressive-looking burns!)
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    I'm burning about 400 calories a day using the treadmill for an hour and 20 to 25 minutes of weight lifting. The more weight you lose the less calories you will be burning.
  • NotAResolution
    NotAResolution Posts: 58 Member
    I did a 2 hour 55 minute mountain bike ride in tough and hilly terrain, my burn was probaby underestimated on here. It said 1200 or so calories. I did a marathon with my HRM on and it had over 3500 calories for a 4+ hour run. I don't burn that much doing workouts, just doing events like long rides or runs.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Yeah...I'm lucky to burn 300 in 30 minutes on the elliptical.

    A lot of depends on your size and what activity you are doing.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I did one hour of low intensity Zumba on my Wii yesterday and the HRM and the Wii both said it was about 600 calories. Seemed crazy to me because yeah I was awkwardly trying to keep up as well as I could and sweating etc but yeah I kind of didn't really believe the number. I guess because it was fun. Seems like a calorie burn of 600 should have me panting and crawling at the end.
  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    Swimming for an hour burns ~500 calories. Zumba burns ~600 per hour. Cycling burns ~400 per hour. Hiking is one of my favorites, since I often hike 5 miles+ on hilly or mountainous terrain. Carry a backpack with emergency supplies, granola bars & water and you're carrying 10 lbs and burning even more.

    My goal is to have my exercise diary look like this:
    Swim: 1 hr 6:30am MWF, 1 hr 4:30pm TTh (2500 calories)
    Zumba: 1 hr 4:30pm MW (1200 calories)
    Bike: 1 hr 6:30am TTh, 1 hr 4:30pm F (1200 calories)
    Hiking: 3 hrs on Saturday or Sunday (1689 calories)
    Total calories from exercising: 6589 calories/week, or an extra 941 calories per day

    I'm having a lot of trouble waking up early to go exercise in the AM before work, so it's ended up being 120 minutes straight at the gym after work. I'm pretty beat after that since I've gone from fairly sedentary to 2 hours 5x a week. Hopefully as it warms up I'll be better at getting up early in the morning to get to the gym. I'm not getting home until 6:30-7 and since I cook dinner, I don't end up eating until 8 it seems. And I'm starving while cooking, which is awful. I just need to remember that in the morning when I don't want to get out of bed :)

    PS- About half my zumba class is done with weights, and swimming develops muscle, which is why you see a lack of weight training. After I've been swimming for a month or two regularly I'm going to swap in weight training for biking I think.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member

    So, I see when people log or check random diaries and they have like 500+ calories they can eat back because of exercise. How??? What exercises are you doing? Whenever I do or log an exercise I burn about 30 calories, lol. Which is nice and everything, but that barely makes room for me to even have a cracker and I'm hungrier after than I was to start with in the first place. Any advice welcome!!
    Your profile, assuming it's correct still, says your current weight is 120. Since you weigh less to begin with, you will see less of a burn. Reason is, when you move you're moving fewer pounds than someone twice your weight would be. So unfortunately, that means spending more time to get the same calorie burn as someone who's carrying more weight around (like moi).

    If you feel that you're starving, make sure you're getting all your water and your fiber/protein (helps you stay feeling full). If you're doing that already and you still are "hangry", you're going to want to eat more and expect a slower weight loss progression. Since you're only looking to lose 14 pounds you need to expect to lose it slower (say in .5 pound increments/week) than someone who has 50+ pounds to lose who can expect to drop 1-2 pounds a week for the same amount of effort.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    a 500 calorie burn is relatively easy to come by...a good hour of moderate cardio work would burn around 500 calories for most people. I can cycle @ around 13-15 MPH and hit 500 calories in about an hours time. A 60 minute jog would do it, etc.

    If you're only burning 30 calories OP then you really need to up your duration. Even if I go for a pretty leisurely 3 MPH paced walk I will burn around 300 calories or so in an hour.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Run over 4.5 miles. Job done.