Terrified to walk in to Gym..just bought membership



  • Jessintherain
    Jessintherain Posts: 67 Member
    When I first joined a gym a few years ago I was SUPER nervous. Here's a few things that helped me:

    I was doing New Rule of Lifting for Women, so I had a plan in hand
    I looked up how to do some of the more difficult to understand moves on youtube the night before
    I went in, and did my thing and looked at some of the other machines I might want to try

    When I got home, I looked up how to use some of the other machines or workouts I had noticed on Youtube as well.

    Depending on the gym layout, you might be able to park yourself on a cardio machine and look out at the rest of the gym and scope it out from afar for the first visit.

    Most of all, remember that people aren't really paying attention to you. But if you keep going back, they'll start to see you as a regular.

    best of Luck!!!
  • Minouche1922
    Minouche1922 Posts: 23 Member
    I was like you too and spoke to the gym manager. He said that most people in his gym do not care about anyone else - because they are only interested in themselves and their progresses so the fear is probably in your mind. He said nobody in this world gives a sxxt about anyone else. I thought it was a bit cynical but he is also a trained psychologist so I think there is some truth in this.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    When I was trying to start going to the gym for more than just the treadmill, I watched a lot of videos on YouTube. I built a mini-gym routine for arms based upon that, hopefully going to do the same for free weights soon.

    As far as clothes, wear what you feel comfortable in. I never used to wear anything tight (who wants to feel like the chubby girl in too-tight clothing, right?), but eventually I realized that spandex-y running capris are really the most comfortable thing to run in (and prevent the crotch-eating-shorts effect). I've never had anyone say anything or look funny at me since I started wearing them.

    I find that most people at the gym are the "live and let live" variety. They go about their business, you go about yours.
  • Hammock
    Hammock Posts: 37
    You have been getting marvellous tips, and i really can't think of a thing to add. They are all right! I definitely recommend that you ask whoever does this at your gym, to show you exactly how to use the machines. And if you need refreshers on that from time to time never hesitate to ask. That's their job. I would also underscore how important it is to pay for a a session or two with a personal trainer to help you devise a program especially for you, that will help you to set appropriate goals and help you devise a program that will get you there! I did that and it was the best thing I did for myself. From time to time I hire the trainer to come back and watch my workout, see if my form is still good, and ask for changes etc. to keep it fresh. Good luck!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I usually work out at home with videos but working as a preschool teacher...Im exhausted when I get home so I havent been exercising like I want so I joined 24 hour fitness to work out on my lunch breaks...Im terrified to walk in...I dont have a game plan, dont know where to begin...I dont know what to wear! Lol...I dont want to stick out like a sore thumb and I cant afford a trainer...Please any tips, advice, encouragement would be great! Yes I know Im being a baby...

    1) Don't be scared. No one working out there cares that you are there
    2) Make a game plan. Am I doing cardio? Am I doing weights? If so arms or legs? You can probably get 2 sets of 15 reps on 5 different machines/moves in a lunch hour.
    3) You are there on your lunch break. You need to have a plan in place so that you can make the most of it
    a) time to gym (?)
    b) change time (5 mins)
    c) warm up (5 mins)
    d) core workout (25 mins) This would be either the weights or cardio
    e) cool down/stretch (5 mins)
    f) shower and change (10 mins)
    g) back to work (?)

    This is not some magic formula. This is just how I think. I break it down. Maybe it will help.:flowerforyou:
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    It can help to read a book on the topic that perscribes a workout program. The New Rules of Lifting series is really great for this. I'm doing the one for women now.

    Everyone makes mistakes. I was using the assisted pull-up machine in a crowded gym when the pin flew out as I was climbing on (which is awkward anyway). Just laughed at myself and put the pin back in and tried again. I also couldn't figure out how to adjust the height of the squat rack the other day but someone came over and fixed it for me. Decided to laugh it off, be thankful I now know how to do it instead of getting embarassed.

    People are generally pretty nice and helpful in the gym. Most of the time, however, they're minding their own business, not yours.
  • mmredd100
    mmredd100 Posts: 50 Member
    I used to work at a gym for seven years so I never really had the gym fear until I switched gyms out of my comfort zone. But I was one of those people who offered free consultations at the beginning and i strongly recommend it. It definitely helps but with those you get out about as much as you put into it. Ask tons of questions if you go to one no matter how dumb you think your questions might be. The more engaged you get with the people that work there the more comfortable you will become. At the gym I worked at we were always waiting for people to talk to (although some places aren't like that) and we found that the more we talked to people the more they came back! Everyones advice on here is spot on though. Try not to pay attention to other people. If you want to incorporate weight lifting look into the programs like these members have suggested but also look into classes if your gym offers them. I am terrified of the guys around the free weights at my new gym but my gym offers classes that includes weight lifting classes so thats where i do my lifting. Plus RESEARCH! this place is a great community for advice but like they also said look online youtube etc. I've learned so much on my own just by searching stuff online.

    Good luck!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Remember: The gym is not a social club. You are there to get into better shape, just like everybody else who's there. It's not a social club.

    If you don't know where to start, then start on something like a treadmill and watch who's doing what. You don't really need a trainer - you just need someone to show you how to use the machine's. Most of them nowadays have little diagrams on the side that show you how to use the machine.

    Do what you're comfortable doing....make up your own routine!!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    So many encouraging and good posts here. We've all been in your shoes, so no worries. Just go there today and ask for help at the desk--don't be afraid; you'll be glad you did, trust me. Smile at other people (even if it's a nervous smile...most of them will smile back and you'll feel a lot more comfortable). Good for you to try to slip in a lunch hour workout. Even if you only get in 20 minutes of good intensity, that's 20 minutes you wouldn't have had otherwise and it all adds up!
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    So I went after being inspired by this post. I went to planet fitness today and it was awful I mean I knew it was no equinox but I was expecting more! I said it was my first time going to a gym and the guy literally pointed and said ladies locker that way no tour no help. I think I am going to use the rest of the month I paid for and find somewhere new. Good thing there is no contract But on a positive note the people working out were not awkward and I was surprisingly in better shape than a lot of the people there so I was not as embarrassed.
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    I joined the gym very recently and let me tell you, I was a nervous wreck! I was scared people would look at me funny, would doubt my motivates and judge me.

    Today, only a couple weeks later, I can proudly tell you that the gym is the place I feel most comfortable at! Everyone there has similar goals - get healthy (whether is losing weight, building muscle, gaining weight.. you name it!)

    If you don't have a game plan, just walk in and take a look around. I can't speak for your gym but at mine there are TONS of different machines, weights, and tools like jump ropes and yoga mats. The first day I'd recommend just trying a little bit of everything. See which things give you a comfortable push, what weights are good for you and what machines seem most "fun!" (Yes, you should be able to have fun at the gym!)

    After you've decided what things you like best (while considering what your goals are - how much weight do you want to lose? Do you want to gain muscle? Do you have any back/knee/etc problems?) make a routine! Don't be afraid to ask anyone for help (workers or members!)

    And mainly just remember that you're doing this for YOU! Walk in there with a little confidence and realize that everyone there has been in your shoes before so there's a level of respect! :)

    Good luck! And add me if you need some support! :)
  • jessicaxx_23
    jessicaxx_23 Posts: 10 Member
    I started to go to the gym as a teenager and I was scared a first too. I think the fear is of being judged or feeling weird working out in public but it goes away fast. Within a couple days of going I felt comfortable and it became an addiction I still have at 23. I don't have a lot of weight ( or really any) to lose since I'm already thin but I'm toning up and I have to say the majority of the people at the gym are NOT like me. Most are very out of shape, using machines wrong, dropping weights, etc. I don't judge them. In fact it makes me happy they are there taking the initiative. Everyone has to start somewhere. It does depend to some extent which gym you go to as far as the demographic. I have been to a few in my decade of working out. Right now I use my college gym which has a much higher percentage of fit people to out of shape people . But when I went to the Y or my friends "membership" type gyms the majority of people were starting out and I was out of place. Just do whatever you want to do and don't look back :)
  • kellbot1
    kellbot1 Posts: 10 Member
    sphkhn - sorry your first day was so bad :( I agree that the desk clerks at Planet Fitness can be kind of useless, but the one where I am has a class schedule you can get if you ask. The couple classes I went to were pretty good for being shown around the various equipment.

    I actually didn't really like making it up as I went along, and have found having a set routine really helped me focus and get in/out of the gym faster.
    There are some nice routines on jefit, which I suggest preceeding by a 10-15 minute warmup on the cardio machine of your choice. Each exercise has instructions to show you how to do it, which is nice.

    This one is machines-only if you are intimidated by free weights: http://www.jefit.com/routines/workout-routine-database.php?id=20525
    This one uses dumbbells, which I really like working with. http://www.jefit.com/routines/workout-routine-database.php?id=19974

    I don't feel as silly camped out in the corner with a dumbbell as I do bench pressing the bar with no weight on it. But really, most people aren't even going to notice what you're doing because they're focused on their own workout.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    They should definitely offer you an orientation and perhaps a game plan...I'd be surprised if they don't since gyms always try to sell personal training. :) Definitely take a look around at the equipment, think about what you want to do, check out books/magazines/Youtube for routine ideas. Do they have classes? They've become my favourite part of the gym.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    So I went after being inspired by this post. I went to planet fitness today and it was awful I mean I knew it was no equinox but I was expecting more! I said it was my first time going to a gym and the guy literally pointed and said ladies locker that way no tour no help. I think I am going to use the rest of the month I paid for and find somewhere new. Good thing there is no contract But on a positive note the people working out were not awkward and I was surprisingly in better shape than a lot of the people there so I was not as embarrassed.

    I used to do PF. I switched to LA Fitness. You have to be careful of the trainers, they work on commission, but other than that, nice place and I love the classes. Also they have a well stocked free weights area.

    Glad to hear you aren't completely discouraged. You'll get there! I like classes because I met so many awesome people in Zumba.
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks guys so I asked and the location I joined has no classes it's too small. I've gone two days in a row and used the elliptical and the treadmill I think I am just going to put up with it for the month and move on at least I'll have no awkward first gym feelings with whatever new place I look into. I also looked into free weeks at a few other gyms to try out and find one within my budget which is limiting but it'll all work out I'm sure.
  • JCLondonUK
    JCLondonUK Posts: 159
    I'm so glad to hear that someone else was so concerned that they were puzzled about what to wear! Thanks for posting your question! Me too!! :smile:

    So ... I joined a gym a couple of months ago, and hung out on the exercise bikes and the treadmill for a couple of weeks, feeling keen but ignorant. And then I realised I needed more help. So, I know it's expensive but I signed up for some personal training sessions, and it was the best thing I ever did. I can't afford it, for sure, but I've learned so much I really recommend you trying to find the money, if you can, even for just a session or two. I am now lifting weights, and throwing things around, and using kettlebells, and no end of other things that I couldn't even have identified 2 months ago. And feeling fitter and better to boot!

    Good luck with it. :smile:
    UFITYETXX Posts: 38
    Haha! So I walked in today thinking of all the great advice and encouraging words and had a great time! No one cared to even look at me lol. I spent the majority of the time on the weight machines so I will be sore tomorrow. Thank you again for all your kindness and Im glad this post was helpful to others!
  • Shaselai
    Shaselai Posts: 151
    Dont be terrified...i am very over weight and i am usually the top 3 "stand out" overweight people in the fitness classes but you know what- it doesn't really matter once you start exercising. I felt that if i am that uncomfortable having people look at me in the gym i would be even more so outside since there's even more people looking at me.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    Without reading any other replies, I just want to say something, and I mean this is the nicest possible way - nobody cares what you're doing in the gym! Everybody is just as self-obsessed as you are, and rightly so, so grab a good sports bra, a good pair of trainers, some clothes you don't mind getting sweaty in, and get to it!

    You will feel awkward at first for sure, but you don't get to the comfortable / confident phase until you've made that first scary jump. Everyone has to do it, nobody was born in the gym.

    Good luck, all of you! It'll be your second home in no time :)