Terrified to walk in to Gym..just bought membership



  • GymTennis
    GymTennis Posts: 133 Member
    In reality, nobody cares about you at the gym.. Yes, you'll catch an occasional glance or something, but most of those glances will be for a simple reason.. You're standing or working out in front of someone and they just happen to look at you for a second

    As for various exercises performing, there's a ton of material on you tube.. Have a look at a particular exercise you plan to incorporate in to you workouts.. Just to get an idea how it's done if you're so concerned you won't know what to do once you get there.. Good luck..!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Just ask where to begin, most gyms have trainers that can help. I have a tablet and I watch Netflix while I'm working out on the treadmill or elliptical (I'm half way through the British series Being Human).

    Personally, I wear a loose tank top and a loose pair of shorts all year round. I want to wear cute clothes AFTER I leave the gym - not while I'm in the gym sweating my *kitten* off!
  • debbie7373
    debbie7373 Posts: 370 Member
    I know how you feel. I joined a gym about a week and a half ago. The first time I went to work out I sat in my car for an hour before I convinced myself to go on in. I sat there and watched quite a few younger and more fit people walk in. I felt so out of place. Finally a couple that looked to be about my age drove up and went in. It gave me the boost that I needed to get out of my car and go in. After I went in and started on the elliptical I began to relax and started to enjoy my workout. No one even noticed me trying to figure out things. A couple of ladies even smiled at me. You'll be fine. We are all doing this to get healthier.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I usually work out at home with videos but working as a preschool teacher...Im exhausted when I get home so I havent been exercising like I want so I joined 24 hour fitness to work out on my lunch breaks...Im terrified to walk in...I dont have a game plan, dont know where to begin...I dont know what to wear! Lol...I dont want to stick out like a sore thumb and I cant afford a trainer...Please any tips, advice, encouragement would be great! Yes I know Im being a baby...

    Did you get an induction? Have you been to a gym before? I doubt the gym will let you near any of their equipment, if you don't know what you're doing. It's in their interest that you don't cause injury to yourself, or others in the gym. So, I suspect you'll be given an appointment to suit you, for your free induction. Also, most gym's have a designated area, for women only, which is something you can *kitten* at the free induction. Good luck!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I have found a great way to feel more comfortable is to approach one of the employees and just ask them to show you around that you've never had a gym membership and don't know where to begin. They'll show you some of the equipment and how to use it.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    Usually most of the gyms have one introduction work out with a trainer free. Check with your gym, if they do have an intro session free . . .
    I'm pretty sure 24-hour fitness does offer this at all locations.

    From the perspective of the trainer, s/he is trying to get you to sign up for more training sessions. Make sure that they answer any questions that you have. If you need to be shown how to use a treadmill, they should do that - even if it's not high on their list of things they "want" to do.

    Don't worry about not knowing what you are doing at a gym. Once you figure out what you're doing, you'll realize that there are a bunch of people who think they know who don't. People go to a gym to workout, not creep on other patrons (with a few exceptions).
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    I LOVE my 24 Hour Fitness membership! It's always nerve racking, but in no time you will feel a part of the gym and will have no worries. If you want to feel more comfortable trying out new equipment, go at a time that isn't busy. There will be less pressure and you won't have to worry about people waiting for you to figure it out and get done with it!

    Enjoy it! The gym is the best thing you can do for yourself!

    And yes, 24 HF does offer a free training session. If you opted out to begin with, they will still honor it!
    UFITYETXX Posts: 38
    Great advice everyone!! Im walking in today! Lol
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    You're not a baby at all, I had similar issues.
    The best you can do: Planning.
    Write down whatever scares you.
    You don't know what to wear? Go to your cupboard and search for some clothes you can use for your workout, that you feel comfortable in. Think of either a workout plan or ask a trainer for help you, especially if you are going there for the first time, I can highly recommend doing that!

    And after some time, you'll realize that it really isn't that bad, that people won't look at you as much as you worried about and that it's no big deal. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    UFITYETXX thanks for making this thread. I'm joining today! I am just so bored of work out videos and I don't like being stuck at home. Also I'm doing a c25k and it is supposed to snow tomorrow so I need a treadmill asap. I was scared of going in as well.
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    Great advice everyone!! Im walking in today! Lol

    We're rooting for you!! Let us know how it goes.
  • dwood1231
    dwood1231 Posts: 275 Member
    There is no reason to care what anyone in the gym thinks. The only things that matter are that you are there doing what you do for you, and how you feel about yourself. Being there working out should make you feel good about your self. as for a game plan the odds are there are lots of people at your gym who feel the same as you, find one and help each other... Dont let what other people may or may not be thinking stand in the way of were you want to go.....
  • Jessica_Rhae
    Jessica_Rhae Posts: 5 Member
    Everyone is there for the same reason, to get healthy. I felt the same when I first joined but you will find that people are kind and very helpful. I also find that people are usually so absorbed in their workout that they rarely pay you any attention anyways. Lots of gyms have little orientation sessions where someone from the front desk will just show you the machines and a basic lesson on how to use them!

    Just remember, everyone at the gym has had a "first gym experience" also!
  • linnipopz
    linnipopz Posts: 20 Member
    I'm scared to, and I have been going to the gym for around 7 Months. I usually go to the gym with my mum 3 times a week but occasionally go on my own. Even though when I go in with my mum we go our separate ways - she goes to the bikes I go to the cross trainers.

    And when I go alone its just the walking in that panics me a bit....once I am in and doing what I want to do I am fine my minds on my workout not other peoples. I do worry about others staring at me but then I think, well at least I am trying to better myself and I might have a tomato face and I am soaking in sweat but I am there for a reason. Going alone means I am not demotivated by others deciding they cant be bothered & leaving the gym early and I can go at my own pace, its great and it gets easier!

    Also clothes wise - I wear 3/4 jogging bottoms so I am not to hot, I wear a tight strap top with a baggy vest on top. I used to hate having my arms flapping around but tbh I dont care anymore. Take a step at a time and you will get there.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Just do it. Wear whatever you have.... your lounging sweat pants and a baggy shirt... whatever. You're purpose for being there is to sweat... you don't have to look adorable. Don't worry about everyone else because they really don't care about you.... and actually... they are probably thinking that YOU are judging THEM! Just go in.... do what you need to do... and get out. Take music (ipod, etc) it makes the time go by SO much faster.

    Good luck!
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    Oh I hated walking into my new gym, in my opinion everyone was in way better shape then I was. It helped to have the intro session and I for the most part keep a routine, sometimes I'll go different from my routine to try something new like a class. But in the month or so I have gotten to know a few people at the gym and it's been great. It's nice to have a familiar face there even if you don't know them, someone to say hi to or something. But for the most part people don't care, they are busy focusing on their own stuff but if they see you doing something wrong they may try to help and don't get uptight about it, they are trying to help. Embrace it all, it's a fun experience if you let it be and don't take you worries into the gym with you.
  • Here's my first experience hitting the gym after a long absence and gaining weight. Hope this helps.

    I walk in, no clue what to do or where to go.
    I noticed the basketball court and see a few people playing. I remember how I was mad good at basketball and thought I'd give it a shot.
    We are doing 2v2, half court and going to 21. Three pointers were worth 2 points.
    Almost immediately, only a few minutes in I am near death. So out of shape.
    We finally make it to 21, my team wins but nobody says anything and they keep playing. That's it, I am dead if I don't get the hell out of here.
    After a few more scores I had to speak up. They said that they were just continuing because it's no big deal, nobody was waiting to get in.
    I tell them I had to go, I need to meet "someone".
    I awkwardly leave the basketball court and am glad to have escaped with my life.
    I wasn't actually done at the gym but I figured since I told them I was leaving then I'd probably look like a **** if they saw me on the bench press afterwards.
    I go home. LMAO
    40 minutes of driving there and back with only about 15 minutes of gym time.
    I hope this helps.

    Hahahahaha. It's going to suck either way, just get your *kitten* in the gym and be consistent. If I didn't know how to use some machine or whatever, I just went at it like an ape until I figured it out. No ****s given, just go.
  • Spartan_1_1_7
    Spartan_1_1_7 Posts: 132 Member
    Op - nothing to be afraid of at all. Everybody you see in the gym started off just like you are doing now :) No matter where you are there will always be some people less fit than you and others more fit than you. That is not something anybody can control :) It is absolutely great you decided to start something new - go with it and enjoy the experience :)
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Get to know the employees. I've been a member of my gym for 4 years. When I walk in the girls at the front know me by name. It knocks down a lot of anxiety when they say "Hey ____, nice to see you." Makes you feel like you belong there. Also, like a lot of people mentioned music is great. Put your headphones on when you walk in, it blocks a lot of distractions. If you don't have a music list yet, install Pandora on your smartphone (if you don't have it already) it's free and you can pick whatever type of genre of music you are into. It plays continuously with very few commercials and no DJs.

    I know there is nothing worse then walking to a piece of equipment and having no idea how to get it started! (been there)!!!
    One thing I would do was look at the model number of the equipment I was on or wanted to use and Google it and find a Youtube video demonstrating. Gotta love technology!

    Easiest equipment to start with is the treadmill. Get on and push quick start then push the MPH up to something comfortable (maybe 3.0 mph) for you and walk. Nothing more to it. Most equipment has a quickstart button, it starts the equipment up quickly without having to set programs.
    Good luck! It gets easier each time!
  • Jessintherain
    Jessintherain Posts: 67 Member
    When I first joined a gym a few years ago I was SUPER nervous. Here's a few things that helped me:

    I was doing New Rule of Lifting for Women, so I had a plan in hand
    I looked up how to do some of the more difficult to understand moves on youtube the night before
    I went in, and did my thing and looked at some of the other machines I might want to try

    When I got home, I looked up how to use some of the other machines or workouts I had noticed on Youtube as well.

    Depending on the gym layout, you might be able to park yourself on a cardio machine and look out at the rest of the gym and scope it out from afar for the first visit.

    Most of all, remember that people aren't really paying attention to you. But if you keep going back, they'll start to see you as a regular.

    best of Luck!!!