HRM? Fit bit? Jawbone? Nike? Help!

Hi there,
I am looking for a gadget to help track my fitness etc.
I've been reading reviews for a couple of months now, but I'm not sure what to get. The reason I want one is because I work out 3/4 times a week and also walk to and from work Monday-Friday. I want to become more accurate with my calories in/out as at the moment I am logging "guesstimates".

I would love it to connect with MFP because I am confident using it now.
What is the difference between getting one that tracks heartrate or not?
I would like it to be:
- Comfortable and not get in the way of general day to day activities (I'm a teacher!)
- Durable (I dont really want to take it off to shower/gym etc) the less I take it off the more likely I am to use it
- Reliable - I've read lots of reviews of different trackers not really reliable

Any suggestions? Or warnings against?

Hopefully you can help!
Brie :)


  • Suznd75
    Suznd75 Posts: 37
    Hi Brie-
    I use a bodymedia arm band. It's just like the fitbit, it tracks your steps, calories burned and how long you are active. I think it has definitely helped me stay motivated. When I notice my steps are low or am low on my calorie burn, I am more apt to throw in a extra workout. I have been on this road for about 3 months and I still haven't hit plateaued. I definitely think the arm band has a little something to do with it.

    Btw, I sent you a FR.
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    Hi Brie,

    I have a Fitbit Flex (since December) and so far I'm still loving it. Just like Suznd75 said, it motivates me to reach my goals and if I haven't then I usually end up throwing in extra workouts somewhere.

    I wear mine non-stop EXCEPT in the shower (the packaging says you can wear it in the shower but I don't like to). I wear it while I walk to work, to the gym, washing dishes, cooking, sleeping etc.

    My only regret is that I wish I had put the $$ out and got a Fitbit Force because that comes with a watch whereas the Flex does not.

    Hope this helps; happy gadget-hunting!
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I have had a Fitbit One for just over a year and LOVE it!!!! It's really a great motivator and it's interesting to see what you burn just from your regular moving around. I also have a Wahoo HRM (which syncs to my iphone). I like that, too. I had initially gotten a Polar HRM, but it wasn't accurate (I have a bunch of different walks I do....and the burn would be all over the place even though the distance was the same and the time was off by a minute or so which is negligible over a 4-5 mile walk).

    Only thing with the wahoo is that it since it syncs to the iphone, the iphone has to be in range. Occasionally, if doing some workout other than walking where I can't hold my phone, it will disconnect.
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Thanks for all of the ideas :) Nice to know it keeps you motivated! I have been mostly leaning towards the fitbit flex.. but then also thinking i may want to wait for the iWatch to come out? Because I suppose that'll be amazing- so keen to get something sooner though!

    Haven't looked into arm bands, will definitely do that.

  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    I love my Nike Fuel but it does not connect with MFP. It tracks calories, but the main goals are based on "fuel points." It's just kind of fun to have a different goal to meet that is more around fitness rather than just calorie tracking. Though I do love the calorie tracking feature!
  • silverraiyne
    silverraiyne Posts: 683 Member
    I use a Polar Loop paired with a Polar H7 Bluetooth HRM -- the products themselves don't pair with MFP but because the HRM is Bluetooth it pairs with several different apps that do pair with MFP, like Rantastic or iCardio.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Bump!! Wanna buy one in a few weeks so still shopping around
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I want to see what people like also. I have a pedometer and it really isn't accurate.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Marking. I've been waiting to purchase to see what comes out this spring/summer. I don't have the $$ to buy multiple ones if I hate something.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member

    I've been thinking along similar lines. Also, reading some of the other threads, it appears that motivational tools like Fitbit, Jawbone, Nike, etc. are good when monitoring your general everyday activity, but not so great for workouts. That HRM (i.e., polar) are good for measuring an active burn during a workout, but don't work for monitoring general activity. Thoughts? Recommendations on tools that have both?

    RE polar being all over the place: I think that the polar HRM (chest strap) relies on sweat conductance to get accurate measures. If you weren't working up much of a sweat (or it took a while to do so) on walks that might be a reason why it wasn't giving consistent measurements (I've read of other people having similar issues). I was running an exercise study in college (it's been a few years) and we used a polar HRM; we got crazy results during baseline, but then it tended to match up with the ECG (EKG, electrocardiogram) during the workout and not bad in the recovery phase). It worked better if we smeared a bit of ultrasound gel on the skin contact side before we started. I think some people just use some water to help until the sweat provides the moisture.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Hey there,

    I've had a fitbit flex since August and I really like it. I don't where mine in the shower unless I forget to take it off, and I find that if the band does get water in it your activity level isn't monitored as well. (aka missing steps)

    The fitbit is great for just everyday activity like walking around at work and running for distance (<3miles). HOWEVER, the fitbit flex version that I have will not pick up activities such as: yoga, elliptical, cycling, anything that your legs are moving but your arms are not. I even have found that if I run farther than 3 miles, my fitbit stops picking up my steps as consistently.

    I find that for more strenuous workouts like Zumba/long distance running/long elliptical burns that a Heart Rate Monitor is much more accurate at predicting how many calories you've burned. I've got a Polar FT4 model for that, and I LOVE IT! Only thing is, I can't wear the HRM all the's really only useful for a planned strenuous workout session rather than walking around at work.

    I'd say start out with the fitbit to get an accurate TDEE, and if you want to get a HRM later on for your heavy exercise burns then go for it. :)
  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    I just got a Fitbit Flex and I am loving it ...:smile: I using it everyday all day , except in the shower. I also like , that tracks my sleep.

    It works great with MFP and syncs in well with my Runtastic application. It keeps me motivated and like others have written , when I see I am low in steps I put in an extra workout. :happy: I usually run 8k to 10K ( 4M to 6M) fives times a week and it does track it correctly.

    Whatever you choose, check that your cell phone it's compatible with your tracker.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I use the Bodymedia Armband. Best investment ever. Yes, there is a monthly subscription, and Yes - it appears big. However, it is very accurate and has been working like a charm for me. I have also used Fitbit in the past, and besides it not being accurate, that would be my next go-to device.

    Another reason why I went with bodymedia is because it works better for a lot more exercises such as weights, cycling, etc. While the fitbit may not be very accurate with certain exercises.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So 3-4 times a week, perhaps 60 min each?
    210 total minutes of workout out of 10080 min in week.
    2.1% of your time in exercise.

    Or from calorie burned point of view.
    Perhaps 400 cal / hr additional exercise burn x 3.5 = 1400 out of say 2000 cal sedentary maintenance x 7 = 14000 in a week.
    10% of your calorie burn in exercise (though that really could depend on what you do).

    And if any of that time is lifting, the daily activity monitor will underestimate calories burned, and the HRM will overestimate.

    Daily activity will get that walking down no problem, and any step based exercise will be really good estimates too.
    Should just log any strength training in MFP, and while it may seem small compared to cardio, that is true.

    So even if the daily activity monitor is off say 20% for some specific exercise you do, what percentage of total weekly time is that little sliver taking up?
    If you were doing 1-3 hrs of biking or rowing that 3-4 days a week, ya, HRM needed.
    If one Zumba or spin class, that's going to be less than 2% of your weekly calorie burn likely. Food labels are more inaccurate than that.
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    I track my running workouts with Nike run but I also have a exerspy, which is the same as a bodybugg, just different name. I'm very happy with it. It does calories and steps so I know exactly what I'm burning. MFP is way off on their estimations. But my friend has a Fitbit and loves it. My exerspy also has a display so I can see how I'm progressing throughout the day. :bigsmile:
  • Jengirton
    Jengirton Posts: 8 Member
    I was interested in getting a fit bit, but now idk. I want something that will track my heavy exercise as well as my day to day activity. Interested in what others have to say.
  • EveyRose
    EveyRose Posts: 74 Member
    I'm interested in thsi topic as well. I bought a fiturbo to save money instead of getting the fitbit I now want..biggest factor fiturbo doesn't link up to anything and the website still has many technology issues. It does seem accurate for steps adn sleep activity but I hate having to go to multiple places to try and figure out what I've done or haven't done.. I have a blackberry phone (insert humorous gasp) so nto much of anythign sync's with it but a fitbit would at least sunc with MFP, which I love and have used for a couple years. If there is somethign better then fitbit products without having to spend big money then please let me know. I'm not one to spend $$ on my self often and now regret getting the fiturbo instead of spending just a little more to get a fitbit one at minimum!

    Exercise wise I'm a walker with occasional zumba/aerobics due to spinal damamge so most likely don't need a HRM at this point. Not sure what I will eb doing in a few months if my back surgery get approved by insurance and I have less pain.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I've had my FitBit and Polar F7 now since 2012 and love them both. I use the Fitbit to track my daily walking activities and my Polar for my actual workouts. Totally worth the $200ish I had to shell out at the time for them. Especially since they are both still going strong.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I just went through the same debate last week. I went to REI and spoke to a "specialist" for over an hour about what was the right fit for me. I started by looking at fitbit, but I really wanted a HRM, so I wound up going with the Garmin vivofit. Keeping in mind that I've only had it for a few days, I really like it. It's got a clock, shows the date, has a pedometer (that calculates steps, miles, and calories burned - you can also set goals), and syncs with your phone or computer as often as you want, and also connects to a HRM (chest strap) via bluetooth.

    The only downside is that it doesn't sync with MFP. It includes your BMR, so I just back my BMR out of the total calorie count when I log. As I get to use it more, I may track just what is burned when I'm wearing the HRM (as legitimate exercise vs. steps walked). This is really easy to figure out by all of the data that's provided - super comprehensive.

    I should add that the app is great. It's really comprehensive and will give you some fab data, especially if you use the HRM. I'm looking forward to watching my fitness improve by checking the charts and seeing how my body responds weight-loss-wise to different trends in my heart rate during exercise. I'm also interested to see what my heart rate is during strength training and how that impacts my fat loss.

    Good luck!
  • roxannemezzapesamulder
    I have a fitbit force. I know it was recalled, but I don't have a rash and have decided to keep it. It works great for most daily activity. The only time it does not pick up steps for me is when I am pushing a stroller or grocery cart. As a stay at home mom of 5 that is a lot of my day. lol I end up taking it off my arm and putting it in my pocket to get it to register steps during those activities, but it is not as accurate when I do that. I also use a Polar FT4 HRM that I use during my workouts on my elliptical. I can actually override the reading on the fitbit with what my HRM says I burned through MFP and it syncs up with both MFP and Fitbit. It is a really cool feature and has really made my calorie burn much more accurate.